I've been meaning to do an X-Men crossover for some time. My first attempts didn't go anywhere, despite my desire to do a Harry/X-23 story (which is still on the cards). But after a suggestion from whitetigerwolf, I decided to do my take on Blood Brandy's Vegas challenge, where a post-Book 5 Harry ends up in Las Vegas, married to a superhero. While the original challenge was meant for DC heroes rather than Marvel, I've seen variations with Marvel superheroes, and so, this came about.
Anyway, time for the usual disclaimers. Firstly, there will be spoilers for both Harry Potter and X-Men. That being said, this will be a fairly heavy AU for both. Earth-616, this ain't.
Secondly, there will be heavy annotations, as is usual for my works. You have been warned.
Thirdly, this is an M-Rated work. There will be coarse language, violence, dark themes and sexual references. Again, you have been warned.
Finally, the following is a fan-written work. Harry Potter and X-Men are the properties of their respective owners. Please support the official release. Otherwise, the Stepford Cuckoos will flay your mind…