A/N: I decided to take a different path with today's prompt of GRANDmothers. The first thing you need to do, if you haven't read it already, is read my story Strangers Never Come to Storybrooke because this one is a sequel to it.

Emma wanted to get something really nice for Regina for their six-month anniversary. The past six months had been like a dream come true for her. She had been attracted to Regina almost since the moment she met her, but after they became friends, Emma realized she was falling in love with her.

But she didn't think Regina would ever consider taking their relationship in that direction.

Then came that disaster of a camping trip with her parents and Henry. She had showed up at Regina's door wet from the rain and partially covered in mud from where she had fallen. After taking a shower and borrowing some clean clothes, she, Regina and Henry sat down for a nice meal. It was especially nice after a weekend of eating what her parents caught and killed while roughing it.

There were times she was thankful for not growing up in the Enchanted Forest and that camping trip was a reminder of why that was.

Having dinner at Regina's was not an unusual occurrence but something felt different almost immediately and Emma wasn't sure what it was, only that she liked it. Regina and her always knew how to banter back and forth but there was something more flirtatious this time around to it.

The night ended with their first kiss.

They had been dating ever since and their six-month anniversary was in a couple of days and Emma wanted to make it special. She had considered getting an engagement ring and proposing because she was sure that Regina was the one she wanted to spend the rest of her life with, but at the same time she didn't know if Regina would think it was too soon for marriage.

Still, she wanted to make this anniversary special. It was why she was currently in Regina's vault, looking for a spell book. She wanted to see if she could make something with her magic like a flower or even a rose, something she could make appear in her hand so Regina would also see that she had taken her magic lessons seriously and that she appreciated Regina teaching her. Of course, that isn't all that she planned on getting her for their anniversary but she saw this as a more symbolic gift.

She thought she found the spell book she was looking for and she had open in her hands reading it when she heard a noise. Shit, she thought, someone was coming down – that someone had to be Regina. Emma backed up instinctively not realizing there was a small table right behind her with several potions on it. She ran into it and it went crashing to the ground just as Regina came into the room. She was about to apologize when she saw the look on Regina's face – a look not directed at her, but behind her. Emma turned just in time to see the portal that sucked her in.

Emma woke on the floor of the vault and scrambled to her feet. "Regina?" she said, even as she realized she was alone. The room looked different too. The table she knocked over was gone, as were the trunks where she had been looking for the spell book. Even the book was gone.

"Regina," she called out again, only to get silence.

She made her way up and out of the vault. It was night time even though it had been around noon when she had gone into the vault. Panic began to set in as she saw her car was also gone. What the hell, she thought, surely Regina wouldn't have just left me there.

She kept going over all of it in her head as she walked back into the town proper and headed to the mansion. Once she got there, she was thirsty from the walk and more than a little upset at Regina for disappearing like that. She had no idea what had happened and Regina at least could have helped explain a little of it.

Catching her breath, she rang the doorbell. She thought she heard a child laughing a moment before the door opened and she found she was staring at herself holding a small boy in her arms who was still laughing. The boy stopped when he looked at her and then back at this other Emma.

"Grandma Emma, who that?" he asked pointing at her.

"Regina!" the other Emma yelled, while Emma was frozen in place just staring.

"What is it dear?" Regina said coming up behind this other Emma. It was then that Emma noticed the ring on the other Emma's hand, a ring which matched the one on Regina's.

"This must a dream," Emma said. "A weird, magical coma or something because this is … this is not happening."

"Oh my," Regina said.

"Huh," the other Emma said. "I was wondering when this would happen."

"When what would happen?" Regina asked.

"This is me from the past," Emma said as if it was the most natural thing in the world. She put the boy down, but he stayed clinging to her side. "Why don't you come in? Don't worry, you won't be here too long before Regina, your Regina, gets you back."

"What?" Emma asked at the same time as Regina did.

"I can explain. I think," other Emma said. "Seriously, come inside."

Emma glanced at Regina, whom she realized like this other Emma, looked older, and then stepped inside. She followed the two women and the boy who kept looking back at her into the main room of the house and she was struck immediately by how it looked. The furniture was different, there was a huge television that she was sure Regina would never allow in her home and there were children's toys on the floor.

This other Emma bent down in front of the kid. "Why don't you play with your toys while the adults talk, can you do that buddy?"

"No," he pouted. "We were playing together."

"I know," she said. "And I promise I will play with you once we are done talking, ok?"


"How about you go play until we are done talking and then after not only will I play with you, but we will have some ice cream too."

"Ice cream!" the kid yelled so loud it startled Emma, who again looked at Regina who was shaking her head slightly.

"Emma, we talked about this, you can't bribe him," Regina said.

"Oh, that is rich, coming from the woman who installed an entire playground in the backyard for him," Emma said.

"And I stand behind that decision. He needs to be outdoors and not learning to play video games all day long."

"Hey, I'm all for outdoor activities but you have to admit the tree house with a slide was a little overboard."

"Really, and which one bought him a mini ATV for his birthday," Regina shot back. "You spoil him way more than I do."

"Please. Every time we get to watch him you bake cookies and fix whatever food he wants."

"Just like every time you let him stay up past his bedtime and don't think I don't know about the stash of candy bars you give him."

"I'm sorry," Emma said interrupting. "But what the hell is going on here? Who is that kid? What do you mean I'm from the past? And can I get a glass of water?"

"Of course, dear," Regina said walking out, presumable to get her that glass of water. Emma went ahead and helped herself to a seat on the couch, her eyes on the child playing on the floor.

"That's Barry Allen Mills," the other Emma said, taking a seat on the other end of the couch. "Our grandson. Henry's first child. Well hopefully his first. I expect others. Let me give you the short version as I know it. And I know it because it happened to me already. You were in the vault, thinking you would do some magic for our six-month anniversary with Regina. You knocked over a table, a portal appeared that sucked you in and you woke up in a slightly different looking vault. You came here trying to figure out why Regina would just leave you there in the vault but when you open the door you instead see me, your future self, and your grandson Barry."

"So, this is where you disappeared to that day?" Regina asked as she came back in and handed a glass of water to Emma. "You told me you didn't go anywhere or at least you didn't recall going anywhere."

Future Emma shrugged, "sorry. I didn't think telling you I came to the future for a tiny bit would be a good thing. Besides, if I told you that then I would have had to tell you we got married and we had a grandchild and all of it. I thought it best to keep my mouth shut."

"Wait, so we got married?" Emma asked.

"Yes," future Emma smiled. "We got married. In fact, you ask her on your six-month anniversary. Hint, she says yes. Don't worry, you will be back to your Regina soon. She will pull you back from the portal with her magic."

"Not an easy task," Regina added. "You were lucky I didn't decide to leave you there. As it was I made sure to clean up the vault and make sure no more magical mishaps took place."

"Wow," Emma said. "We get married and that's our grandson. Barry Allen – as in the Flash?"

"Yes," Regina said, proudly. "He's perfect, isn't he."

Emma could barely keep her eyes off him. This was Henry's son. Her son had a son. She was a grandma. Her smile grew bigger at the thought. "I'm going to spoil that kid so much," Emma said.

"See, you admitted it," Regina said.

"I did not, she did," future Emma responded. "And you spoil him way worse than I do."

"He's my only grandchild," Regina said and future Emma just gave her a look. Emma ignored them both and she got down on the floor and sat in front of the boy who handed her a toy to play with.

"Thanks Barry," she said, rubbing the top of his head. She wasn't sure how long they played on the floor together before he started to yawn. Despite wanting his ice cream – something future Emma promised him he could have for breakfast – Regina insisted he go to bed. Emma followed along as the kid got ready for bed and she watched at his two grandmothers tucked him in.

They all came back downstairs afterward and Emma had a hundred questions she wanted to ask.

"You will be back in your time very soon," future Emma said. "I remember this part too."

"Oh, well, I guess there is just one question I wanted to ask, well a million of them, but since my time is almost up, and I already know Regina says yes, so I got to ask …"

Before she could finish she felt a magical pull and the next thing she knew she was on the floor of the vault again, but this time Regina was there. Her first instinct was to swear for getting pulled back before she could ask how quickly they got married after their engagement, but she kept her mouth shut.

"Oh, thank God," Regina said. "Are you alright? Are you hurt? Where did you go?"

Emma got to her feet and looked around the room – it was definitely the same from her time. Her time, she thought. She had gone to the future. A faint smile formed and she took Regina's hand in hers. "I'm fine. I don't know what happened," she said.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive," Emma said, knowing she couldn't tell Regina the truth. After all, she wanted that future to come true. She wanted to be able to meet her grandson Barry and spoil him rotten.