My B. I'll try to get some writing done but we'll see. Been busy.

Obviously I don't own Naruto or anything that breaks copyright laws.


Naruto looked on as he escorted the redhead into the lobby of the rehab center. As soon as Naruto stepped in, a familiar looking ANBU was sitting idle in the lobby. Yomi walked towards the duo, nodding his head before speaking. "Follow me." Naruto obliged without a word.

As they walked through the plain, narrow hallways of the rehabilitation center, no one said a word, the beat of the music the blonde was bumping to providing the only break in the silence. Eventually, Yomi turned to a rather unassuming door, knocking before entering the room.

They were greeted by a woman sitting with her legs crossed, ANBU mask on. Talk about security measures. Naruto pushed the redhead so that she would be within proximity to the ANBU. Must've been a Medical-nin or something. Naruto took his earbuds out, as the woman began to speak.

"I would advise you to kindly seat yourself by the door with my colleague, Yomi-san. Getting involved will just disrupt us." Naruto looked dumbfounded, as the woman stood and pointed towards the door behind him; Yomi was already sitting, looking at his phone. When he turned back to the woman, she was already engaged in conversation with Tayuya, yet he couldn't hear what they were saying in spite of their lips moving. One, more stern look from the woman indicated the kyuubi to seat himself beside Yomi. Yomi spoke up, "She put a genjutsu on us preventing us from being able to listen to only them. She doesn't like to reveal her rehabilitation techniques, for whatever reason." Naruto turned to Yomi.

"How long are we gonna be here?" the blonde asked.

"A couple hours, at least. Make yourself comfortable." the Jonin answered. Naruto took a deep breath in. Fuck me.

"How's it been, looking after her?" Yomi asked.

"Let's not bring that up." Yomi chuckled.

"You did this to yourself kid, we coulda ju-" Naruto cut him off. "Yeah, yeah, I get it. I'm sticking with my decision. She could be the key to finding Sasuke."

"You should focus more on training to kill him than saving him, baka." Naruto waved his hand in dismissal. "I just wish I could fucking go out at night at least, this bitch is such a handful." Yomi snorted.



"Someone's getting defensive." Naruto groaned to himself, before answering back. "Bro, I do not like her at all, not even as a person. She's cocky, hot-headed, arrogant, and a dickhead. Please." Yomi's head tilted slightly.

"Sounds like you. A match made in heaven. Or maybe hell." Naruto shook his head in disbelief. "She has a kind of bad girl vibe going that makes her cute." Yomi finished, nudging Naruto. Naruto shoved back. NAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Yomi laughed slightly louder this time.

"You tryna smoke?" Yomi asked. Naruto looked at him skeptically. "What?" Yomi winked back at Naruto. After considering it for a moment, the blonde said "Sure, but where?"

"Let's go for a walk."

When Naruto and Yomi came back in the building, Tayuya was being pushed out of the room in her wheelchair by the nin who had been treating her. "Make sure she gets by to the compound in one piece." A relaxed Naruto shrugged his shoulders and walked behind the habanero to escort her out.

It was dusk and foggy, barely able to see ten feet ahead of oneself. There was a steady drizzle and Naruto had to walk through the redlight district in town, as well as the accompanying ghetto. It was the only part of town that the blonde could afford to stay, but no one dared to provoke the kyuubi. It must have been amusing to the regular bystander to see the flamboyant douchebag to be strolling around a cripple, but quite frankly Naruto didn't really give a fuck.

After summoning two clones to carry the wheelchair up the stairs to his apartment, Naruto walked into his home with a sigh of relief.

"You're reeking, I hope you realize that you aren't fooling anyone," Tayuya said strangely calm.

"I don't know what you me-"

"Oh CMON STUPID! You look more clapped than a comfort woman's butt cheeks!" Naruto was taken aback. "What did you do, smoke while I was doing my therapy?" The blonde nodded once, taking off his shoes without breaking eye contact. Drugs in the ninja society was a source of strong division. You were all in one way or the other. Naruto recalled having to fight a number of coked-out rogue nin a month earlier.

Tayuya grunted and shook her head, staring out the fogged window, "You could have at least offered some for me, knowing I'm going through so much pain." Naruto chuckled to himself.

"HAHA no."

AYYYY progress :)

Tell me what you think and leave reviews ALWAYS

I justbe in my feelings for a little and now I'm busy but I'll try to get back on the grind


I feel like Tayuya the type to be down for anything, she seems wild.