They had just moved in to their nice suburbia house when Oliver finally succumbed to the fact that he was sick. Felicity had been waiting for him to admit it and for him to finally crash.
She didn't expect him to crash just as hard as he did though, but knowing Oliver she shouldn't have expected him to do anything the easy way.
It started in the middle of the night with violent shivers wracking Oliver, waking Felicity in the process. She'd been worried about his cough for a week, but Oliver had claimed he was fine. But his teeth rattling from the fever rising told her he clearly wasn't.
"Hey, Oliver! You're shaking." Reaching for him, touching his forehead she exclaimed; "you're burning up!"
The bedside light illuminated her boyfriend and it scared her to see his grayish complexion as he coughed and tried to catch his breath.
"Oliver, talk to me!" Felicity needed him to say something.
"I'm okay…just….cold," Oliver kept shaking.
"Well, you're not okay; I'll get you some Advil and another blanket."
Oliver looked miserable when she returned with a glass of water, pills and a thick comforter she wrapped around him. He was sitting up, his back against the headboard, couching violently. Swallowing the pills with a few sips of water, Felicity made him drink up the whole glass, before she took it from him putting it on the side table.
She sat down beside him on the bed, facing him. Her hand on his cheek, she felt his flushed skin against hers, rubbing his stubble she felt him lean into her.
"You need to sleep Oliver; hopefully you'll feel better in the morning."
Felicity hoped he would get some rest, but knew from experience his demons usually surfaced when he got sick like this. When his carefully built defenses were down, his body too tired to keep up. Contracting some kind of virus on Bali he'd had nightmares keeping them both awake for a few nights.
She knew he feared them.
"Sleep, Oliver, I'll wake you, okay?" She managed get him to look her in the eye by turning his head towards her, with the hand she still had on his chin.
"Okay…thank you." Oliver's eyes closed and he scooted down on his side, facing her side of the bed, as if he was seeking her out already.
The shivering stopped eventually and Felicity found he had pushed the comforter off later in the night, when his mumblings woke her up.
"Oliver, you're dreaming…" She reached for his arm, "you need to wake up."
His breathing changed, a sign of him waking up.
"How do you feel," she asked as she turned over on her side, even without her glasses on she could tell he was feeling like crap, as he was willing away the images of his dream.
He was always so quiet after one of his nightmares, like they made him loose his words.
"I'm okay, warm, head hurts," he finally answered.
"Yeah, want to get up? I can sit with you if you'd like company?" Felicity knew he'd refuse but she asked anyway.
Oliver was already up on his feet, his t-shirt sticking to his back, his boxers low slung on his hips. He looked like could use more sleep, but she knew he wouldn't get anymore tonight.
"No, you go back to sleep, I'll just watch some football or something."
She could hear him as he made his way to the living room, his movements in the dark too quiet, but his cough giving him away.
Felicity managed to fall asleep after a while listening to the TV downstairs, knowing Oliver had found his way to the couch.
She woke with the light, early in the morning. Remembering Oliver's fever and nightmare earlier in the night, she got up to check on him.
Oliver was on the couch, the TV was on with the sound muted. A blanket was covering his legs, as he was snoring softly. His breathing was raspy and fast, and Oliver never snored! He was most definitely feverish; she could see his temples were sweaty.
Felicity wanted him to get more rest but she was now officially worried about him. Oliver might have something more serious than just a cold.
"Oliver, wake up."
He just groaned. His wet coughing scaring her, it seemed even worse than the night before.
"Hey, please, just….Come on, wake up for me for a second." She proceeded to shake Oliver's shoulder but he just wouldn't wake up.
"Oliver! Please! Wake Up!" She was shaking him violently, trying to get him to respond.
He didn't respond. Felicity had always been a great multitasker, so she managed to get her phone, dial 911, while still shaking Oliver to try and rouse him.
The arrival of the paramedics and the ambulance ride is a blur, but she'll forever remember the wait for help.