Papyrus had gathered every towel, every bandage and every blanket while they waited for the arrival of their guests. Sans laid back while Papyrus moreso waited expectantly, eyeing the door.

Red arrived first, bursting through their door, only giving a quick look to his doppelganger who shot up from his position. He looked panicked as he threw a heavy looking bag into the corner. "She ain't doin so well." He breathed, holding the door open.

Boss arrived, carrying Chara limply in his arms. Papyrus stood before him, arms outward ready to take her from Boss's hands and into a warm towel. For a brief moment, they locked eyes. Papyrus noted the danger in the other however didn't back down. He felt anger and fear all at once. Boss averted his gaze, focusing on the task at hand.

Chara began screaming as she was placed on their couch. Sans remained sitting, only eyeing her, attempting to not feel bad about how injured she actually was. He watched Papyrus and (who he assumed was Boss) begin their healing magic. Papyrus knelt by her face, placing ungloved hands that bore holes in his palms on her head to calm her. He placed a hand over her chest while Boss extracted her soul.

"You remember you have to stay still." Boss spoke softly as she calmed, looking over at Papyrus and grimacing briefly.

"H-how...did you...Get here?" She took shaky breaths as she allowed him to comfort her.

"Shhh...It's alright human." Papyrus replied.

Red and Sans watched for several hours as their brothers tirelessly worked to heal her. Occasionally, they would swap healing magic so that the other could restore their magic. Chara had fallen asleep just before Boss pushed her soul back where it had belonged. He watched her momentarily before wiping his brow.

"Sans, could you get this...scarier version of me some refreshments?" Papyrus eyes his alter.

"Yeah bro, hold on." Sans teleported into the kitchen and immediately returned. "Uuuuh...fresh out."

Boss turned to look at Papyrus in amusement.

" to take your copy with you to get them. We may need to rejuvenate quickly."'

Sans looked over at Red before stepping towards the door. "Uuuuh...yeah. Sure."

"Sans. Go with this...other Sans." Red rolled his eyes and scoffed as he followed the other out.

They sat in silence before Boss leaned forward.

"The old refreshments trick, huh?" Boss mused.

"You're familiar with that one?" Papyrus glanced at him.

"Surely they understand that we'd be too prepared to purposely run out of refreshments." Boss laughed before looking down.

"This...situation." Papyrus's voice became stale as he pushed a chunk of Charas hair away from her face. "I wasn't told the specifics...what are they planning?"

Boss leaned back. "Red is...taking Chara back to Frisk. That part you know." He sighed. "Then he's taking her...away from Sans."

"Sans told me that she would decide where she wanted to be."

"That is, unfortunately, incorrect. The deal was for my Sans to take her, then render her incapable of a reset."

"Has anyone been able to talk to Chara?"

"Yes...She would rather die than be stuck with the other human."

Papyrus nodded. He hid his anger however he did so poorly. "She didn't take much soul with her...You and I both know that...THEY both know that." He sighed. "Frisk is perfectly fine wherever she is...She may have needed slight healing however she should be doing well now."

Boss stood, moving toward the couch where Chara lay. He placed a hand over her forehead. "I promised her I wouldn't let Sans take her back the other human."

Papyrus looked up at him. "If I'm being honest...She won't live for much longer unless she's returned."

"Her pain, though." Boss lowered his voice. "I won't allow it." He flatly stated.

"Well." Papyrus rose to stand before the taller version of himself. "If you come up with a plan...let me know. I'm all for loyalty however Sans is wrong." They shook hands. "They can have their secret dealings then so can we."