Chapter One

They had just arrived, carrying with them items from the previous reset. The walk was treacherous and the air chill but they wouldn't notice it. They had too much fire in their spirit. Frisk took power over the other most of the time after their genocide run. She knew this would now be the norm. Chara did come out, if only to give vulgar remarks about the other. They were older now, no longer a child. Having spent reset after reset in the underground.

"Cant you fucking stop for a minute?" Chara sighed. "That piece of trash will still be there even if we took an eternity to get to Snowdin."

"Thats not the point, Char." Frisk thought to herself, noticing her chilled skin. "I'm at least trying to get to the inn before we freeze to death." Her boots crunched the snow beneath them. "What went wrong last time anyways?"

Chara scoffed. "I'm not sure, but you definitely pissed off Sans more than I did this time." Their heart sank.

"I'm not sure what happened though, I didn't dust anyone." They thought.

Everything seemed different, the air was colder and the ice more prevalent than the last. They searched for any signs of life.

"There. There's a fucking trap." They eyed the netting above a tree branch. "Finally we're getting somewhere."

"This is different." Frisk eyes the branch, looking for familiar puzzles or even a friendly skeleton waiting on the other side. "Should we trigger it?"

"Are you fucking for real Frisk? Why. Why would we do that." Chara felt immense fear at being caught by the genocide Sans. "I don't think I can stand anymore gashes to my flesh or worse."

"If I get caught I can apologize." They looked down at their feet and took a step closer.

"Fuck you! God, it's like you aren't the one feeling any pain everytime we do this." They kept walking. "I mean I just can't believe you sometimes. I'm glad you want to face your demons but I'd rather not."

Frisk stood below the netting not sure when it would fall, if at all. They gazed up at the contraption in confusion. Chara attempted to move them however they remained.

"Holy fuck! Why are you such a goddamn idiot!? This is why you forced me to commit genocide all those times...because you don't know what the fuck you're doing."

"Chara. Please." She tried to focus on the task at hand. They knelt at the pulley, noticing a figure emerge from the treeline.

"Ya know you shouldn't let her talk like that." It was a familiar voice.

Frisk ran towards him, hands outward in a hugging motion.

"Hey, what's up." He didn't seem all too thrilled to be seeing them.

"I'm sorry." They signed, immediately getting to the point. "I don't know what happened all I know is that you killed us. It had to be for a good reason."

Sans looked confused. "Thats funny." He looked at them intently. "Did ya hit your head or something?"

They shook their head. "I'm not playing around, Sans."

"-'m not either." He gave their head a consoling pat. "I really didn't kill ya last time. You didn't make it to the judgement hall. As a matter of fact...You weren't seen anywhere this time." He accepted their hug. "I was gettin kinda worried."

They were shocked. "I know for a damn fact that he slaughtered us." Chara stated as they only eyed Sans. "I think he's fucking with us. It's why I don't trust him. One fucked up monster who only wants to mess with us. He probably wants to keep killing us for fun."

"Ya don't trust me." Although they couldn't speak, he somehow interpreted their feelings. "Have I ever given ya a reason not to?"

Chara emerged. "Let's fucking see, all those times you killed me, yes. You have."

Sans put his hands in his pockets. "Not my fault ya had to go around killing everything. I may absolutely despise you. But Frisk? I wouldn't do that to 'er." Frisk had returned, looking colder than ever.

"-'kay look, how about we stop fucking around and get you inside somewhere warm." His arm grabbed them. "Then we can talk."

They teleported just outside of his house in Snowdin. Sans swung open the door, taking notice of the smell.

"Guess Paps is cooking...which is good for ya because it looks like you've been wondering around all night."

They looked awful, hair and skin wet with snow with a half torn shirt. They didn't see the extent of their injuries until they were in the light.

Sans immediately noticed the trail of blood they were leaving behind. He grabbed them to inspect them, seeing wounds that could only be inflicted by himself.

"Paps!" Fear struck him. "I need you!"

"I'm fine." Frisk signed.

The larger monster took his call seriously, barging in the room. "THE CHILD!" He exclaimed. "Where have you been!"

"I'm not a child anymore and I-" They tried to finish signing but were interrupted.

"Paps they need a healing like, asap." Cold hands lifted their shirt, exposing flesh wounds. Frisk winced at the sting of wet fabric peeling at it.

They were taken to the bathroom. "Can we remove this?" Paps questioned, tugging at her tattered top.

Sans noticed their discomfort. "I'll go get 'em something clean to put on."

"It'd probably be better if they cleaned up prevent infection." Paps motioned them to the shower, handing them a large towel. "Take your time human."

Frisk inspected herself once again in the mirror. "Why didn't these wounds heal after restarting?"

"That fuckface is probably messing with us again. There's no way any other monster could still leave marks on us after a reset."

"Chara, I really don't think he can do anything like that." Frisk halted, staring at herself in the mirror. "Are we missing time? Did we go unconscious at all after resetting?" They shook their head no. "We would remember that. That and no monster here would inflict damage to us."

The hot water warmed their chilled skin. They ensured to clean up the dirt and blood that had accumulated. Once clean, they were greeted by a hand holding clothes, it's owner hiding behind the door.

Once dressed they loomed over the staircase, stomach empty. Paps peeked out from the kitchen holding a plate of baked goods and walked their way. He handed them the plate and ushered them to the couch. "Please eat."

They didn't realize how hungry they were until they were face to face with muffins. Trying to act mannered, they dug in. "May I?" A hand touched their shirt, revealing the wounds. An intense feeling of warmth invaded their exterior.

"HOW did you even do this?" He asked. Frisk noticed Sans eyeing them from across the room.

"Look Frisk, he's guilty and we both know ilt." Frisk became unsettled. "Hes just waiting for his stupid brother to heal us so he can do it again."

"You just want to start drama." Frisk replied internally to the other, watching the Orange magic flood her wounds. She wished that he could understand her if she were to try and say something. Instead...she ate muffins.

After several moments and muffins later, they felt better. Hunger didn't strike them and the pained stabs from the cuts didn't tinge them. They were safe. Once the taller skeleton left the room, Frisk felt the urge to try and make conversation. Chara, after all, was still convinced Sans had done something.

Frisk eyed him on the chair across her

"Cough." They signed jokingly for maximum awkward. "Cough cough." She tapped on the coffee table and still nothing. "Is he sleeping?" They wondered, surely not with Chara in the room.

Frisk approached him, leaning her face close, attempting to hear the snoring. She brought up a hand to poke his face and before she landed a hit, he spoke.

"You're mad at me." He frowned. Frisk said nothing and waited for him to continue. "Ya know, I lost track of time too for a while."

Chara screamed inside their head. "See? I TOLD you." Frisk attempted to quiet the voice in her head.

"Did anything happen?" Frisk asked, hands moving quickly.

Sans sighed. "Nothing that I can think of. But...uh." He reached for their healed side. "I somehow remember this. Can we go somewhere private?"

Frisk nodded. They were teleported.