Despite all the awkwardness leading up to it, Diana couldn't deny she was unexpectedly happy with how things were going with Akko. She had come to Luna Nova for an education, she hadn't expected to find a girl-…


Girl who she dates and holds hands with on occasion. That was a nice bonus. When they first met, she never would've imagined she could see Akko in that sense, but somehow, she could no longer imagine what it was like not to be endeared by her. It had only been a few days since their date, and the thought of a second filled her with more excitement than she's felt in a long time. It was a strange feeling, but Diana liked it well enough.

"Diana!" "Diana!"

The witch in question looked up from her tea and allowed a small smile to show on her lips at the sight of Hannah and Barbara. "Hello, girls. Is everything alright?"

"We just heard the juiciest gossip and we just had to tell you!"
"Yeah, so, you know your friend, Akko?"
"…yes?" Diana cared for her teammates a lot, but they could be quite hard to follow when they were excited.

"So there was this rumor that she of all people was dating Andrew Hanbridge! Did you hear about all that?"

"…yes." Despite her best efforts, trying to stop high school girls from spreading false rumors was nigh impossible. Diana supposed she'd be stuck dispelling this for quite a while. "From my understanding, girls, that was a mistake. They are not dating." Her teammates looked impressed.

"Oh, so you have heard! Just like Diana to know what's going on."

"I can't believe anyone believed that though." Hannah turned to Barbara to express her shock. "Andrew Hanbridge is super rich and dreamy. Why would he date someone like Akko?"
Diana couldn't help but wince.

"Yeah I mean, Akko's not the worst or anything, but like, her? Andrew so rich he probably dates supermodels or something. What would he see in her?"
"Right? Akko's nice enough, but I can't imagine why anyone would think Andrew would go for her."

Barbara glanced to Diana. "I mean, you two are friends, right? What would make someone pick Akko?"

"Girls, you know I'm dating Akko, right?"
The sudden silence was palpable. Barbara gaped at her. Hannah turned to gape at her as well. They gaped at each other for a moment, before slowly turning back to Diana. And then they shrieked.

Diana almost fell out of her chair at the sudden piercing filling her ears. Thankfully, it only lasted a moment before Hannah and Barbara fainted for the second time this week. Once Diana recovered from her own shock, she let out a long, weary sigh.

This may prove to be a complication.

Amanda let out another long groan as she flopped onto her bunk. "Maaaan, I just don't get how Akko got so lucky all of a sudden. One day everyone thinks she's a dunce, the next she's like, saving the world, and getting to go on live television."

Jasminka did not seem very sympathetic to her teammates' distress. "We were there, too, you know."

"Yeah, but we left first! Before stuff even got good! And now, Akko's banging not one, but two rich people! How did that happen?!" Amanda threw up her arms in frustration. "How come I can't land a hot rich lady? Or a hot rich dude? She got both!"

Again, despite the obvious injustice of how much cool stuff was happening to Akko and not to her, Jasminka still looked unmoved.

"Sorry, Amanda. I still think you're missing some information here."
"Agh, c'mon! It's like she managed to grab all the good luck from us. I got detention today, and she's got some date!"
"Amanda, she was in detention yesterday."

"Tch, yeah, yeah. Hey, what do you think, Contz? You gotta admit, we got the short end of the stick here, eh?"

Constanze just looked surprised, long having stopped working on her next project when she had noticed just what they had been discussing. "…Is everyone I know gay?"

Akko outright sprinted when she saw him approach. As always, way too excited to contain her joy. "Andrew! You're back from your trip!"
"Oh! Hey Akko. It's good to see you."

After such a long business trip, being able to just sit and talk with his guard down would be an immensely welcome change of pace. He made finger guns at her. She made finger guns back.

Taking out a water bottle, Andrew wet his throat before speaking with his friend. "And how are things with Diana?" Akko's tender smile at the thought of her girlfriend was still unchanged.

"It's pretty great. She decided she's gonna come visit me in Japan over summer break. It's gonna be a bit weird for her to meet my parents. I wonder if they'll like her…"
"I wouldn't stress about it too much, Akko. Diana's not one to make a fool of herself."
"I mean, yeah, I know that…"
"At least, not in public."

"Ooh, gonna play it like that?" She smirked, "Remember what you told her when you tried to set us up? You've said a lot of embarrassing things too, mister." Akko prodded him in the arm, but he didn't look phased by the teasing. Andrew took a long sip of his water bottle, and as he quenched his thirst, he looked down directly at Akko and said two words.

"Chariot costume."
"SHUT! UP!" She punched him in the arm. "You always bring that up as soon as I start winning an argument!" Laughing to himself, Andrew sat down on the curb, and after she made absolutely sure he saw her pouting face, Akko sat beside him.

"But really, you don't think it's too soon, do you? I mean, we've only been dating a few weeks."
"Akko, really. Don't overthink it. You like her. If you do, I'm sure your parents will like her too."
"Yeah…it's still just so different. But like, a good different. She turned to him, her eyes shining. "Plus, I always got you to help me out when things mess up, don't I?" Andrew couldn't keep the chuckle in his throat.

"I suppose if I must help you out. Someone has to keep your plans under control." The smirk returned to Akko's face.

"So speaking of that, let's say things go real good for me and Diana these next few years and I go as far as to wanna propose…"
"Akko Kagari, I swear, I will kill you where you stand."
"Ha! We're sitting! You can't touch me!"

"Akko," Diana said slowly. "I know how much you love me. I still refuse to let you leave until you finish studying for your midterms."

"Come oooon, Diana!" She pouted. "It'll be fun! And I know you like having fun, no matter what you say."

"Studying can be fun someti- Don't you laugh at me, Atsuko! I remember you used to be excited to learn new magic."

"I am! But I wanna use magic, not talk about it…Let's make a deal then." Diana bit back a groan. She was a skilled negotiator when it came to things that weren't related to her girlfriend.

"Akko, I don't want you to do poorly on these exams. Your mother gave me explicit directions to make sure you pass."

"And I will! But if I finish these pages, I get to take you out flying. Just us, the broom, the open sky, a bit of privacy~."

"Akko…" This is it. This is why she could never win. Akko knew all her weaknesses and it was completely unfair. "I don't want her cross with me again."
"But don't you just wanna see me smile, Diana?"

"…You are insufferable. Fine. Fine! But only if you finish! We'll have plenty of time to fly when the exams are over."

It was good enough for Akko, and she returned to her books with a renewed vigor. Diana quizzed her with flashcards, and did her best to walk her through all the review work they had been given. The broom in the corner called to her, but Diana wasn't about to let her be distracted yet. Akko would get an A or her name wasn't Diana K-

Cavendish. Diana Cavendish.

Damn it, Akko.

((Look, I don't know, I just wanted to write more dialogue, and I never know how to end these things. I said it'd be short.)

But, uh, yeah! It's over then! I can't believe how nice you people were to this thing. Someone put this on the TVtropes page for LWA and that's just nuts to me! I'm surprised how many people said they liked how I characterized Andrew. He ended up being fun to write, as this recovering snob with a heart of gold. He complains how much he hates going along with Akko while he drops everything to help Akko the second she's in trouble. And then there's Diana. In short, Trailer Trash Witch: 2, the beautiful Elite of society: 0.

It was really fun to write this story on its own, but that a lot of people actually really liked it is super cool.I dunno what my next fic will be. I got a few LWA ideas stirring around, and it'd be fun to play off of more characters. But trying to keep a schedule for these things can be a bit of a pain, so I might just do some one-shots for a while. But really, thanks so much for the kind words. I'm still amazed that so many people left so many nice comments on this.)