Sit down Mellie…

Mellie ran to the door. She began knocking. When she saw the guard coming she thought she was coming to save her.

Imagine her surprise when the guard smiled at her and kept walking.

Mellie was shocked that the guard walked past the room that she didn't hear Olivia get up. Olivia grabbed Mellie by the hair and dragged her back to her seat.

When Mellie tried to stand back up she pushed her back down.

"You can scream all you want but let me let you in a secret. The same way that you and Joseph paid guards to walk past this room while you were ruining people's life and enjoying your little love trysts is the same way we paid them to walk past the room today. You don't get a pass so sit your ass down. you are mine."

Mellie huffed as she realized she was stuck, "What do you want?"

Olivia smirked at her

"You can't hurt me. How would you explain it to the warden? Better yet how would you explain it to the public. Violence is not exactly what Olivia Pope is known for."

Olivia sat back down in her chair. She was still smirking. She never took her eyes off Mellie.

"It would be very easy to explain it to the warden. After all she is my godmother, and she was disturbed to hear that she had guards in her prison not following the rules."

"Oh really, and then she let you in here."

"Nope, I try not to mix business and personal. Plausible deniability is a wonderful thing. Should this go south, and I doubt that it will she was not brought into this. As for the guard walking back and forth well she really doesn't work here. She looks real doesn't she."

Mellie sat there stunned.

"Is it weird that I would take a page out of your book? I'm sure it is, and normally I would be disgusted with myself."

"What makes this time any different?"

"You came after my family. You hurt my children, and that is going to cost you."

"Don't you mean our children."

"Nope, they were never yours. You provided the egg and we thank you for your service. If that was your dig at trying to make me mad it didn't work. I was already pissed when I walked in the door. You are more than welcome to keep trying, but it might not work in your favor if I drag you across this floor."

Mellie sat back a moment, "Wow, I never thought I would see this side of Olivia Pope."

"You are right. Olivia Pope was a single woman. Olivia Grant is a married woman with children. I would love for you to test me, because I have more than enough anger built up to mop you up with the floor. If I leave any bruises I got a group of girls in your block ready to take the blame for it. They will be compensated for any punishment they receive."

For the first time Mellie knew that she was in real trouble. Olivia had crossed every I and dotted every T before she walked in the door. She had no more cards left to play.

"Fine, you won. What is that you want from me?"

Olivia sat back in her chair and smiled. Mellie wasn't sure how to feel about that reaction.

"When I look at you I never know whether I want to smack you or kiss you. Smack you for all the hell that you caused Fitz, Karen, and Jerry or thank you because your actions led them to me. I honestly don't understand women like you."

"Women like me?"

"You were a white woman that came from nothing and had everything handed to you. Instead of appreciating it you felt entitled for more. You wanted everything and did nothing to get it. Fitz is the type of man if you utter something you want he will get it for you, and if he can't he will find a way to get it for you. That man genuinely tried to love you. He only wanted the best for you and the kids, but what he didn't understand at the time was that you can never love a good for nothing hoe. Garbage is just that. It is a reason you throw it out, and that is what you are. You need to be thrown away, and I am going to make sure that happens."

"What are you talking about?"

"You, Joseph, and Big Jerry conspired to ruin Fitz and Elizabeth because you both knew that you couldn't come for them directly. The two of you decided to go after the only people left, and the two people that you knew meant the world to them and that was Ethan and Marian. It was a great plan, but you came after the wrong fucking people. Now my plan is a lot better, legal, and guaranteed to ruin any life you have left."


"Let's see. We sent a lot of information over to the FBI that they found interesting. I know for sure that you will be charged with conspiracy. When you used an ICE agent to conspire to have Ethan and Marian detained it became a federal crime. That is five years for each count, but why stop there. That is nothing compared to the racketeering charges that the three of you will face. Not just for this incident, but we established and found that you and Big Jerry have been in business for years. You have been intimidating people out of their businesses and more. I heard those charges range from 30 to 37 months for each count. For good measure because I wanted to make sure that I ruined any chance of you seeing the light of day again I also sent this information to the prosecutor who handled your abuse case again Karen. They are going back and adding those charges they dropped when you agreed to plead guilty. There was nothing in your plea deal that said they couldn't go back and refile charges. Take a breath I am not done. Not only do I want you to spend the rest of your life behind bars, but I want you penniless. I know the penal system. Anything can happen, and you could get released. Technicalities happen all the time, and if by chance you do see the outside of a jail cell again I want to make sure that you don't have two nickels to rub together. That is why you are going to be served with papers for defamation and emotional distress for what you put Ethan and Marian through. If you are worried about paying don't worry. We found your stash in a Swiss bank, and we made sure that all your funds were legal."

Mellie was stunned. She checked out somewhere in the middle. Once she heard FBI she knew she was in real trouble, but she was not prepared for what she heard. When all was said and done she could be spending the rest of her life in prison, and they were going after her financially as well.

Olivia brought her back, "Well this has been wonderful, but I have things to do. If I didn't make myself clear, then let me say it one more time. Leave my family alone. Whatever energy you have left you better put it into saving your life, because if you come near me or my family again I am going to have you killed. Do I make myself clear?"

Mellie looked up and realized that Olivia was in front of her. When she finally looked at her a chill ran down her body. She knew better than to try and say something back.


Olivia left the prison feeling a lot lighter. Two down and one to go.

Before she headed home, she headed to the doctor for her scheduled appointment. She had two primary doctors. One on each coast due to her traveling.

Dr. Burnette walked in the door, "Olivia, how are you?"

"Things are hectic, but nothing that I can't handle."

"Good, well according to your chart you are ready to have your IUD removed. Is that correct?"

"Yes, I thought I wanted to wait longer before expanding our family, but after marrying my husband my priorities have changed."

"I understand completely. Everything looks fine. The removal is less painful. Since New York is home base I am sure that when the time comes my daughter will be taking care of you, but you know that I am always a phone call away."

"I know. If you and your daughter are taking care of me. I am in excellent hands."

The doctor completed the examination and removed Olivia's IUD. She explained the possible side effects and Olivia was on her way.

By the time she made it back to the house she was exhausted mentally and physically. She expected to walk into a house full of people but was surprised that to find just her husband waiting on her.

She ran into his arms. He held her as she cried. She wasn't sure at what point she fell asleep.

The last couple of days had finally caught up with her. When she woke up she was still in her husband's arms.

She looked up at him as he swept her bangs out of his eyes, "You feel better?"

"Lots, where is everyone?"

"The kids are with your parents. Ethan is at work. My mom and Marian are doing something, and we are about to go away for a couple of days. The quarter is about to end before the kids were about for a couple of days. Their teachers have sent us all their work, and the grandparents have it. Everyone is okay, and right now as your husband I am going to whisk you away for a couple of days to take care of you."

With everything that happened right now she could use some time to reconnect with herself and her husband, so she gladly accepted the offer without asking any questions.

After getting their bags packed the couple headed out to the car that was waiting on them.

The couple chatted, and Olivia filled him in on what happened. Fitz also caught her up on Huck and Russell tracking down his dad.

Olivia looked up and saw they were pulling up to a resort and spa. A gentleman helped them out of the car and she found out they were at the Sycamore Mineral Springs Resort & Spa.

Fitz checked them in and they were escorted to their guesthouse. It was three bedrooms and baths. The house featured a full kitchen, separate dining, and living area. When she walked into the living room it led to a veranda with patio.

The guesthouse was stunning but when she saw the outdoor mineral spring hot tubs she was in heaven. They had one on the main level as well as one in their master suite.

She went into her husband's arms, "Thank you for doing this…"

"We needed a moment to reset. We still must deal with my dad. I appreciate everything you have done. You have been the strong from the moment we found out about Ethan and Marian. You haven't let up. I know we still have to deal with my dad when the time comes, but for right now let's reset."

"I like the sound of that."

Fitz had arranged for them to enjoy a romantic dinner for two.

While they showered and changed the resort staff had come in and set up the veranda.

Olivia was in awe of what they had done in a short amount of time.

Fitz helped her into her seat.

He wanted the night to be all about her, so he asked the chef to fix her favorites. They started out with stuffed artichoke. They enjoyed a house salad with lemon vinaigrette dressing before they had their main entrée which was organic filet of beef with carrot cumin, colored cauliflower, roasted beets, and machego fondue. The meal was topped off with apple crisp for dessert.

Olivia sat back in her chair. She was stuffed.

Fitz kissed her hand, "Did you enjoy dinner?"

"Yes, and the company was even better."

"Well if you enjoyed the company I think you should change so we could enjoy this bottle of Pensfold St. Henri Shiraz with me."

"It would be my pleasure."

After changing clothes, the couple were relaxing in the tub. Olivia turned and looked at her husband, "I did something else today beside visit Mellie."

"What was that?"

She handed him the piece of pamphlet that he got from Dr. Burnette's office.

It took him a second to realize why she gave it to him. Once it all clicked he looked at his wife.

"We are trying…"

"We will be. As much as I want to jump your bones tonight I am a bit achy and tired. After a few days though we are officially in baby-making mode."

Fitz was silent.

"Are you okay?"

"I am, but I will be better when we get my father handled."

"We will, but in the meantime let's reset so we can enjoy every moment of this process from trying to getting pregnant."

Fitz leaned in and kissed her, "I promise to be there for you every step of the way. I have made a lot of mistakes when it comes to being a husband and father, but I am trying not repeat them again."

Olivia caressed his cheek, "You are nothing like your father. The kids and I know that. I know you feel like you have put me in the middle of your problems, but you didn't. They created the problems and together we are fixing them, and this time we are making sure that they will never bother us again. we all deserve peace especially the children."

The couple held each other and thought about their future. One that would include children that were a mixture of the two of them that they created out of love and would love and cherish. They looked forward to seeing the older two help their siblings, and how they would look as a blended family.

Olivia wanted to make love with her husband, but her body wouldn't allow it. Fitz was more than happy to take care of her, and if it was a glimpse at how he would treat her when she was pregnant then she looked forward to when those days arrived.

Fitz arranged for them to spend the next day at the spa. He didn't think he would really be into the spa but would do it for his wife who loved her spa time. By the end of the day he knew he would have to partake in the spa more often.

They had started out with a 60-minute soak in the mineral springs hot tub. From there they enjoyed a 50-minute integrative Swedish massage, detox body brushing &blueberry scrub, a vibrant skin facial, and ended the day with a manicure and pedicure.

The couple felt renewed. It allowed them to reconnect with one another before they had to step back in the real world. It would be just what they needed to face their toughest task.

Three Months Later

The couple landed. Between the fifteen-hour flight and the eight-hour time difference they were exhausted. They were in Marshall Island. Until two weeks ago they had never heard of the island. They learned that the Marshall Islands is a sprawling chain of volcanic islands and coral atolls in the Central Pacific Ocean, between Hawaii and the Philippines.

This was also home for Big Jerry Grant. It didn't take them long to find him, but they had taken a break from tracking him down to exonerate Ethan and Marian. Once their case was completely resolved they focused their attention on Big Jerry. Once they tracked him to Marshall Island the two of them took turns going to the island to watch him. He picked the island because it has no extraction to the United States. He thought he had covered all his bases, so he really wasn't hiding. In his opinion he had really done anything he just needed to cover his bases.

Russell took them to Bikendrik Island which was a private island boutique resort. It was a beautiful island surrounded by water. The couple checked into their one-bedroom beach house that was built directly at the lagoon. It had a covered porch, and an over water terrace.

After getting settled in they enjoyed a shower outside under the palm trees while enjoying a view of the reef.

They stayed around their beach house for a couple of days until they got the signal. It was showtime.

The couple headed down to the Tide Table for dinner. The restaurant was in the Hotel Reimers. While it was the place to be on the island it was still odd to see his father when they walked in. He was entertaining a woman at the bar, and didn't even notice them when they walked in. The couple enjoyed their meal and watched Big Jerry talk and drink without a care in the world.

The couple took their time and enjoyed their meal. They didn't have a care in the world either, because their life was about to get much better soon.

After dessert they ordered a drink and headed outside where they relaxed and talked about everything and nothing until Big Jerry called it a night.

They followed him as he left her room to make it back to his bungalow. He was turning to head to the private entrance when he heard, "Father…"

Big Jerry froze. It took him a moment before he turned around, but when he did he was staring at his son and his wife. Sure, he was about to pretend that he didn't have a care in the world, but the truth was that he was scared shitless.

"What are you doing here son?"

"I thought we should catch up. Let's talk in your bungalow."

"I don't have a room here."

"We both know otherwise. Huck is standing at the corner. Please don't make me have to call him over and have you escorted to your room."

Reluctantly he turned around and walked to the room. He didn't want anyone in his business.

He was surprised when he walked in the room, and saw a man sitting on the couch. He felt like he had seen him before, but at the moment it was irrelevant. He looked scary as hell, but once again he would have to fake it till he made it.

He turned around and looked at his son, "Is this supposed to scare me? Are you coming here to threaten me? If so save your breath…"

Fitz looked at his father. He wondered how he came from him. Before they left for the island Olivia had made it clear to him that she wasn't getting involved when they faced Big Jerry unless need be. She didn't give an explanation. She didn't have to. He needed this moment to stand up to the man who tried to hurt him any chance he got. Today he was about to learn that he would never hurt him or his family ever again.

Fitz sat down in front of his father, "I'm not here to threaten you. I just wanted to deliver some news.

Big Jerry scoffed, "Sure, so you paid people to track me down and then you travel with your wife and some goons to deliver some news. Do I look like an idiot to you?"

"No, you look like an ass to me."

"Watch your mouth!"

"Or what?"

Big Jerry threw his fist to punch Fitz, but he was expecting it and dodged him and punched him in the mouth.

Shock was an understatement. Big Jerry always knew that Fitz was bigger and could hit harder than him, but he had never tried to. He always sat there and took it.

Fitz pulled him up, "Next time I promise you won't get up so don't try that again."

For the first time Olivia could tell that Big Jerry was scared. He finally was beginning to accept that he wasn't in control.

He sat down again.

Fitz said, "You are going to listen and not say a word. You no longer control shit. Are we clear?"

Big Jerry nodded

"I'm not sorry that I hit you, but I am sorry that it has come to this. I have waited all my life for you to see me as your son, and sadly until I just defended myself from you have I realized that is going to never happen. You can never see me as a son, because you don't see people. You view everything as an object. An object that can be bought at the right price. Some would say it is that rich what man's mentality, but I have come to learned that it is all races. I will concede that it is mostly white men though. And you dad are the President of the group. I'm grateful that I had mom and Marian who kept me focused. They showed me that life was about more than wealth, and if you have it then you should pay it forward. You are a sick man. You demanded I marry a woman that was really yours, and it is not all your fault. I knew in my heart, but I wanted to please you. Pleasing you has done nothing but cause me and those that I love pain which is why I am done. You will always be my father, and I forgive you for everything that you have ever done to me. I forgive you not for you, but so that my wife and children can have all of me. They deserve that much."

Big Jerry shrugged his shoulders, "You came all this way to tell me that. Once you found me you could have sent a post card."

It was taking everything in Olivia not to get up and slap him. She forced herself to stay seated. Besides they all knew that he had no soul. She wasn't expecting Big Jerry to change just because his son was standing up to him.

"No, I came to tell that the jig is up. You are one sick man. You are so desperate for revenge that you would send your son away to a country that he has never lived in. You would take away everything that he worked hard for no reason."

"You can't prove anything…"

"But I can. Joseph has been more than happy to talk to the FBI. On our way here, we learned that the grand jury had indicted Mellie on federal charges, and she was being transferred into federal custody. From my understanding she is now ready to talk. I'm sure you think that you covered all your bases, but Huck and Russell are the best. You did a really good job hiding the money not just in offshore accounts, but in some shady businesses across the globe. What made you get in the bed with the Russians? So, to answer your question earlier I came here to tell you that you should have taken mom's advice. Took your money and lived your life, but instead you continued to try and get revenge when you were the one that was in the wrong to begin with. Now I am getting even for everyone. You are going to suffer for the rest of your miserable life while we live happy, wholesome lives."

Fitz got up and grabbed Olivia's hand. Huck and Russell got up. One in front of the couple, and one behind them.

Big Jerry yelled out, "The United States can't extradite me. You had to have known that when you found out where I was."

Fitz nodded, "You are right. I did know that. Besides the crimes you committed in the United States are white collar crimes. You have enough money to hire a high-powered lawyer who will get you off with fines and probation."

"Then what the hell are you talking about. Stop talking in riddles."

"I'm not. You were just not listening. All I can tell you is to watch your back. Although it won't really matter, because we have disclosed your location."

With that they walked out the door….