Lucy's pov:

I yawned and rubbed the back of my head, I frowned at the window.
Stupid curtains, guess I'll have to buy darker ones on my way home. I got up and looked at my calendar, smiling to myself I placed my finger on the circled date.
"I couple more days and I get the rest of my things!" I squealed in delight.

It had been a couple of days since I had to move places, my old house was too far away from both of my jobs so when this place opened up I jumped at the chance. Almost everything had made it to my house except my couch, bookcases, washing machine and dryer, and my bed. So I was currently stuck sleeping on the ground with a blanket. The moving company had called saying they would bring my items by the next day, however the movers got lost and everything ended up two towns over. I finally got a call saying they'd be here by Wednesday, it was Monday.

I looked around at all the boxes still packed with books and other things. I smiled and stretched while walking to my closet.
I wonder what I should wear to the library today...

I finally chose khaki jeans and a light blue v-neck shirt. I grabbed my things checking the time before heading for a shower.

By the time I got out of the shower and finished brushing my hair I had 17 missed calls from my best friend and coworker Levy. I furrowed my eyebrows wondering why she was calling so early. I decided to call her back.

I listened to the dial tone as I made myself a cup of coffee.

"LUCY!" I held the phone away from my ear and took a sip of coffee.

"Jeez Levy, chill at this rate I'll go deaf. Anyways what's up?" I leaned against my counter and drank more coffee.

"Where are you?! You were supposed to come in at 7:15a.m. it is now 8:45!" I spit out my coffee and wiped my mess.

"What?! No no no, I checked the schedule last night I don't start until 9:15 today." I quickly washed my dish and ran to my room looking for my schedule.

"That's next week, you probably got mixed up." I found it and groaned as I saw she was right. "Anyways hurry and get here, Erza is not to happy with you being late."

I gulped and grabbed my keys before running out of the apartment. "I'm already half way there!" I heard her chuckle and hang up.

Great way to start the day Lucy.
Natsu's pov:

I looked around for a parking space and finally found one. It was 8:50 and my first class started in ten minutes, I wasn't really in a hurry since the students still needed to change.

I walked through the front gate carrying my clipboard and felt someone bump my shoulder, "aren't you happy having it so easy in the morning."

I looked over and saw Freed walking next to me looking at his watch. "Eh, I usually have 20 minutes to spare give or take a few." I smiled and raised an eyebrow confused.
"Uh shouldn't you actually be in class right now?" Freed taught Latin classes, though I'm not really sure when the students would ever need to use it.

"Yeah, but I figure I should give them extra time to turn in their homework" He also loved torturing students with tons of homework that's always due the following day.

I rolled my eyes and felt myself get shoved as a blonde girl squeezed her way through us running towards the building.

"Sorry!" Freed chuckled at her yell and pointed. "One day you're going to be stuck in her place having to run to work" I shrugged and waved before heading towards the gym.

By the time I walked through the doors, the class president was already leading everyone through the stretches. I grabbed the pencil from behind my ear and started taking attendance. I finished at the same time the students finished stretching. I set my clipboard down and stretched a bit before looking at everyone, "Alright listen up! Your physical tests will be starting next week, which means today we're going to head out to the field." I heard groans and waited for it to settle down before continuing with the days lesson. "We'll be running two miles and afterwards you guys will come back in and split into two groups. We're playing dodgeball." The students cheers filled the gym.

"Natsu!" I looked over to Romeo. I hated being called Mr. Dragneel it made me feel old and I was only 25.

"What?" I motioned for everyone to start heading to the field.

"Are you going to be running with us?" I smiled and nodded as we got to the track.

"You know it, when have I ever passed up running. I'll run slowly so if you fall behind me you will end up running more than two miles understand?!" I yelled over the students chatter.

"Everyone ready?! Let's try to run this under 20 minutes!" I took off slowly and watched as everyone sped in front of me. Once I was sure everyone was at least a lap ahead of me I picked up my pace.

I looked up and saw the white puffy clouds and smiled. Seems so calm and peaceful today. It should be a good day.