Johanna Lee of the twenty-first century finds out that she should never scoff at superstition only after she ends up in the middle of a field raining blood and bullets, half-way through her flight.
She becomes a prisoner of war, a nurse, a swab, a pick-pocket, a baker's assistant, a fugitive and then a Phantomhive (slave) maid. Not that she's very good at any of them.
Although Johanna's desperate for a way back, she has to face her greatest enemies in order to do so - Work and Procrastination. And she's so much better at the latter than the former. As if that isn't enough, she's got some bratty kid with a heartbreaking sob-story and his suspiciously perfect butler digging into her past. What happens when they find out she had never existed before the year 1886?
Time Travel. Desitnation - 19th century
Story title, obviously a wordplay of the title of the film 'Back to the Future'
Thank you so much for stopping by. I've been playing with this idea in my head for a while and decided to publish it finally. Follow, for more. Review/PM for questions/chat/remarks
- 03.01.20 Under rewrite -