not gonna lie but im such a pussy, i cried in every back story but the day was running out so i made this.
Kuma's enormous paw swept them away like bugs.
"Sanji! Please!"
And then…
There were none except for a captain.
"I'm so weak!" He sobs into the ground, if he was strong, he would have been able to save his crew.
Why is he so weak?
Why are they all gone?
"Being alone hurts more than death!"
Oh how true that sentiment is.
Why is such a terrible captain?
And he is gone, surrounded by a flimsy film, hurtling to a new island.
And Luffy thinks hopes that his crew had a similar journey to their new island.
But then, the trees of the amazon lily are falling away and hard, solid structures are taking place. The soft soil crumbles away into hard concrete.
"No!" He cries, because anywhere is better than this.
"Follow mugiwara no Luffy!"
And then…
"Jiji please!"
A steaming punch knocks the old man out of the way and Luffy knows that Jiji only let them escape.
"You're always doing reckless things like this Luffy."
A torrent of fire helps them land safely and Luffy sobs internally because he knows, he knows where this will lead.
It always does.
"Die! Son of Dragon!"
"Luffy! Wait no!"
Ace stands, curling protectively around the body he had saved, fist of magma straight through his middle.
Severing his spine, cauterising his liver, his kidney, his lungs and just searing his heart.
Luffy can see right through his nii-chan, and that makes him want to hurl because he can see the blackness from where he was burned.
Ace please.
"Please tell everyone what I'm about to say…"
His blood is all over his hands and arms, sticky and warm, like his brother in life.
"Even though I was just a worthless demon…"
Ace, please! You're my brother! Your promised you wouldn't die!
"Thank you for loving me!"
His body falls to the ground, Luffy unable to support him any longer.
Ace's blood is pooling onto him but Luffy isn't passing out, no, he's watching Ace's body slowly break down further, burning away like the vivre card.
"Oi! Luffy!"
A heavy weight lands on him but he can't break free. So instead he thrashes futilely, the world fading around him.
His tears are falling in twin streams down his face.
He just wants to be gone from this nightmare.
"It's okay, Luffy."
And suddenly he's ensconced in warmth from all sides and he stops moving.
Luffy wakes to the sight of his entire crew surrounding him, Zoro is very warm, he discovers.
Because that's who it is, he can tell from the scar running diagonally across the mans' chest.
He can hear Brook playing Bink's Sake and the sound of Franky's metallic body moving around.
He can smell Nami's scent of mikan and electricity that seems to follow the navigator everywhere she goes. Robin smells like flowers and the sea.
Zoro smells like metal and sweat.
Luffy snuggles further into his swordsman, still crying.
But his tears are stopping, because he is surrounded by his nakama, they're all here, they're all here for him.
And he wouldn't have it any other way.