Just an extra scene...Nagisa finally returns home his mother is happen to see him but he's also brought news for her...wonder how she'll react to it.


"Nagisa your finally home!" Oh no...I hope this goes well..."Hi mom..." I said rather nervous. She hugged me tightly happy to have her child back, once we got back to Japan I spend the night at Karma's before going to school the next day, I was just returning home today...why did I spend the night at Karma's? N-no reason... "How was your trip? Did you meet anyone nice?"

"M-mom..." I muttered blushing...

"Actually..." My mother looked up to see the red-head standing behind me. "He met me." Karma said rather confident, I guessed he looked confident to. "My...my little girl has a boyfriend!" My mother yelled happily..."Boy...little boy.." I corrected quietly..."M-my little...boy.." she repeated her voice a little annoyed. Ever sense I manged to talk to her she's been doing better although she calls me a girl sometimes in witch I polietly correct her. She accepted that but she still is a little annoyed...it's better then before though,

..."So your Nagisa's friend?" My mother asked Karma as we all sat down drinking tea. Karma seemed to have a way with adults charming them in just the right way. "I am," he responded. I sat they're feeling awkward about the entire thing, I wonder what dad would think of this, I glanced up my mother seemed pleased, I guessed this helped? Sense she looked at me as a girl for so long I guess having a boyfriend instead of a girlfriend was easier for her.

"Well, you seem like a nice boy.." she said slowly, "But if you ever hurt my Nagisa...well.." she paused her expression growing dark..."I'll have to step in." I glanced over to Karma...aw crap I'm so sorry Karma...he looked rather calm compared to me who was trying not to shake and fall off my stool.

"Nah, I wouldn't dream of it." Karma said casually while taking a drink of his tea. How was he handling her so easy? I swear Karma must be a wizard or something, he's even making eye contact with her with out looking scared. My mother isn't as mean as she was before either,

"How would you like to stay for dinner."

"That would be nice," Karma replied...I felt like this was going to easy...as my mother prepared dinner Karma glanced down at me, I was both blushing and I also looked worried. His arm wrapped around me, "Don't worry." He said smiling at me.

"I'll always be here to protect you Nagisa," Karma said kissing my head. I blushed lightly.."T-thanks Kar-"

"And if they hurt you-I'll just break their neck." I rolled my eyes, thank god Karma was on my side..."I'm glad to have you Karma.." I muttered sheepishly. He wrapped his arms around me, "Why are you saying it like that? You act like I'm gonna up and leave you, heh, your never gettin' rid of me." He smiled, being in love with your best friend...was the best thing ever.