Drunken Cognition, Escape Reality
Chapter 13 The Voices

The voices never end, nor do they grow weaker. It's hard to hear yourself think when you have multiple voices screaming at you from all directions. It makes it even worse when you can't even see who is talking to you or even trying to decide if there is someone there at all. Those voices, have no mercy. It's like they are trying to change me. Change the way I think. I really don't remember how I got here, or why I'm even fighting them. Maybe, they know better than I do.

I don't know how long I've been here. To be honest, I'm not sure if I want to leave. The outside world is a cruel and blood-thirsty place, that's what they always say. The voices, shown me things. Terrible things about the world I once knew.

They showed me images, of my bullies. Dying in terrible ways. They always end up crying out in agony and begging for mercy.

"Mercy is for the weak. Mercy begets betrayal. Show no mercy to your enemies,"

That was their first lesson, they taught me. "Mercy is only for those who deserve it."

For a brief period of being free from the nothingness. I stared down at their faces.

If their death was a terrible thing. Then, why was I so happy? I should be on my knees, crying. I should be running to the police station, and begging for help.

Is this what the world is about. Anyone who raises their hand against me, I have to hate them. Wish for them to suffer. I can't.

"...but they didn't refuse to raise their hand against abused you. They hated you. They want to break you down bit by bit until your no more,"

I curled up, while I trembled. They're back, and ready to tear my mind into pieces, once again.

" How about we have another lesson," they screamed.

The darkness felt colder than usual.

" What knowledge do you know of the word Wrath,"

" worse than anger. It can lead people to do things to their fellow men, out of hatred,"

The voices seemed to be pleased with my answer," How does one's wrath become a sin."

I closed my eyes," When it becomes hatred in men's hearts,"

" Why,"

" I...,"

" Mankind has an unholy desire to watched their fellow men who have done wrong to them to suffered," they shouted, causing me to cover my ears," Wrath is a divine right. In the hands of men, it becomes revenge."

I cried out, as felt a sudden sharp pain in my chest,"What those...bullies showed you was hatred. Their crimes should be punishable by death," they growled.

"...but I'll be no different from them. I would be doing out for revenge," I wish I never said that. My statement only served to make the pain worse.

" They deserve your wrath. They are nothing but the unholy scum of the earth," the voices paused, trying to calm themselves," Wrath and Mercy go hand and hand," they spoke a lot calmer," You must learn when to use them. A perfect way, to help you learn is by doing. Here's your first test,"

Suddenly, I was blinded by a light. The next thing I knew I'm standing in a middle of a room. The only source of light came from the TV behind me.

I closed my eyes.

White noise. It was the first sound that filled my ears. Finally, I'm free from the voices. I don't care if it may only be a minute or an hour. I would gladly enjoy every second. I can finally hear my own thoughts.

The second thing I hear was screaming, and people begging for...mercy. That's was when I felt something wet, and warm beneath my feet. I looked down, and gasp in horror. Wh-why is there blood? My eyes followed the trail until they stopped on a man and woman laying down on the ground next to each other, in a pool of blood.

I took a step back, as I screamed. I...I have to go get help. I need to-.

" You crazy Bitch. I'll kill you,"

I froze. That voice.

" How dare you. You, Coward, untie me. You Murderer,"


I looked at the person tied to a chair, in front of me. He kicked and scream, as tears pour down his cheeks. His eyes burn with hatred.

My eyes widen in shock,"," I whispered in disbelief.

" Hironaka-Kun,"

" Here's your test," the voices whisper in the back of my mind" This is the boy who caused all of your sufferings. It's time for him to face judgment. It's time for you to decide if you will show him your mercy or wrath,"

I shook my head," No...please,"

" I know what this is all about. Your brother. You're doing this for him. You little whore. You act weak and hopeless, but you really are a cold-hearted Bitch,"

" Do it,"

" kill him,"

" Mercy or Wrath,"

"Punish him, Akane,"

I sink down to my knees, as I clutch onto my head," Shut up,"

" Show him your Wrath,"

" Mercy is for the weak,"

" Remember what he did to you,"

" Do it for your brother,"

" Brother...," That's right. I had a brother. Everything I've done so far is for him. He had the most beautiful grey eyes, that looked into mine with such warmth, but they took that warmth from me.

I stood up, as the sudden realization hit me. They took him away from me. They dare use him to break me. I tighten my grip on the knife's handle, as my breathing quicken.

" Wrath...," I glared down at him.

" What the fuck are you talking about,"

I broke out in laughter, causing him to jerk back in fear, as I took a step closer.

" Stay away from me," he screamed, as I charge at him, rising my knife in the air," Death to the Sinner,"

"Somebody help me,"

Kyoko's footsteps echoed off the marble floor, and ivory walls, as she grew closer to the pair of fancy doors. She lifted her head up slightly, allowing some of her hair to fall over her shoulders. She wrapped her hand around the handles, as she brought her other hand up, and knock on the door.

Esther stood behind her, with her hands clasped together, as she looked around the hallway.

The door opens slightly, as a young woman peeked out of the room. She smiled once she saw Kyoko and Esther. Her fingertips brush against her lips, as she gasps.

She pushed the door open further, as she steps out, reaching for Kyoko," Oh this is a surely unexpected, but also a well-received blessing. Forgive me, for not being able to return. I've been busy working for our Lord's servant," she quickly moved out of the way," Please, come in,"

Kyoko smile, with a nod, before entering the room, followed by Esther.

" It's good to see you again Masami,"

" Oh, has Akane finally join us. The last time I saw her. She refused to leave her world," she pauses as she glanced over at the window," Is she alright," she asked.

Kyoko couldn't help but smile," Our Lord Akane-sama is in our hands. She is now one with Mementos."

"Let us praise her name. Let us praise our Lord's name," Masami gave them both a warm smile.

" I'm sorry to change the subject, but how was your meeting with Masayoshi-sama," Esther asked.

Masami moved some hair behind her ear," You were right. He's starting to fear the Phantom Thieves,"

" Why surely he knows that we won't allow anything to happen to him…," she turns to face Esther,"…as long as our Lord continue to protect him," Esther smiled.

She turns back to Masami," Once they take that Prosecutor's heart. They will fall into the jaws of death."

Masami nods her head, " What about the preparation for our three sweet little angels," she asked.

Esther steps forward," We have everything taken care of. You need to rest,"

" You're right," Masami sat down in her chair, before crossing one leg, over the other," I must remain calm and collected."

Kyoko walked over to the window, before reaching up, and moving the curtains to aside, allowing more light to pour into the room," You know, we're actually going to enter her palace. Would you like to come," she asked, looking out the window, watching as people continue on with their daily lives.

Masami reached down, and pick up her cup of tea, " Unfortunately, I can't. I need to rest before I return to informing our Lord of our upcoming success," she brought the rim of the cup to her lips," Please if you find anything, let me know. I want to help you as much as I can."

" Of course," Kyoko spoke softly, as Masami took a sip of her tea.

Esther placed a hand on Kyoko, as she cleared her throat," I'm sorry to cut the reunion short, but we really must be on our way. We don't have a lot of time here. Please, calm yourself Masami," Esther bowed respectfully, before walking over to the door," I'll be outside."

" Thank you, Esther,"

Esther gives her a warm smile, before closing the door behind her.

" Please be safe," Masami begged.

Kyoko smiled," I will,"