Previously on Be My Lady:

"I never said I didn't like you Lucas," She began as she sat next to him on the edge of her bed. The two shifted so they could face each other. "What I said was that I was confused about my feelings because I didn't know if they were because of the moment or because they were real real."

"What are you saying?"

"What I'm saying now, and also what I was trying to say before, is that I wanted to try."


"I wanted to give it a shot. You and me. I wanted to explore whatever feelings I had for you but you didn't give me the chance to even put it on the table,"

Lucas' eyes widened. She was willing to give him a shot and he missed it all because he was trying to spare his own feelings. he mentally punched himself a million times and kicked himself in the crotch a billion more. "Are you serious?"

Riley nodded in response, "And then after we get back you chose to avoid me. And every time I wanted to talk it felt like you were pushing me away,"

"So now?"

Riley closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She opened them and they were met by his gaze. She took his hands in hers and sighed, "Be My Boyfriend."

A week after Texas...

Following her vacation in Texas, Riley's life almost went back to normal. Three out of the seven days of the week, she would be at work for 12 hours a day. She didn't mind it. It was her job after all, but first and foremost, it was something that she loved to do. Not everyone can say this but she missed going to work. She missed the adrenaline rush. She missed her work family. And most of all, she missed all of the kids.

"So why won't you tell me what you did during your vacation?" Emily, Riley's work best friend, asked. "And I still can't believe I don't have my souvenir."

Riley rolled her eyes and laughed, "I went to a family affair in Philadelphia. Nothing is in Philadelphia except cheesesteak, which you can also purchase at that restaurant around the corner."

"Yeah but what fun would that be going to a restaurant just to get cheesesteak?"

"You know what you should do instead?" Riley looked up from the paperwork she was completing on her clipboard, "Chart. Unless you want to stay here until 7 again."

The brunette set her clipboard down by her computer workstation and rounded the corner towards one of her patient's room. She knocked on the door and cleaned her hands with some sanitizer before entering the room.

"Good morning Dylan!" Riley greeted the 6 year old boy with one of her signature smiles. "How are you feeling this morning?"

"I'm okay Nurse Riley," Dylan responded with a weak smile and then returned to his regular scheduled cartoons on TV. It was Dylan's third day at the hospital after being admitted for dehydration brought on by diarrhea. He has been on continuous IV fluids and constant input and output monitoring.

The nurse chuckled and turned to face the little boy's parents, "Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds, the lab tech drew some blood earlier this morning so we're just waiting on that result. When they are ready, Dr. Friar will review them to see how much Dylan has improved over the past few days and we can go from there."

"Thank you so much Riley," Mrs. Reynolds nodded as she reached for her son's hand. "Maybe we can go home soon Dyl."

"Will you still let me eat popsicle?" The boy asked as he turned to face Riley. "Nurse Riley let's me have all the popsicles I can have and lotsa flavors too!"

"No," Riley feigned shock and placed a hand on her chest. "I only give you a few."

"You let me have them all the time!" Dylan laughed and everyone in the room can't help but join along.

"Dylan you know popsicles should only be eaten once in a while correct?" Riley questioned as she walked around the bed towards where the IV pump was to check the rate the fluids were going. "You were not drinking a lot of water or juice and popsicles were able to help. But now that you're all better, you'll be able to drink water, and juice, and milk!"

"See Dyl," Mr. Reynold's began. "You should listen to Nurse Riley and drink a lot of milk! He'll grow faster if he does right Nurse Riley?" The brunette nodded and gave her sweet smile towards the little boy, just before a knock interrupted them.

"Good morning Dylan," A man in white lab coat greeted. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds." He paused. "Riley."

"Good morning Dr. Friar," Mrs. Reynolds greeted as she stepped aside so the physician can check on her son. "So what's our next plan?"

The doctor felt for the little boy's pulse and listened to his heart and lungs, "Well I don't see any reason why we should keep you here any longer, Dyl."

"What do you mean?" Dylan asked as he sat up a little straighter, listening intently to the doctor.

"You can go home today!" The doctor announced and turned to face the parents. "I just checked his lab results and everything is perfectly well. We can stop the IV fluids now and you will be set to go after Riley gives you discharge instructions."

The Reynolds' sighed with relief as they hugged each other, "Oh thank you so much Dr. Friar."

"You're welcome!" He gave them a smile. "It's what I do. Well Dyl, it was nice meeting you. Nurse Riley here will take care of you until you leave okay? If you need anything, just let us know okay?"

Dylan nodded, "Can I have another popsicle? I like grape."

Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds shook their head at their son's wittiness but since now that everything was okay, their minds were at peace and they didn't care if Dylan had just one more popsicle, "If that's okay with Nurse Riley and Dr. Friar."

"I'll leave this one to Nurse Riley," Dr. Friar responded, raising an eyebrow at the nurse. "This seems like a tough decision and plus I don't want to get on her bad side."

"Are you scared of her Dr. Friar?" Dylan inquired, cocking his head to the side in confusion.

Lucas scoffed, "Psh no!"

"Okay... So Nurse Riley can I have just one more popsicle?"

Riley pretended to think as she stroke a finger to her chin, "I guess one more wouldn't be so bad. I'll come back in a bit okay?" Dylan cheered for a few seconds and then returned his attention to the television. His parents gave one more thank you to both the nurse and doctor before the two left the room.

"Thank you Nurse Riley," Lucas nodded as he cleansed his hands with sanitizer after leaving the room.

"You're welcome Dr. Friar," She responded as she does the same act. "If you need anything just page me."

Lucas cleared his throat and nodded, "Same to you."

And the two walked away from each other towards different directions, continuing on with their everyday life at work.

Twelve hour shifts at the Greenwich Village Hospital were always so draining, especially for a new resident doctor. But Lucas doesn't mind as this is what he wanted and this was his life now. He couldn't be happier with how things were going at his new workplace. He was content so he can't complain much with that.

After getting off his shift, he passed by the Chinese restaurant near his apartment so he could order take out. Yes, he did love to make home-cooked meals, but sometimes he would just be too exhausted to even lift a finger in the kitchen. The beauty of eating take out food is that, after his shower, he could lounge in his pajama's in front of the television and go right to bed-so he could rest for another 12 hour shift the following day.

When he arrived at his apartment, he dropped his bag and placed the food on top of his kitchen counter. He groggily walked towards his room and into his bathroom to shower. Although he would've loved to skip the shower, eat, and go straight to bed, being splashed on with some bilious vomit did not seem very clean to him.

With a towel wrapped around his torso, he walked to his drawers to find something to put on. And to no surprise, he chooses blue plaid boxer shorts and a white v neck. After towel-drying his hair, he hangs his towel in the bathroom and heads straight to the kitchen as he could already hear his hunger calling out.

"Food's already on the coffee table and the TV is set to the evening news," A voice coming from his kitchen, called. "You took so long in the shower! I'm already starving."

Lucas chuckled and walked over to the kitchen, "Well I didn't think you'd want to hug someone who possibly has bile on their skin."

"Okay I get that but I took 10 minutes. And I have long hair,"

"Can't you just come over here and give me a hug?" Lucas pouted. "I've had a long day too you know."

"You're worst than the patients at the hospital,"

"Please Nurse Riley?"

She shook her head and bit her lip, "Fine. But just a quick one because I'm hangry."

Lucas laughed and enveloped the brunette in a bear hug. Now this, he thought, this makes all of my exhaustion disappear. Riley Matthews.

Anyone still out there reading GMW fanfics?

Guess who's back and writing a sequel for Be My Lady!? I'm so sorry I took so long! I just found it really hard for me to physically start writing!

What do you think of it so far? I'd love to know your thoughts :)