Takes place after the series finale.

Beck and Jade broke up a few weeks before the beginning of the story as the both realized they had feelings for someone else.

Jade POV

"Has anyone seen Tori lately?" Cat asked from her seat across from me at our usual table in the asphalt cafe.

"We spoke to her two seconds ago before she ran off to answer her phone" I snap stabbing my fork into my salad. I didn't want to think about Vega right now, she was never around anymore and I was definitely not missing her.

"I think Cat means, has anyone seen her outside of school," Beck says putting his hand on Cats shoulder. I roll my eyes, he always has to play the mediator.

"I ain't seen her, she says she has been visiting her Grandmother" Andre sighs he's still upset about the B he received for his new song last week, the lack of his best friend over the past few weeks probably hasn't improved his mood either.

"Well there you go mystery solved, Sweet Sally Peaches is visiting her Grandmother"

"Doesn't her Grandmother live in Seattle?" Robbie says finally finishing his food.

"Creepy" Rex shouts out, "Why do you care where her grandmother lives?"

"Because it's a 3-hour flight and a 17-hour drive. Looks like Sweet Sally Peaches has been lying to us" I answer for Robbie so I don't have to listen to him stutter through a response. I can't explain the weird feeling that realization gives me. We all get up as the bell rings and begin to make our way to Sikowitz's class. I jump inside the janitor's closet as I see Vega heading towards the class distracted by her phone, waiting for the right time I reach out and grab Vega's wrist dragging her inside.

"JADE!" she shouts "What are you doing?" she snaps folding her arms across her chest and glaring at me. Normally I would be impressed that she was sort of standing up to me but, I want to know why she is lying to us.

"Finding out why you are lying to us" I growl taking another step towards us.

"What are you talking about? I'm in a hurry and don't have time for this" She snaps tensing up, before sighing and rubbing at her forehead. "Sorry, I'm really tired" she muttered before leaning back on the wall behind her.

"You told Andre that you have been visiting your grandmother after school, when you have been avoiding hanging out with us, but Robbie says she lives in Seattle, I don't think you are catching two flights back and forth everyday" I tell her, as I watch for her reaction, I watch her shoulders drop as she seems to relax a little.

"I went to visit my Grandmother two weeks ago over the weekend" she explains, before her face scrunched up in confusion and I briefly notice that it makes her look sort of cute, before pushing that thought away quickly. "How does Robbie know where my Grandmother lives," she asks.

"How would I know. Besides it doesn't matter if you aren't visiting your grandmother, the where do you keep disappearing to? Got another Boyfriend?" I ask and don't even want to think about why that upsets me to think she is seeing someone.

"No, no boyfriend" she laughs before pushing herself off the wall and taking a step towards me, The teasing glint in her eye, almost makes me take a step back. Almost. "Does Jade miss me?" she asks taking another step forward.

" " I stutter and curse myself for it, especially when it makes her smile "Just tell me what you're up to Vega"

"I have been hanging out with some other friends" she explains softly, "I didn't mention it because I didn't want to upset Cat you know how easy it is to upset her"

"But why are you hanging out with them now, is it um…..not because of me is it," I ask, and she raises an eyebrow in question. "I know have been being more harsh with you since Beck and I Broke up, it's just that" Normally I wouldn't care but we had been getting along better before she started running off.

"No, Jade it's not you don't worry," she says placing her hand on my shoulder. "Besides its sort of our thing, Right? Frenemies?" I give a smirk glad that I haven't upset her not that I would ever admit that to anyone but her.

"That's not a word Vega" she rolls her eyes giving me a small, shove taking her hand back.

"Why don't you guys come over tonight we can get some pizza, watch a few movies," she asks "and yes we can watch the scissoring"

"Fine but it better be the the director's cut"

"Obviously" she grins "Can you let the guys know, I do actually have somewhere to be?" she says walking out of the Closet and in the opposite direction of our class. I watch her leave the out the front of the school, before turning and walking to class.

Tori POV

"Alright Marx that's enough for now," Juan says, stepping back and beginning to take off his gloves. "Now is there a reason you are here now and not at our usual six o'clock" I pull my mouth guard out moving to grab my water bottle and collapse on a bench.

"My friends are coming over tonight," I say and her rolls his eyes "I know we have a fight coming up in a few weeks, but you know how important it is that they don't know about this"

"Yeah, yeah go shower and see your friends," he says walking towards the men's changing room " and have fun with Jade" He yells ducking down to avoid the glove I throw at his head.

I finish changing and call the pizza place we normally order from making sure that they will have it ready in time for everyone coming over. Before walking outside to my new motorbike that I finally convinced my parents to let me get. I wave to Juan before speeding off to get home in time. I pull into the garage just as I see headlights coming up behind me, I walk into the living room in time to see Beck, Andre, Robbie and Cat walking in the front door none of them have knocked.

"Hello, people who don't have a key," I tell them as Cat makes a run at me almost knocking me over as she crushed me in a hug.

"Jade let us in," Cat told me "she made key ages ago" I roll my eyes of course she did. There is a knock on the door, I move to get it but apparently, Cat isn't planning on letting me go. Beck moves to the door taking the pizza then turning to look at me as does everyone else.

"Guess I'm paying" I mumble finally squirming my way out of Cat's grasp and making my way over to the door to pay. I grab the pizza from Beck telling him to grab plates while I move to lay the boxes open on the kitchen table.

"JADE COME GET FOOD" I yell up the stair not even needing to ask to now she is in my room, not that it matters I keep most of my things in the basement other than clothes. I grab the medium cheese pizza placing it on the counter away from the other who are devouring the pizza on the table all filling their plates.

"No need to yell Vega in here," Jade says appearing at my side.

"Here, cheese with extra cheese," I say handing her a box and plate before moving over to grab a water bottle from the fridge.

"Thanks, Vega" I hear her mutter behind me as I move to sit on the couch, she plops down beside me eating her pizza while we wait for the other to stop arguing over the last slice of pepperoni even though they haven't even started eating yet. They all turn when Trina steps into the kitchen taking the last pizza and walking towards the front door, stopping behind me.

"I'll be back later, got a date, Mum called her flight has been delayed and Dad is on a stakeout so he won't be home until tomorrow," she tells me swiping another piece of pizza from my plate before walking out the door. As everyone else starts sitting down I hand Jade the remote letting her decide what we are going to watch first. She immediately scrolls through PeerTunes to find the Director's Cut for the scissoring I downloaded for her. The guys groan while Cat lets out a loud eeeppp before grabbing a pillow to use to cover her eyes. Jade grins and everyone turns quiet knowing better than to distract Jade from her movie.

As the movie finishes Jade tosses the remote over to Cat to pick something knowing that she will probably pick a Disney movie but allow it to stop her from being so scared. Jade leans back closing her eyes and placing her feet up on the table, I open my mouth to ask her to move them but then think better than it. Cat picks Frozen causing an even louder groan from the guys as she giggles singing the opening number I get up to make some popcorn and by the time I get back they are all singing along with her. By the time the end credits have started rolling, everyone had fun singing the songs and throwing popcorn and booing whenever Hans was on screen. Jade had fallen asleep at some point and was now using my shoulder as a pillow. Beck notices and grins at me grabbing out his phone and taking a picture before I can stop him giving me a wink.

"Alright let's go, guys, before she wakes up," He says grabbing his keys and pushing everyone out the door, having driven everyone except Jade who woke up as the door slammed. She looks around confused before looking embarrassed.

"Beck took pictures didn't he?" She asked and I give a nod. "I'll make him delete it tomorrow" she groans laying back again. "Do you think I could stay over I don't want to drive home" she mutters looking at the floor.

"Sure, you can sleep in Trina's room," I say holding back my laugh as long as I could at her horrified expression. "I'm kidding we have a guest room, just don't stab me in my sleep please"

"I make no promises" she grins, making me feel a little scared, which is ridiculous, I am a CFC champion for a reason.