This is my very first fanfic, although I've been reading them for years. I have a learning disability similar to Dyslexia called Dyscrafia, because of this my writing sucks. I'm hopeing that by writing more I'll improve. If you see a mistake please let me know and I'll fix it.

I've recently become rather taken withe the idea of Hermione being James and Q's Daughter. We never really hear much about her family life or friends outside of Hogwarts. She could be Really bossy because of not having spent much time with people her own age. In this story James is a bit younger, in order to fit into the time line I imagined he needs to be about 33 at the beginning of the story, I picture Q about 24. Constructive criticism welcome. Rude comments will be ignored. :)

Chapter 1 A difficult situation

James was in a rather difficult situation. And not the the type of difficult situation that meant being on the wrong end of a gun, or blowing up a building with himself inside. Those he could get out of. Instead he found himself in the middle remote part of Brazil, with an empty gun and no way to contact MI6. That wasn't really a problem either, the problem would be the three month old baby that had been left in his care by it's mother. And if he was to believe the Mother than that would make him the father. He had never really considered what being parent would be like, bouth him and his partner worked long unorthodox hours. It wasn't very practical for a double o agent to emotionally attache them selves to someone so helpless. He now realized that with how often he was required to seduce marks and targets, he was bound to get some of them pregnant. Probably the only reason this hadn't happened before was because he ended up killing most of the people he slept with. Regardless of how it had come to be, he was now responsible for a tiny fragile being. He would have to find some to make documents for her before he could work on getting the two of them back to London. He didn't know what he would do after that but hopefully Q wouldn't be too upset. Although his partner of four years understood it was part of his job, he tried not bring home any reminders of those he'd slept with for work purposes. At least in London the baby would have a good chance of getting adopted. People liked babies, they were small and innocent. The little girl looked up at him with soft brown eyes filled with intelligence. He didn't need a DNA test to tell him that she was his, something in him just knew.

Q hung his dripping rain coat by the doors as he came in. He hadn't left MI6 in almost 9 days, serviveing off a few short naps on the couch in his office. Eve had finally come down and forced him to go home. Not only did he have 004, 008, and 005 on high risk missions, but when he wasn't running coms he was searching for James. 007 had gone dark 28 days earlier, this wasn't unusual but it still worried Q. He went too the kitchen to make himself an Earl Grey and refill the cats automatic feeder. He was used to having the apartment to himself but it still always felt lonely without James. He heard the piter pater of feet as his two cats came running. He felt a stab of guilt when he realized how much they must have missed him. He was away for days at a time often, but not usually for so long. His oldest cat Linux came and rubbed against his leg. He had acquired the small black cat shortly after starting university. On his way back to his shabby apartment one night, he came across a kitten left in a box in an alley. When he'd started working at MI6 he went to a shelter and found paradox. He needed another cat to keep Linux company. Paradox was a part Siamese Diva. Paradox was galaring at him from the doorway, she was two thirds black with a white tummy and white paws. For him she was extremely affectionate, when she wasn't holding a grudge. But almost everyone else she wouldn't allow near her. Eve she had adored right from the start. But it had taken almost two years for her to warm up to James. It suddenly sunk in how tiered he was. Eve had threatened to knock him out and return him home again, if she saw him back at work in the next 48 hours. As worried as he was all he could do was wait,. James usualy had a good reason for going dark, he knew how worried Q got. All he could do was wait.