Updated August 14, 2020. This story is discontinued.

Marcia's POV

Marcia was being somewhat creepy, but it wasn't like she was going to admit it. If someone else saw it, it would count as stalking. Marcia knew she was acting strange. She wasn't going to call it stalking. What was it called when you're: following-your-friend-with-her-boyfriend-and-trying-to-find-out-what-their-true-relationship-was was? It was creepy for sure. But hey, it looked like a good story to follow and Marcia had never been someone who cared what other people thought about her. Well, except Cherry, but Cherry was her best friend.


But after catching Pony and Cherry that one time at the park, that one night a while back, Marcia hadn't seen Cherry in over a week. Not even that Ponyboy kid who always skittered away from trouble. Nope. Not in between classes, not afterschool, not during lunch, not even at that one party at Sheila's house. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. But of course, Marcia would've understood if she actually knew that was happening. Cherry had cheer after school. She had to help with her parents and take care of little kids (she got paid for that of course), maybe even study for a few quizzes. And she even volunteered at a shelter after school too.

Marcia had been exiting her Chemistry class, getting ready to run in a dead sprint to get to her other class on the other side of the schoo. But all those thoughts about what route she should take, disappeared when she saw them.

Cherry and that kid Ponyboy.

Holding. Hands. And. Looking. At. Each. Other. In. The. Eyes.

And that wasn't the worst of it, because she always knew in the back of her mind that they had been together, but it was the fact that they were kind of doing it in public.

But Cherry. As in her best friend Cherry who always told her everything, but apparently hadn't told her about her real relationship with Ponyboy. Cherry the Soc, once of the most beloved and popular girls in school.

Marcia didn't even remember much of anything anymore, she hadn't seen Cherry in so long. So, so long. Had she been hanging out with that greaser all that time? All that week? The mere thought made Marcia feel queasy, because Cherry would've told her that she was busy at least. But no, there hadn't even been a peep . . . .

And Ponyboy Curtis, the Greaser. Yeah, he got good grades and everything. Marcia didn't even want to look at them, because now it was confirmed that they had something going one. So she scampered away in the other direction, trying to think of a perfect time to talk to Cherry and headed to her class.

In the end, she was one minute late to gym class and since the P.E teacher had despised her so, she was forced to run two laps, instead of one.

Damn it.


It was obvious, but Marcia wanted to hear the words come right out of Cherry's mouth. So once school was over that Friday, Marcia went to find Cherry at her locker and waited. It wasn't long actually. Cherry came walking alone, two textbooks in her hand and her hair tied up. She was wearing a nice soft red skirt and for a second, Marica could see why Ponyboy liked her.

When Cherry saw Marica, she smiled sweetly and Marcia couldn't help but feel irritated and hurt. Because who can smile that wide knowing that they've been keeping things from their best friend, whom had shared her own secrets with; ones even more serious than just dating a greaser.

Marica felt her own textbook, which was in her bag, digging itself into her back, but she didn't move. She kept still, forcing a smile back at Cherry as she came closer and closer and closer and it just slipped out.

"Are you dating Ponyboy Curtis?"

Cherry's was halfway to reaching her locker, her hand with her cute pink nail polish shining in the sun, was in an awkward position. And then Marcia wondered where she had gotten the nail polish, but she had to concentrate. Cherry stopped, looked Marcia in the eyes and nodded. She opened her locker and-

"Yes, I am. He's my boyfriend actually."

Marcia could feel the air run out of her, it was like someone had punched her. But she couldn't really know that, because she'd never been punched. Maybe it was hard to breath because she'd been holding her breath . . .

But boyfriend? Dating was one thing. Dating was hanging out, going to restaurants and talking. There was no real thing there. Or was there? She hadn't gone on a date for so long . . . (Stay on track Marcia! She thought.) Well, occasionally you went by car on dates, and stayed out late, spent money on eating, and maybe some hand holding. Now a boyfriend? A boyfriend meant more. It meant kisses, lots of dates, trust, definetly hand holding (Marica had seen this earlier) and of course pronunciations of love. Maybe not love, but a deep crush, or like like.

Marcia kept quiet for a moment wondering when it had all started. Wondering if it had happened or started even before she had begun to pay more attention. "When did it happen?"

Cherry looked up as she put some folders at the base of locker. "It's been a while . . . " she paused and looked up, her brows in a confused look. "I don't really remember when. But do remember when we met the boys at the drive in?"

Marica was hoping that she hadn't been seeing Pony for that long, otherwise if Bob would've still been alive, he would've pummeled Pony. And Ponyboy seemed like a good kid.

"The night Bob was killed?" Marcia asked in a low whisper. Eyes darting down the hall as if she was saying something forbidden. "Did you fall in love with him then?"

Cherry shook her head, a neutral look on her face. "No. Not right away. He was a good person, I got to know him and we were friends."

"Was it this year?" Marcia was getting impatient. The answers were so close, but Cherry either wasn't responding the way Marcia wanted them to, or she didn't know the answer. She thought the latter was more annoying, but she kept her thoughts to herself.

"Maybe." Cherry shrugged, like she didn't really care, but she should've because almost every new couple had monthly anniversaries.

"I don't really remember," Cherry continued, repeating the phrase more seriously again, as if America had offended her. "One day we just started talking again, and it clicked."

Marica looked down the hall, which was now empty. Had they really taken that long? She shifted and leaned against a locker. "You're going to see him again, that greaser, right? Are you waiting for him?"

Cherry zipped up her backpack. "Yes, I'm waiting for Ponyboy," she said and slammed her locker shut. Marcia could feel that Cherry didn't like it when she called him a greaser, so she kept it in the back of her mind. The way she had corrected his name in almost a hostile manner and the locker of course. It gave it away.

"Where are you going?" Marcia asked, trying to change Cherry's thoughts from leading down a unhappy path. "A date?"

Cherry walked down the hall slowly. She gripped onto her backpack and she scrunched up her nose, as if the idea was completely stupid and impossible. "No, it's not a date," she said slowly. "I'm helping him study for English. We had the same teacher."

Marica stopped herself from asking what they had been doing that night in the park, suddenly realizing that they had passed a similar looking tree as they walked by the large window. And instead she asked, "Are you happy?" because usually that's what best friends asked each other.

Cherry got this stupid grin on her face and Marcia exhaled. At least she's happy.

"Yeah." She sighed deeply. "I'm happy."

Marcia was picking at her fingernails. She was debating whether or not asking Cherry if her parents knew she was dating a greaser was a good idea. She settled for 'do it now and get it over with' because unanswered questions made her nervous and jumpy.

"Do your . . . parents know?"

"My parents know I'm dating a respectable young man who is younger than me. They know that I like him. They know that he's smart and has loving older siblings who care about his grades."

Marcia walked on ahead and opened some doors, holding them open for Cherry who said 'thank you.' of course.

"But they don't know he's a greaser right?"

Cherry scowled and proceeded to open another pair of doors. "It's just a label. It doesn't define him. Yeah, some people think he dresses sloppily, but that's because he doesn't have as many chances or opportunities as we do." She clenched her backpack straps. "I don't even notice it, if that's what you think. I only see him, for him. To me, he's perfect."

Marcia nodded quickly. "Yeah, he seems good for you too." She was going into unknown territory now . . . "But would you still be friends with him if Bob wasn't dead?"

Cherry's head snapped back. "Of course," she said almost immediately and Marcia thanked God that she hadn't hissed at her like a dragon. "I would've broke up with Bob anyways. It was only a matter of time."

Marcia coughed, she moved her hands in a circular motion. "Does he know the whole flow of your schedule? Does he know what you like? If I asked Ponyboy what types of flowers you liked or what your favorite book was, would he be able to answer them."

"Actually yes. Her favorite flowers are white carnations. And I wouldn't know what her favorite book is, because she has too many too count. Maybe she'd choose between her top ten," a voice answered from behind them

Cherry and Marcia turned around (Marcia actually spun around, because holy mother of Jesus that kid was a quiet one.)

"Hi Pony," Cherry smiled. "I thought you were going to wait for me at the library?"

Ouch. She was going to leave me to go to the library with Ponyboy.

"I got held up. My P.E teacher had us do two more laps 'cause this one Senior wasn't following directions," Ponyboy said and stared at her.

Marcia was just nodding to herself, pretending she was on a reality tv show, as she watched her best friend and this greaser kid talk at each other with so much light in their eyes. She wasn't even mad when they basically forgot about her. But she had to cut in when they started talking about kissing and flower meanings for some reason.

"Heya love birds," Marcia singsonged, "I'm still right here."

Cherry only smiled and pushed back her hair. Pony blushed and stepped back a little.

"Sorry," he said. I get really distracted easily. Did you know that yellow flowers mean friendship and optimism?"

Marcia wanted to laugh. This kid was just like her. "Yeah, Don't worry about it Ponyboy," she said. "I get easily distracted too."

Cherry tapped Pony's shoulder and he turned. "Well shouldn't we be going? Isn't your project due in two days?" She turned to Marcia. "Sorry Marcia, we better get going."

"You should talk to Two-Bit more, he reminds me of you," Pony quipped up, facing Marcia now. "Well, see you soon. I have to do this project." He moved his hands. "You know . . . "

Marcia nodded earnestly. "Of course, of course. You need to go do your project and," she turned to Cherry, "you need to help him."

Is Cherry acting out of character or something? This would be cool if it were a movie.

Ponyboy's POV

"Remember when Marcia and Two-Bit met each other and talked that time at the movie house? I don't think they really talked much after, you know, after the incident. Maybe we should rekindle their friendship," Pony was saying. "I feel like since we're all in the clear, maybe we should start helping Marcia. I think Two-Bit broke up with Kathy a long time ago."

Cherry looked up from her book and scrunched her nose. "You're supposed to be concentrating, not worrying about Marcia. Sometimes she just likes to get into everyone's business. She can take care of herself. And besides, I think she still has a crush on Randy."

"Really?" Pony was quiet for a second. "Do you not like her? Is that why you don't . . . doesn't really matter?"

"Of course if matters, and I do care. She's my best friend, it's just that . . . " she put her book down. "I don't think she really likes you, and that bothers me. She also told me that Two-Bit was kind of crazy."

Ponyboy cracked a smiled. "Yeah, he can be like that at times."

"Most times."

A nod. "Yeah."

"Well anyways, keep doing your project. If Darry finds out that you started it late, he'll skin you."

"Nah, he won't." Pony scoffed. "But if I get a 90 or something, then yeah."

"He just wants the best for you. We've already been over this Pony. He's trying."

Pony frowned. "I know, it's just that. The whole thing with Johnny . . . it's also stressing me out. I can't stand seeing' him like that." He sighed and closed his eyes. "I know it's not my fault but I can't help but feel guilty. The doc said he ain't going to be walking in a long time. Maybe never."

"We can get some ice cream later," Cherry said, shifting the subject gently. "And maybe on the way we can bring something for Johnny. A little snack or something. Darry won't mind will he?"

"No," Pony admitted. "He won't mind. Not if it's Johnny. I'll call him and let him know."

"First you have to finish your project. You're almost done. Just need to copy your essay and give one to the teacher." Cherry said. "The sooner you finish, the sooner we can see Johnny."

"Okay, okay," Pony said. "Keep reading, and I'll keep doing this." He waved around his ten page packet. "I'll be done in no time."


And with that, Cherry stuffed her nose in a book and continued to read until Ponyboy claimed that he finished. In which, Cherry checked over all his work, pointed out things that needed some fixing, and then they were out the door.


Ponyboy pulled out a chocolate bar from a yellow plastic bag, and handed itto Johnny. "I bought this for you," he said. "Tomorrow is cookies, Right?"

"Yep." Johnny leaned in and grabbed the bar, opened it and took a small piece of before he slipped it into his mouth. "Thanks Pony."

Ponyboy nodded and folded the bag. Cherry softly closed the door and waved at Johnny, who of course, waved back.

Johnny had only eaten one small bite when he sighed, looked at Pony, and said, "still can't have some smokes can't I?"

"No, Johnny." Pony answered almost immediately, the answer repeated so many times that it just flowed out of his mouth. "The doctors and I have been over this. If you want your lungs to get better, you need- "

"I don't get it." He sighed again. "You can still have smokes."

Pony nodded, and shrugged. "The doctors said I had to cut back too, and I didn't wanna waste any money. So I don't buy 'em anymore." Ponyboy pointed at himself and at Johnny. "We're basically equals now."

Johnny nodded, and focused his attention to Cherry. "How's everything going Cherry? I haven't seen you in a week. Everything good?"

Cherry sat down in one of the chairs. "Nothing new lately. I have homework, my parents this, and my parents that." She stopped. "Anyways, enough about me. How're you doing Johnny? Everything's getting better?"

Johnny smiled shyly at Cherry. "I'm doin' mighty fine. The food is still bad, but I can't really complain, ya know?" Then his eyes brightened up, and he slowly sat up straighter too. "They got me standing up already. Oh, and thanks for askin' anyways."

Pony's eyes widened, and he gasped loudly. "They got you to stand up? When? Does the rest of the gang know?"

"Just started yesterday." Johnny said smiling. "I almost fell the second my feet touched the ground thought. But it was a good start." Then he shook his head. "Two-Bit passed by in the morning yesterday. Gave me some jello and said that he'd be back soon." Johnny cracked a grin. "Turns out, he gave me the hospital jello and he hasn't been back since."

Cherry smiled faintly. "That sounds like Two-Bit alright," she stated, then opened her bag and pulled out a worksheet. "Here, this is for you."

Johnny moved a little, trying to see what it was. "What is it?" he asked.

"It practice for next week." She waved her hand. "Well, you guys will be learning this next week, but since you already finished your other stuff, it'd be better if you started this."

Johnny nodded. "Yeah, that's smart." Then he winked at Pony. "Hey Pony, she's catching up."

Ponyboy grinned and looked at Cherry. "Nah, she was always smart."

"You're just saying that." She winked at both of them. "I didn't skip a grade but I'm pretty smart, and I got a pretty smart boyfriend too."

Pony laughed. "Aw, you're just saying that," he mimicked.

"Oh guys, call it quits." Johnny said and barked out a laugh. "You guys are too funny." He took a small sip of water next to him. And Cherry and Pony looked at each other in the eyes.

"Aw, you're just saying that!" They both said at the exact same time.

In the end, Johnny almost choked on his drink and Pony and Cherry got a warning from the nurse. It was funny, and the nurse also chuckled a bit, but then the nurse cut to the chase, and said Johnny needed to rest. She looked down at her chart and repeated it more strongly. Then she left.

"Johnny," Ponyboy huffed out, once the nurse was out of sight. "You being put to bed at seven? What's with that? The latest I can get to bed is at ten, and that's unless Darry's yelling at me. "

"I dunno. I think I hafta get a good night's rest before I start trying' to walk again." He looked at his legs. "I got tired pretty quickly too . . . "

"Ponyboy," Cherry said, "I used to go to bed at eight. Besides, Johnny needs to get some rest. I bet all that fun was too much for you," she teased. "He might've fainted right then and there. The jokes were all too much, right?"

"Nope," Johnny said seriously, his eyes smiling. "Last time, Two-Bit got kicked out because he hopped on one of those, what'cha call it, oh, wheelchairs. He was flying across the halls."

Cherry nodded, her voice suddenly turning into in a serious tone. "Oh my, that might've been dangerous, doctors and patients might've been all over the place too."

"Yes, and not to mention that fact that we also need to go before Darry starts to worry." Ponyboy cut in. Then he smiled. "See ya soon Johnnycake. Sorry for the short visit."

"Nah, it's okay. I was getting pretty bored." He paused and looked up at the ceiling. "If you see Dally, tell him stop by. So he can see what I'm up to. I haven't seen him in two weeks . . . "

Pony frowned. "The last time I saw him was last week. Maybe he got hurt again. Or thrown in jail."

"Oh yeah, but anyways, I didn't want him to think that I forgot all about him."

"Don't worry Johnny." Cherry said. "If he's in jail, I bet he'll know it's not your fault."

"Bye guys," Johnny said.


And then, they both opened the door and walked down the empty halls.