Yes, there has been a timeskip between this chapter and the last as you will realize once reading it. I figured hospital scenes would get waaaay to tedious and seem pointless so I just skipped over all of that to get back to the interesting bits.

"Black Widow taught me some of those moves" Spiderman called out to the bundle of women tied around the church's lamppost.

"Screw you!" The red-head, Carmina, yelled back.

Three weeks after being released from the medical ward of the new Avengers facility, and Peter was back into the spring of things as Spiderman. He'd been told to take it slower, that his healing abilities weren't running back at full pelt yet, Black Widow even decided to train him once he was no longer restrained to that medical bed. He had to admit, he was a lot better now. He'd beaten six professional arsonists with a history of violence and didn't even have a scratch on him. His suit had a few rips though, not hard to fix.

Peter heard the sirens and could see them a few blocks away "Enjoy another twelve years in prison, girls!"

"Just you wait, you little bug!" Rose, was it?, shouted to his retreating back.

"Well done, Peter" Karen said, sounding about as proud as an A.I could.

"Spiderman" Peter corrected "It's Spiderman when I'm in the suit" He reminded her.

"Of course, Spiderman"

Peter smiled. After a few weeks of healing (also known as nothing) and on-off training with the Avengers (one of the best experiences Peter had had in his entire life), he had been let back out as Spiderman. Tony was still keeping a close eye on him though, but it didn't bother Peter at the moment. He may have gotten back into the swing of things, but someone had hired the person that took him. The memories of torture were enough to give him nightmares, he didn't want there to be someone behind it. Someone they had no way of finding, someone who could do anything again at any time, someone who would try to hurt him. He didn't like grand plans; especially if they involved him somehow.

Sighing, Spiderman sat down and swung his legs over the edge of the roof. He looked out at all the city's lights. It was a beautiful sight. All the life and movement; people milling the streets, stores closing, apartment and house lights going on and off all the time. It was relaxing, it made Peter feel like what he was doing was worth it. But it made him wonder about the bad; did those kinds of people deserve this life? There were worse people out there then the one Peter had been at the mercy of.

"What are you thinking about?" Karen asked kindly, breaking the silence.

"I'm just wondering how someone could be so... bad"

"You mean the person who took you?"

"Yeah" Peter closed his eyes to block off the flashback that was about to start "Among others" He added after opening his eyes with a deep breath.

"Well I can't answer that, Spiderman. Humans are all so.. complex. Not everyone makes sense"

Peter listened to Karen carefully but never answered. He knew that, he just didn't get how someone couldn't care; how someone could enjoy doing what he'd suffered to others. It was horrible. It was insane. It wasn't right. It didn't make sense.

Karen, concerned at the silence, spoke again "Peter?"

"I know" He told the A.I softly.

He sat there for at least an hour. Nothing happened. Nobody called to see where he was. Karen didn't warn him that it was getting late.

It was peaceful. The silence.

"I don't think you still need to be watching him, Tony" Steve told him, arms crossed as he leaned back in the chair "He's healing fine, and he knows how to handle himself"

"But he's still waking up in the middle of the night screaming" Tony replied evenly, as his eyes stared at the non-moving tracker.

Steve sighed and cast his eyes down "I get that you care about him, but he doesn't need you watching his every move"

"I'm not watching his every move" Tony defended.

"You always have that tablet in your hand and you freak out whenever the tracker stops moving for more than two seconds" Wanda supplied from the bench.

"And it hasn't moved for about five minutes now" Tony tried not to sound worried. Peter was on top of a building so there was only one dangerous reason he could be unmoving. And Tony didn't want to think about it.

"See?" Steve stated.

Tony sighed and shut off the tablet, much to his own disagreement "There, I put it down. Happy now?"

Steve gave a there-you-go gesture and smiled "How hard was that?"

"How hard was that" Tony mocked before sighing. He was worried. He couldn't help it. He knew he shouldn't have been. There was no reason to. Unless of course, Alexa Ingris hired a new man to take out the Spider of Queens. Of the three potential people to hire Davian Attares, Alexa was the only one S.H.I.E.L.D couldn't locate. And the other two had had legitimate alibi's. Tony, along with S.H.I.E.L.D and many of the Avengers, had been following their own leads to finding Alexa. At Tony's request, no one had told Peter. He didn't want the kid knowing that this person was out there and in hiding. The poor boy had enough to deal with without feeling the need to look over his own shoulder at all times. That's why Tony had been tracking all his movements, in case Alexa tried something.

But there wasn't any indication that she had or was planning to.

At the first blip of the tablet, Tony left his thoughts and had the little device back in his hands within seconds. Ignoring Steve's sigh of annoyance and Wanda's huff of disapproval, Tony opened up the notification. It led to a black glitchy screen where a few words were impressed in bold.


"You're not actually going to go, are you?" Pepper's voice floated over his shoulder suddenly.

"It's Alexa" Tony replied, dark emotions glaring out through his eyes.

"Just be careful" Pepper said with hunched shoulders. She couldn't stop Tony if she wanted, not when he was that mad, not when he was that scared. It may not have been the world at stake this time, but Tony would take it that way. Because Peter Parker, a fifteen year old boy with a desire to make the world better, had found a place in Tony's heart. When Tony cared about someone, he would do almost anything for them. And this person had hurt one of those someones.

Wanda and Steve looked between themselves and the couple for a moment. Neither wanted to speak but both had questions. It was only when Tony was starting to leave that they stopped him.

"Wait!" Steve stood quickly "Don't you want backup?"

Wanda stood too, looking over expectantly.

"I need to go alone" Tony told them, regretfully. It would be a lot nicer if they were there. But he didn't know what Alexa was capable of. For all he knew, she had removed Peter's tracker and put it on that building, and had him with her right now. If that was true, she might kill him if Tony didn't follow her requests.

None of the room's occupants was able to get out another word before the billionaire had left. They looked between themselves, unsure what to do.

I made you wait for this one for so long, I'd really like to know if it was worth it. There's a little review button that you can press and write in to give me feedback. I would appreciate you use it.