Castiel saw the angel before Gabriel did.

His brother would claim that he did, that the angel told him he was there to protect Gabriel.

That was fine with Castiel. They didn't see the same angel anyway.

The angel Castiel saw had the brightest of green eyes and a mouth that quirked in an almost-grin in a way that seemed natural. He was different than the tall one Gabriel seemed so attached to. Castiel's angel pulled him out of Hell, gave him a change of clothes and another pair to keep, and left him in an area with the resources he would need to last a day or two.

Sure, Castiel only saw him for a moment in that small clearing but he was the only man there and he was so beautiful in a sense that could only be seen as holy. And, maybe the hunter then wanted to believe that man could be an angel, that he was worth the effort of God's children to pull him out of the pit. It never hurt to hope.

"Hey, Cassie," Gabriel grinned at his little brother, watching as the other drew in his sketchbook. "What'cha doing?"

"I am drawing, Gabriel," Castiel answered. "I know you can see that."

"Yeah, but what are you drawing?"

"I'm drawing-"

"An angel."

The youngest Novak jerked upright, eyes wildly going in the direction of the voice. There stood Gabriel's angel, the one his brother so fondly called Sam, looking over his shoulder at the drawing in Castiel's grasp. His hand was outstretched towards his brother, keeping him frozen. His eyebrows were scrunched up and the hunter never thought the first true emotion he'd see on the angel's face would be confusion.

He never thought the second would be hurt.

"Where-" Sam cleared his throat, surprise flickering across his features. "Where did you see this angel?"

Castiel studied the being in front of him, "I believe he was the one to pull me out of Hell."

"No, no, that's not-" The angel stopped, closing his eyes for a moment. "That angel does not exist."

"But he did. Who was he?"

Sam seemed to contemplate answering, "He's… He was my brother."

"I thought all angels were related, though."

"In a sense, we are. God, however, chose a pair of angels as his keepers, to watch over the proceedings of Heaven and pass judgement when Michael was unable to."

"So, you're powerful," Castiel shut his sketchbook, setting it aside to fully focus on the story.

"I was. When my brother and I, when we fought together, we were near equal to Michael himself. Alone…" Sam clenched and unclenched his fist, looking out the window, "Alone, I am just another angel. Father -God- decided that we wielded too much power. He made it so we had to be near each other in order to fully access it."

"Like soulmates."

"Yes, like soulmates. The angels didn't like it, however. They believed we didn't deserve our power. So, they attacked when we were at our weakest."

Castiel's eyes widened, "Your weakest?"

"We fell in love, Castiel. I met a young woman years back by the name of Jessica. She was- She was probably the one woman I would become human for- the one woman I would fall for." He turned to the hunter, "And then they killed her. They killed my brother's lover, too. We were grieving and I… I left him, I ran. The angels managed to overtake my brother. I never saw him again."

The hunter was shocked. Never had he expected any of this. He had always thought angels were righteous and pure, and yet they had killed humans because they did not like the power God had given a pair of angels who were supposed to be their family.

"He doesn't exist anymore, Castiel Novak. It is futile to hold on to him." Sam put down his hand, releasing Gabriel from his hold. "Have a… Good day."

Gabriel shook his head, "What the hell? What just- Why does my head feel weird?"

Castiel bit his lip, "Maybe you had too much sweets."

"Nah, bro. There's never such thing as too much sweets!" Gabriel still looked out of it, if not a bit skeptical as well, but seemed to abandon what he was saying previously and headed to his bed, "You should get some sleep, Cassie."

"I think," Castiel gave his sketchbook a quick glance. "I will take a walk." The hunter had always taken walks to clear his head after a hunt or sometimes when he was thinking too much. After thirty minutes, or even an hour, he would find himself becoming sleepy and head back to the motel. This time, though, Castiel had a plan.

"Alright, don't get lost or eaten!"

Castiel felt like an idiot doing this but he didn't know what else to do.

He soon found himself in a small clearing about ten minutes from the motel, pacing around. What would he say? He had planned on trying and contacting the angel he swore he saw despite Sam telling him he didn't exist anymore. He had to know for certain, had to know for himself if someone truly cared enough to save him.

Taking off his trench coat, he haphazardly threw it on the dirt, ignoring the fact that he probably stained it. He walked over to the middle of the clearing and tilted his head up and closed his eyes, knowing that the angels didn't actually care whether humans were kneeling or not while praying.

I don't know what I am really doing anymore or if you are even listening, but part of me hopes you are. I must know if you had pulled me out of Hell and, if so, why. I have done more wrong than not and I didn't deserve what you did for me. I do not even know your name. Please, if you are listening, give me a sign. My name is Castiel Novak.

The hunter slowly opened his eyes and was vaguely disappointed when he was met with the same small clearing. What was he expecting? A big grand gesture revealing the same man he thought he saw the day he was pulled out of Hell?

He angrily stomped the ground, frowning to himself. No one saved him. Castiel turned around and went to scoop up his trench coat when he noticed it was gone. He looked up and found it sitting on a rock, all clean and folded up neatly.

He gasped.

This was the sign he had been looking for.