Hello all Storm here with... another story. Right, first my apologies to those who have already my Naruto/Shredder story, I said I was going to update my other stories afterwards and I kinda forgot about this one, so for real this time I'm updating my stories after. Okay this is another challenge from ' .king. So without further ado.

I own nothing

Seventeen-year-old Naruto Uzumaki groaned rubbing his neck closing the door to his apartment. He had spent the entire day doing missions from Kakashi, he still sometimes had trouble believing the former one-eyed Jonin was Hokage, along with hiding from swarms of his fans.

It's been a year since the Fourth Shinobi War ended, with the entirety of the Elemental Countries expressing their gratitude to Naruto for his part in defeating Kaguya Otsutsuki. While Naruto loved that everyone appreciated what he did, he couldn't that it sometimes got a bit annoying that he couldn't go anywhere without someone walking up and thanking him, he's even had to deal with people from other Countries showing up to meet him!

It's why he's constantly been doing mission as it's the only time he had to himself along with being in his apartment.

Falling on his bed Naruto sighed in content, at getting a good night's sleep.


'Of fucking course.' Naruto thought shooting from bed

Rushing out the door Naruto threw it open and was shocked at what he saw. Dozens of lightning bolts were shooting across the sky, striking the ground, but what had Naruto's attention was that rather than being normal colored the lightning as multi-colored with red, blue, yellow, and white.

'What the hell?' Thought Naruto unsure what to think of the strange storm

"Naruto!" A female voice shouted

Looking Naruto saw his teammate Sakura Haruno jumping across the roofs.

"Sakura, what's happening, what is this?!" Asked Naruto as they began getting the villagers out of harm's way

"I don't know, it just suddenly happened, Kakashi-sensei has ordered all the ninja to evacuate the villagers into bunkers." Sakura said

So, they began rescuing all the villagers from the lightning, Naruto creating a few dozen Shadow Clones with some of Kurama's chakra to help, when something strange happened.

As Naruto was jumping across the roofs looking for anyone else, a bolt of lightning struck just in front of him, jumping back with a small scream Naruto prepared to go around another bolt struck in front of him. Looking around Naruto saw the lightning was striking all around him preventing any hope of escape.

"What's happening!" Shouted Naruto as the lightning began circling around him

"You are the one."

'What the.' Naruto thought looking around thinking he heard something

"Come Wind Rider, your destiny awaits."

"Naruto look out!" Shouted Kurama from in Naruto's mind

Looking up Naruto's eyes widened seeing a massive bolt of lightning heading straight to him!

Activating his Six Paths Sage Mode, Naruto prepared to teleport away but the lightning was faster. He only had a moment to let out a scream of shock and pain before Naruto vanished.

Soon the lightning began slowing down and decreasing in number, until it finally vanished, its purpose having been completed.

*Unknown location*

Groaning Naruto slowly opened his eyes putting a hand over his face blocking the sun.

'What the hell happened?' Naruto thought

The last thing he remembered was being struck by the lightning then everything went dark. Sitting up Naruto rubbed his head to ease the pounding, when he froze.

He was using his right hand, the same right hand wrapped in bandages to hide the pale white prosthetic arm made from Hashirama Senju's cells, though rather than feeling the bandages Naruto felt flesh. Moving his hand shakingly in front of his face, his eyes widened seeing that his arm, his real arm, was back.

But that wasn't all, rather than being the hand of an adult it was now that of a child, looking down at his body Naruto saw that yes, he was now thirteen again.

"What the hell!" Shouted Naruto jumping to his feet

Looking himself over Naruto tried to make sense of what was happening, he didn't know where he was, why he's thirteen again, and he had no clue how to get back!

"Naruto quit freaking out!" Kurama said, making Naruto pause

'Kurama.' Thought Naruto hopefully

"Yeah, I'm still here. Now then you need to stay calm and think this through rationally try entering Sage Mode and seeing if we can find out where we are." Said Kurama

Naruto nodding calming down a bit, sitting cross-legged Naruto put his fists together and began natural energy. After five minutes Naruto managed to finally gather enough energy, making him frown as it usually only took him a few seconds to enter Sage Mode.

Waving those thoughts off for the moment Naruto stretched out his sensing ability covering the entire planet. What he felt shocked Naruto, he couldn't sense any Chakra, not any, but that should be impossible every living creature has Chakra inside them, but he didn't feel anything. While he could sense several spots of large amounts of energy, it was different from Chakra, it felt like a purer version of Yin Chakra.

Dispelling the Natural Energy, Naruto stood up running a hand across his face.

'Kurama I don't think we're in our world anymore.' Naruto thought

"Well… fuck." Remarked Kurama unsure what else to say as he's never encountered something like this

'Yeah. Well the first thing I should do is learn everything about this place that I can, then try and find a way back home.' Naruto thought his training kicking in

With a plan made Naruto headed in the direction of what he hoped was civilization.

*Timeskip-five months*

Five months, that's how long Naruto had been on this world, Earth he learned it was called. When he went in search of civilization he soon reached a city called New York, upon arrival headed to the nearest library and, with the help of Shadow Clones, managed to learn the history of Earth in record time.

Naruto was shocked at the technological advances this world had made, far more than his ever did, along with all the wars fought. He was further shocked when he got to the more recent history, that told of costumed Super Heroes and Villains. He read of such heroes like Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and other members of the Justice League.

But one hero stood out to Naruto, The Flash, also called the Scarlet Speedster and Fastest Man Alive, what made Naruto focus on this hero was that whenever the Flash ran a streak of yellow lightning was seen behind him, the same lightning Naruto saw when he was taken from his world.

This made Naruto read up on everything he could find on the Flash and his partner Kid Flash, not very original in Naruto's opinion. When he had learned everything, he could on both speedster's Naruto headed to Central City, the city they protect.

Upon arrival Naruto made sure to learn the layout of the city and then waited for any sign of yellow lightning. His patience soon paid off as week after his arrival he saw the Flash stop a robbery by two of his "Rogues", Sam Scudder and Rosalind "Rosa" Dillon AKA Mirror Master and Top.

To say he was disappointed would be an understatement, rather than instantly taking care of Mirror Master, the Flash simply ran around him occasionally joking around, while Naruto read that the Flash's enemies weren't know for killing people there was still the off chance someone would be injured.

Afterwards Naruto watched Flash take Mirror Master and Top to the authorities he made sure to get to the top of the tallest building and watched the Flash race through the city stopping a few times to apprehend various criminals, before it finally stopped somewhere.

Going to where the lightning lead Naruto saw it was a residential area and several houses. Going to the one the Flash went to Naruto soon learned the Flash's identity of Barry Allen, a CSI for Central City Police Department and husband of Iris West-Allen. After finding out who the Flash was Naruto soon figured out that Kid Flash was Wally West, Iris' cousin. Once again Naruto was disappointed at not only Flash and Kid Flash but the rest of the world, at not figuring out their identities sooner, sure The Flash's costume covered any recognizable features but Kid Flash's left his hair uncovered, which should have been a dead giveaway to anyone who knew Wally West.

This lead Naruto to taking a closer look at the other costumed heroes, he felt like smashing his head against a wall at people's stupidity or naivety.

Finding out the Flash's identity, it didn't take long for him to find out the other identities of the heroes.

Bruce Wayne was Batman, Naruto looked up that his parents were killed in front of him as a child, giving him a motive to fight crime, then he went off the radar for a few years and when he returned Batman stared showing up, plus with all the gadgets he uses Batman would need either someone building it for him, a large amount of money, or he's stealing the materials, the third option was out while Bruce Wayne had access to the former two with his companies R&D department and that he's a billionaire, the final give away was his ward Richard Grayson AKA Robin, Broce Wayne adopting a recently orphaned boy and suddenly Batman has a child partner.

Oliver Queen was Green Arrow, having been stranded on an island for five years would teach him the necessary skills needed to use a weapon like a bow and arrow, as he'd have to learn to hunt with a weapon, the other reasons being the same for Bruce Wayne, he's a rich guy with a company to make his arrows, and while his hood his face it didn't hide the identifying blonde goatee, Roy Harper was his partner Speedy, and Black Canary was Oliver's girlfriend Dinah Lance, she didn't even wear mask for Kami's sake!

Hal Jordan and John Stewart were the Green Lanterns, Hal Jordan was an experienced pilot and John Stewart was an ex-member of the U.S. marine corps allowing both to have the necessary Willpower, what he heard was used to power their rings, to gain a Power Ring, and again they didn't do much to hide their faces, one wore a domino mask and other didn't have any covering.

And finally, Clark Kent was Superman, this one just disappointed Naruto plain and simple, the guy wore glasses, freaking glasses, as his disguise. How no one has put two and two together is beyond him!

All and all, Naruto expected more from them in hiding their identities, all it'd take is a single villain look past their grudges and see what was literally right in front of them

But he digresses, he didn't really care about the other heroes focusing mainly on Flash.

Naruto studied the speedster's movements throughout Central City for months, noting a pattern. Aside from his home and CCPD the one place the Flash visited the most was .R. Labs, tipping Naruto off that he used it as a base of operations.

So, when he was sure that it was empty Naruto broke in by passing the security, he was so thankful he had dozens of Clones study everything about computers how to make them, use them, and hack them.

Once he had gotten inside Naruto managed hack into the computers and learned what the source of the Flash and Kid Flash's power was.

The Speed Force.

From what The Flash and his team know, the Speed Force was an extra-dimensional source of limitless energy where speedster's draw their power from, he learned that some speedsters could move fast enough to time travel and to cross dimensions, and having enforcer's called Time Wraiths that'll capture any speedster's abusing their powers and dragging them into the Speed Force forever.

Oh, it's also sentient and has taken an interest in Naruto.

So, to sum everything up Naruto was trapped in a different world with no way back, surrounded by costume wearing adults, and has a sentient extra-dimensional energy source interested in him.

Story of his frigging life.

Shaking those thoughts Naruto entered the apartment he was staying at in Central City. He still hasn't found a way to get back to his world, the only people he could think that could help him are Doctor Fate and the Flash, though while the former is retired and the latter likely wouldn't be too happy about learning someone was spying on him and discovering his secret identity.

Naruto had briefly considered asking one of the more influential and genius villains, but immediately discarded that idea, while he's desperate to get home he wasn't desperate enough to be stabbed in the back or used by someone like Lex Luthor.

Lying down Naruto closed his eyes hoping he'll find something tomorrow.

*Speed Force*

Opening his eyes Naruto found himself in what he could only describe as an endless vortex of lightning, that's when he realized where he was.

'This is the Speed Force.' Thought Naruto

"Your correct Naruto." Said a female voice, making Naruto turn around quickly

The person he saw shocked Naruto as he felt his eyes water. Their standing in front of his was his deceased mother, Kushina Uzumaki smiling at him.

"K-Kaa-san." Stuttered Naruto with hope in his voice, though Kushina smile turned sad as she shook her head

"I'm afraid we're not your mother, we merely took this form so as to make you your more comfortable." 'Kushina' said

Naruto looked down not allowing to show the heartbreak on his face, he had hoped that it was his mother, the one he never got to meet.

"You're the Speed Force aren't you." Naruto stated after a moment lifting his head his face completely blank

"Yes, we believed it was time for us to meet Naruto." The manifestation said

"Why did you take me?" Asked Naruto getting straight to the point

"Simple, you are the Wind Rider." Replied 'Kushina'

Naruto was reminded of when he first taken from his world, he heard a voice say something about a "Wind Rider".

"What does that mean, what's a 'Wind Rider'?" Naruto said

"Not what, who, you Naruto are the Wind Rider. The one we've been waiting for, the one that can harness the true power of the Speed Force." 'Kushina' said

Naruto unconsciously clenched his fists, another prophecy about him being some chosen one, he had just fought in a war against two madmen and a fucking Goddess, can't he catch a break!

"Why did you take me from my world?" Questioned Naruto, the manifestation sighing

"There is a threat coming, it will appear in this world. And before you say anything this threat is far worse than Kaguya." Said 'Kushina'

"What exactly could be worse than that lunatic?" Naruto asked in disbelief not sure what could be worse than Kaguya a woman hailed as a Goddess

"An inter-dimensional demon." 'Kushina' replied

Naruto stared in disbelief, an inter-dimensional demon, sure why the hell not.

"And how exactly am I supposed to stop something like that." Said Naruto

Even he and Sasuke combine couldn't truly defeat Kaguya only seal her away, and he's expected to fight something stronger than her on his own.

"We are going to bestow you with the powers of a speedster." Stated 'Kushina, Naruto snorting disbelief

"If that's all why not just have Allen do it, he's more experienced and has an entire team of superhumans and aliens to help him." Naruto said, 'Kushina' shaking her head

"While true Barry Allen is an impressive and has used our gift in extraordinary ways, he will never be able to fully use his power. You however Naruto, are the Wind Rider someone that can and will use our power in ways someone as experienced as the Flash could never even dream of." Said 'Kushina'

Naruto didn't look impressed, in fact he's angry, he is beyond angry, he didn't want any power, he didn't want to fight from giant demon, he just wanted to go home!

"Let's say I did this, fight this demon and beat it, would you send me home?" Said Naruto

"I'm afraid I cannot." 'Kushina' denied

"Why not?! You pulled me here, but you can't put me back!" Naruto shouted glaring at the manifestation

"I can't because your world is locked out of my reach, you can thank Hagoromo for that as he was who sealed your world off from the rest of Multiverse in case his mother ever set her sights on other worlds. I was only able to pull you through when I did as the barrier between your world and the multiverse was at its weakest due to your battle with Kaguya, and I have little doubt it's already back to full strength. I'm sorry Naruto but there is no way for you to return to the Elemental Countries." 'Kushina' apologized

Naruto felt his entire body numb, he could never return home, he was stuck here forever, and the Old Man Sage was the reason.

"I won't pretend to understand what you're feeling Naruto, but I am truly sorry. But you must understand, that if I hadn't pulled you from your world when I did the threat I told you about would have destroyed this world, before moving onto the rest of the multiverse until only your world remained, but at that point he would be strong enough to destroy the barrier and take over your world." Said 'Kushina'

"What do I have to do, to stop this demon?" Naruto asked

'Kushina' walked up to Naruto placing a hand on his cheek and chest, instantly pale blue-white lightning surged through Naruto's body empowering him.

"You now have the power of a speedster, but that is merely the first step, you have to find allies that can help you, find those you can trust, train in your abilities push yourself to your limits and then past them. Only then will yo gain the power necessary to defeat the threat." 'Kushina' said

Naruto nodded before 'Kushina spoke again.

"My beautiful boy, don't let this sadden you, you have what rare few people get, a second chance don't let it go to waste find a someone that you can be happy with. And know that I am so proud of the man you've become." Said 'Kushina' with genuine motherly love, shocking Naruto

"Now run Naruto, run." 'Kushina' said

Naruto nodded smiling tearfully at his mother before breathing deeply pale blue-white lightning sparking across his eyes before he took off running.

*Real World*

Opening his eyes Naruto found himself back in apartment.

"Naruto! Kami kid I've been trying to talk to you for an hour. What happened our connection just suddenly cut off, it's like you were in a coma." Said Kurama, sitting Naruto rubbed his head

'I'm fine Kurama, though I can guess my little meeting with the Speed Force was responsible for that.' Naruto thought

"You actually met it." Kurama stated

Naruto then told Kurama about his meeting, the threat that will eventually come, him being the Wind Rider, and being unable to return home.

"So, we're stuck here, that's just dandy." Grumbled Kurama

'Hey, don't worry about it Kurama besides we've bounced back from worse, being stuck on an alternate Earth, that's nothing.' Thought Naruto, Kurama snorting I response

"Only you Naruto, only you would pass off being trapped on a different Earth as a minor inconvenience." Remarked Kurama

Naruto then took notice of something of something on his bedside table, grabbing it Naruto saw it was a white ring with a lightning bolt on it.

"What do we do now?" Asked Kurama

Naruto stayed silent for a moment before placing the ring on his right ring finger.

'I think it's time me and Flash had a talk.' Naruto thought

*Timeskip-two weeks*

Barry Allen, AKA the Flash, was running through Central City he gotten word of a robbery at Central City National Bank. After a few seconds, he arrived but was confused when he saw the police already arresting the robbers, confused Barry sped over to his father-in-law Detective Joe West.

"Joe what's going on, what happened here?" Asked Barry, Joe leaning in to make sure no one overheard them

"I don't know, we only just arrived and when he did the robbers were tied up, weapons dismantled, and hostages were safe. You think it was Wally?" Joe offered

Barry frowned again, it couldn't have been Wally, he's still in school.

"I don't think so. I'm gonna look around, back in a flash." Said Barry speeding into the bank before Joe could say anything

"Everytime." Joe muttered shaking his head in both amusement and exasperation

Barry looked around the bank trying to find any clues as to who could've stopped the robbery.

"Cisco can you check the security camera's see if you can find anything?" Said Barry into his comm. To id friends at S.T.A.R. Labs

"On it man." Replied Cisco

While his friend checked the camera's, Barry sped around the bank, looking for anything out of the ordinary, though he only found bullet holes in the ceiling, likely warning shots fired off to scare the people.

"Uh, Barry we just looked at the camera's and you will not believe what happened." Cisco said through the comm.

"What is it?" Asked Barry

"Not what, who, Flash." A voice said from above

Looking up Barry was surprised when he saw a figure standing on the second-floor balcony. What surprised him was the suit the figure was wearing, it looked like his own only it covered the persons entire face, and the color was different, the entire suit was dark orange with gold lightning designs, the trademark lightning bolt on the chest, and gold lenses covering the eyes.

"Hello Flash, or do you prefer Barry Allen." The person remarked, shocking Barry further

This person knew who he was, this was bad, very bad, if he knew who he was the Flash he knows about Wally being Kid Flash.

"Barry are you still there?" Asked Caitlin Snow

"Yeah, I'm here and I think I see who Cisco was talking about." Barry said

"Who are you? What do you want?" Asked Barry he couldn't recognize the voice as the person was vibrating their vocal chords

"I am Wind Rider, as for what I want…" Wind Rider said

Barry suddenly gasped as he was slammed into the wall, while Wind Rider stood where he once was.

"… I want to show you who's the Fastest Man Alive. Catch me if you can Flash." Said Wind Rider speeding out the bank pale blue-white lightning trailing behind him

Barry instantly followed in a streak of yellow lightning. Gritting his teeth Barry saw Wind Rider was just in front of him, but he couldn't catch up.

Both speedster's ran throughout all Central City, when suddenly Wind Rider twisted around and delivered a punch into Barry's abdomen. Barry felt the air get knocked out of him, along with a rib or two breaking.

Righting himself Barry saw Wind Rider speeding off a again, though this time it seemed liked he had a location in mind and it was… GBS news station.

'Iris!' Thought Barry in fear

Though he quickly pushed the fear aside determination burning inside him, he refused to let this guy hurt his family.

Pushing himself to go faster Barry soon closed the distance between him and Wind Rider tackling the other speedster before quickly grabbing hold of him.

"So, you go faster if I go after your wife let's see how fast if I go after your sidekick." Said Wind Rider smashing the back of his head into Barry's face hearing a crunch showing he broke the Scarlet Speedster's nose

Gritting his teeth in frustration Barry began chasing after Wind Rider again, managing to grab him quicker this time before taking him to the sawmill throwing him aside.

"It's over, you're not going to hurt my family." Said Barry, Wind Rider merely laughed

"This is far from over Barry, you still haven't captured me, the only difference now is there's no one to watch you die." Wind Rider said as they began circling each other

"Why're you attacking me, or stop those robbers at the bank?" Questioned Barry

"I only stopped those fools so we wouldn't have any interruptions. As for you other question, I merely wanted to see if you were worthy of the Speed Force's power. I can see you are." Wind Rider said reaching up before taking his mask off

Barry was surprised that it was just a kid, he had spiky blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and three whisker marks on his cheeks.

"My names Naruto Uzumaki." Introduced Naruto

Pulling back his cowl Barry showed his own face, since he already knew he was.

"Barry Allen. So, what was all this about then and why'd you try going after my family?" Barry questioned still upset about that before noticing the melancholy expression on Naruto's face

"a friend of mine once said that a person can only be truly strong when they're protecting those they considered precious. That's what I wanted to see, if you'd show your strength when I threatened your loved ones." Explained Naruto

Barry couldn't deny the wisdom in his words, he'd do anything to protect those he cared about even risking his own life. Though something was still bothering him.

"How long have you been a speedster?" Asked Barry since either Cisco and Caitlin or someone in the League would've heard about a new speedster around

"About two weeks." Shrugged Naruto, much to Barry's shock

"T-two weeks!" Barry said

He had been outraced by a newbie speedster, that's not only a blow to his ego but he's shocked that someone who just got their speed is already that fast.

"Yeah, apparently, I'm sort of legendary speedster, called the Wind Rider, or at least that's what the Speed Force said." Naruto said, Barry nodding slowly

"So, why else did you want to meet me? Cause I doubt it was just to test me." Barry questioned

Naruto instantly looked down finding the ground very interesting.

"I uh, I need help in learning to use my speed." Said Naruto getting progressively quieter with each word

"You need help to use your speed. From the running you just did, it looks like you already know how to use it." Barry remarked crossing his arms

"Yeah, I know how to run, that's it, I don't know how to do any of the more complicated moves that you do like intangibility, speed mirages, and how to control my momentum while running." Listed Naruto

Barry frowned as he listened, from what he's seen so far Naruto seems like a good kid, but he's asking it sounds like he wants to be his partner but he already has Wally to help and he can't split his time between both of them.

"Well I'd love to help, really I would but if you know who I am them you know that I already have a partner." Barry said, Naruto nodding

"Yeah, Kid Flash I know. But I'm not asking you to make me your partner, I'm just asking for help, like advice on how to perform certain moves." Replied Naruto before frowned

"And I've noticed whenever you and Wally are out patrolling, he doesn't seem to be able to keep up with you. Though I can tell he'd be able to get faster." Naruto said

In the time that he had observed the Flash and Kid Flash he'd noticed that Barry slow himself down a little to let Wally keep up, but he's still faster. He's also seen that Wally looks like he can go faster but can't as if somethings holding him back.

Barry couldn't help but see the truth in his words, while at first he was upset that Wally had recreated the accident that turned him into the Flash, he still felt responsible for that, he couldn't deny that since taking Wally on as his partner he'd proven himself time and time again, Barry also knows that Wally could be faster, probably even faster than Barry himself.

"What would you suggest?" Barry wondered feeling like Naruto had an idea

"I've always felt having a rival pushes people to be better." Said Naruto with a smirk, Barry now looking thoughtful

*Later-S.T.A.R. Labs*

Barry sped into the cortex where Cisco and Caitlin were waiting.

"So, we got another speedster." Remarked Cisco as he and Caitlin had been following the fight with tracker in Barry's suit and with traffic camera's

"Yeah, Hey, you guys think you could look up anything on something called 'the Wind Rider'?" Asked Barry, getting nods from his friends as they began searching

"And Cisco you think you might be able to vibe anything on it either?" Barry added

"Uh yeah you manage to get anything off orange boy." Replied Cisco since it's easier for him to vibe with something from the person

Taking out a gold lightning piece he managed to break off Naruto's suit Barry tossed it to Cisco who went to get his goggles.

"I think I've found something." Said Caitlin as Barry went around the desk to see what she found

Barry was surprised when he saw pictures from Greece, Japan, Babylon, and even from Arthurian Legend. All of them depicting the same thing a man wearing a suit with lightning designs, all with varying looks from the different civilizations, but Barry knew all of them were the same suit.

"It looks like this Wind Rider has appeared throughout history, along with going by different names, Shogun of Lightning, Knight of the Wind, even Hermes." Said Caitlin

"Anything else?" Barry asked

"Yeah, I found a legend about it, though it was a dead language so I had to get translated a few times before I got a rough English translation." Caitlin said bringing up the legend

"The wind blows around the world for he guide's it. The one who runs faster than time itself. He who is not bound by time nor space gifted his power from a force beyond our understanding. He races the sun each morning and beats the moon each night. Not even the gods of old can out race him for he is the one who guide's the wind and rides on it for he is the Wind Rider." Read Barry

"Guys you will not believe what I just vibed!" Said Cisco walking quickly into the Cortex, getting their attention seeing the shocked and pale look on Cisco's face

*Timeskip-four years*

"This cave the original secret sanctuary of the Justice League. We're calling it into service again." Batman said to the four sidekicks Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, and Superboy

The three former sidekicks had infiltrated Cadmus Labs finding the clone of Superman along with revealing the bio-engineered creatures Cadmus had been developing. Though Batman would never say it out loud he was impressed by their initiative.

Which lead to the League deciding to have them form a covert team to handle missions the League can't.

"Since you four are determined to stay together and fight the good fight, you'll do it on League terms." Continued Batman

"Red Tornado volunteered to live here and be your supervisor, Black Canary's in charge of training, I will deploy you on missions." Finished Batman

"Real missions?" Robin asked

"Yes, but covert." Batman answered

"The League will still handle the obvious stuff, there's a reason we have these big targets on out chest." Added Flash

"But Cadmus proves the bad guys are getting smarter. Batman needs a team that can operate on the sly." Aquaman said looking at the Caped Crusader

"The six of you will be that team." Batman said

"Cool! Wait, six?" Said Robin confused at the other two apparent members

Batman looked behind, causing the teens to turn around seeing Martian Manhunter and redheaded martin girl wearing a female version of the Manhunters uniform.

"This the Martian Manhunter's niece Miss. Martian." Batman introduced

"Hi." Greeted Miss. Martian with a wave

"Liking this gig more every minute." Wally said to Robin, though Aqualad was still confused

"Excuse me Batman but you said six members, yet I only count five. Where is the sixth member of the Team?" Asked Aqualad

As if on cue a streak of pale blue-white lightning ran through the cave before finally stopping in front of beside Batman showing Naruto in his Wind Rider suit.

"This Wind Rider a new speedster." Flash said, as Naruto removed his mask

"It's a pleasure to meet you all." Said Naruto, while Robin, Aqualad, and Kid Flash were surprised at another speedster though Wally was excited at having someone that can finally keep up with him besides Barry

"Uh, welcome aboard I'm Kid Flash. Robin, Aqualad, it's cool if you forget their names." Said Wally turning his attention back to the cute Martian girl

"I'm honored to be included." Miss. Martian said, as three former sidekicks walked over to her before Robin waved over Superboy and Naruto

"Hey Superboy, Wind Rider come meet Miss. M!" Said Robin

Superboy looked for a moment before going over with Naruto following. Miss. Martian smiled at both before blonde streaks suddenly appeared in her hair, much to Naruto's surprise.

"I like your hair." Said Miss. M shyly

Naruto's eyes looked up before he smiled.

"I always liked red more myself." Replied Naruto

Naruto turned his attention towards Robin feeling the kid elbow him playfully and Wally sped over wrapping an arm around his shoulder.

"Today is the day." Aqualad said looking at his friends


"Can the Light afford to leave Guardian in charge without the G-Gnomes?" Questioned L-1

"We have subtler means of control. What concerns me id the children." L-3 replied as an image of Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, and Superboy escaping Cadmus came up

"We now the League is willing to employ young children to do their dirty, tsk, that's a dark twist." Continued L-3

"Yes, but one we can play to our advantage. Even the temporary loss of the weapon may prove useful. But now the children are the least of our concerns the real threat is the Wind Rider." Commented L-1 as a picture of Naruto as the Wind Rider came up along the different images of Wind Rider throughout the centuries

"Yes, the newest hero, gifted with speed surpassing even the Flash." L-2 said

"Surpassing the Flash, but not me." Said a synthetic voice as another monitor lit up showing another

"And who might this be?" Questioned L-3

"Friends, allow me to introduce the member of the Light, meet L-S." L-1 introduced

"I have heard of the Wind Rider's presence in this time, and it will be my utmost pleasure to help show him, The Light." L-S said laughing darkly

So, what did you think? No authors note just review if you liked go away if you didn't.

Storm out.