A/N: Wow! 4 reviews! Thank you so much to ImpossibleThings12, Guest, Birdlover52percabeth, and animaljam for reviewing. You guys are literally amazing!
By the way, I'm sorry if the story seems confusing for now. All will be revealed soon!
Guest: In the first Trials of Apollo book, Sally is 7 months pregnant with a baby girl. That's the sister I'm referencing. :) However, this story occurs about eighteen years later, when she is seventeen, and Percy is thirty-six.
are all that are left of his memories.
Shards of broken glass and such.
It feels like somehow part of him was in that car crash,
and everything became jumbled.
Now the days seem to melt into each other, and he has lost his sense of time.
Jamey refuses to get out from under the seat.
"I want my Mommy," he informs Percy. "I don't like you. You're scary. And weird," he adds, scribbling on a piece of paper.
Percy pretends not to hear.
Instead, he concentrates on filling out his date of birth for what feels like the millionth time.
"I think my Mommy is sick," Jamey sighs. "The doctors took her away, just like with Daddy."
"She's okay," Percy says, hoping that he's telling the truth.
Jamey sticks his head out from under the seat. "Mommy says Daddy is sleeping," he pouts. "But I tried to wake him up, and it didn't work."
"Maybe he's tired." Percy tries to avoid telling the four-year old that his father might not wake up.
Jamey seems to consider this. "The doctors take everyone away."
He can't argue.
"Percy!" he turns around to see his mother, a cup of coffee in her hands. She looks a mixture of sad and mad and everything in between. "Where were you?"
According to his mother, Percy Jackson was gone from the NICU for over seven hours.
Seven hours.
Seven hours in which his daughter was getting sicker and sicker.
Seven hours in which he was with Katie and Travis, and talking to Frederick Chase on the phone.
{how could that have possibly been seven hours?}
His mother reaches up to hug him when she finishes speaking, tears of relief coming to her eyes. You scared me, Percy.
He pulls away.
His hands are shaking, and he doesn't know why.
{percy jackson is falling apart}
A nurse finally comes in to tell them that the surgery went well, that Zoë is fine.
It was all over so quickly.
Percy feels something on his face, but when he reaches up to touch it with his hand, it feels wet, like water.
He's crying.
His sister is sobbing.
"My heart is in pieces, Percy."
Then three words that will haunt him for the rest of his life.
"You broke me."
They let Percy see her again directly after.
{jamey is with him, squeezing his hand so tight that it's turning blue}
She is still the same size, the same weight.
But something is different. Somehow Zoë looks stronger.
A strange feeling travels up his spine.
He realizes that he's living for her now, that from this point on, her needs are first.
No more falling apart. No more losing himself. No more locking himself away in the crevice of his mind, trying to hide from the darkness.
Percy Jackson swears that he will glue the pieces of his life back together one by one, if that's what it takes to get his life back.
And he will do it not for himself, but for the tiny baby lying in an incubator in front of him.
She is his everything.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed! I promise to update more regularly from now on! Expect an update at least every other day.
By the way, are any of you close enough to watch the solar eclipse? Unfortunately, I'm not, but it seems like it would be pretty interesting to watch.
Until next time,
P.S. Please review! It really helps!