I do not own Harry Potter or affiliations. I do not profit from this story. Adult themes and fetishes will be contained. Yaoi.

"But daddy, I don't want a fiscal," pouted a chubby cheeked 8 year old Harry.

"It's a physical assessment, Harry. It's important to ensure your body is growing and functioning properly," lectured Albus.

"Why does Poppy have to do it? She's a girl, and girls aren't 'sposed to see boys naked, you said," Harry questioned. "Can't Sevy do it? I wont mind him giving me my fiscal, honest."

Sighing wearily, "I suppose, if he agrees…" Albus allowed.

"Hey uncle Sev, wanna give me my fiscal," the impertinent boy cheekily hollered across the Great Hall as his papa led him by the hand to breakfast.

Groaning as Minerva and Rolanda chuckled at his expense, he reluctantly agreed.

After a hearty breakfast of oatmeal with blueberries, toast and marmalade, Harry caught a ride to the infirmary, skinny legs clutched around Severus waist, his upturned nose snuggled into the mans neck. As the potions master touted his burden up flights of stairs, the small lad would plant breathy kisses on his tender flesh, causing his trousers to tighten.

Upon arrival, Severus instructed Harry to disrobe and sit on the bed. Starting at the boys tousled head, he carefully palpated and inspected the scalp. Moving down the small, childish body, no concerns were noted. To Harry's delight, a calloused palm gently palpated his miniature penis and testicles, causing him to giggle and squirm.

"Turn onto your stomach, Harry. That's it, bring your knees under you a bit," Severus ordered.

Turning to the instrument drawer, he removed an old fashioned thermometer and some lubricant.

"This is going to be a bit cold, Harry," he informed as he slicked a good amount of the lubricant across the tightly furled rectum. As the boy shivered a bit, he gently prodded a finger past the clenching muscle. Pushing his finger in slowly deeper, he gently curled the digit, causing a little mewl to escape sweetly parted lips.

"How does that feel, Harry?" Questioned an obviously aroused potions master.

"It tickles," giggled the boy as the man continued to gently tap on a funny spot inside of his bum.

Slowly removing the questing digit, Severus then slicked the thick thermometer in lubricant, placing the round tip against the slightly loosened anus. Pushing it in gradually, Harry whined as his virgin opening was slowly plundered. The thermometer seemed to take forever to finish its reading, causing Harry to wiggle a bit, panting at the shift of the glass tool against his insides.

Finally the temperature was taken, Severus removing the thermometer needlessly slowly.

"You were very good, Harry," praised uncle Sev, turning the small boy over.

"What do I get for being good?" The boy demanded, puckering his petite lips up as a clue to the reward he sought.

"I suppose you would like a kiss?" Severus questioned the obvious, bending over the bed to gently press his lips against the insistent pucker of Harry.

Licking insistently at the boys rosy lips caused the petite orifice to open up, allowing for a luxurious exploration.

"Thanks for making sure I'm healthy, uncle Sev. I can't wait for my next fiscal," Harry stated excitedly, smiling his adoration.