Jason's POV

I've almost got a heart attack myself.

"Holy crap, Alfred! You're worse than the freakin' Batman!" I hissed. Then I realised what I've just said and slapped my hand over my mouth.

"Language, Master Jason," Alfred reprimanded, hint of sparkles in his sad eyes.

"Sorry, Alfred, I didn't mean to... I didn't know what to..." I paused biting my lip. "How serious is it?"

I listened, confused, I didn't know what to pick up. Apparently Bruce's condition was serious indeed, but there was a good chance he will make it through the surgery and recover.

One question however remained hovering in the air. What will be with the Batman?

I stopped thinking that way after a while - first he has to live and recover, then the other things.

After a moment Alfred cleaned his throat.

"I'm sorry, Master Jason, but I have to go back to the rest."

"Sure, Alfred, sorry to keep you. Umm, would you please help me to leave unnoticed?" I fidgeted.

"Won't you meet the family, sir?" Alfred's expression saddened even more.

"I don't think it's the right time..."

"And when do you think that would be?"

I opened my mouth, then closed it again.

"I don't know, Alfie," I admitted finally. "I don't know if there ever will be a right time at all," I added quietly.

"You have always had a place in the family. All you have to do is to come back," Alfred said, and for a split of the second I believed it. But...

"This is not about me now. This is about Bruce. The... family... doesn't need to deal with more sh... stuff it has to right now."

Alfred's lips twitched in the smallest smile.

"Very well, if that is what you wish."

As Alfred turned to the door to leave, I turned back to Bruce for the last time. It could be my last chance to see him again.

A tiny movement caught my eye.

"Alfred!" I called silently. "Didn't you say the doctors are keeping him sedated?


"I think he is awake!"

We both hurried to the bed. I remained at the feet, while Alfred checked the i.v. and ECG and God knows what else.

"Shouldn't you call a doctor?" I suggested nervously.

Before Alfred could answer, Bruce's eyes fluttered and then opened slightly, trying to focus through the chemical daze.

"J-Jason?" he mumbled. "Is... that... you...?"

"Hey, Old man, yeah, it's me. Stay calm, ok?" Damn, there must be something I'm allergic to. What other reason would there be for my eyes to prickle?

I grabbed his hand - in order to prevent him from tugging at all the tubes.

"What... happened...?"

"You've had a heart attack. You will most likely need to undergo a surgery, but you should be OK."

"You... doin'... here?"

"Well, I had to make sure no one and nothing will off you before I do, right?" I shrugged nonchalantly. I heard Alfred's shocked gasp. Bruce smiled and his eyes closed again. "Right..." he exhaled as he apparently fell asleep again.

"You've always been good at consoling the sick, Jaybird."

"Oh, shut it, Dickie." I turned around to face the inevitable.

There they stood. Golden Boy, Replacement, Demon Brat. Would-be family. They looked surprised, but not angry. Well, maybe Damian did, but again, he usually looked angry, so...

"Well, nice to meet you, but I'd better go, I guess." I tried to move past them and dissappear. Dick grabbed my arm.

"Do you intend to use that hand again?" I said casually as I looked at his hand pointedly. He dropped my arm with hurt look in his eyes.

„I thought..." Dick started.

„What? That I will come running home to you? That we will be one big happy family? C´mon!"

I felt the anger rising in my chest. This happened everytime I had to deal wit the Bat clan. I´d better leave now before things escalate and someone gets hurt.

„Bye, Alfred. It was great to see you again."

I threw the door open and marched out of the room to the waiting room. And I stopped dead, facing Barbara. Well, facing. I rammed my shins into her wheelchair. „F...," I started, but closed my mouth shut. Kids are present.

„Jason?" She seemed to be genuinely surprised to see me. Pleasant kind of surprise, not the I´m-gonna-get-your-sorry-butt-kicked-out kind.

„Hi, Babs. Bye, Babs." I tried to squeeze past her, but she pulled herself together quickly.

„Oh no, you don´t!" and she grabbed my arm with her loose hand. I tried to shoot her a glare too. Well, I´ve apparently forgotten, who I am dealing with. She glared back, until I gave up and slumped into the nearest plastic chair, arms crossed on my chest.

„Uhm, congratulations, I guess," I nodded towards her belly. She flashed bright smile. „And I guess you didn´t even know you are uncle." I glanced at the little boy that was now sleeping in his mother´s lap and couldn´t help myself but smile. Barbara smiled back.

„So... Are you staying for a while?"

„Well, I guess I am," I sighed and sank deeper into the chair. This is gonna be a long day.


Oh my, I really hoped this would be the last chapter. But it seems to live a life of it´s own :) Anyway, hope you liked it. And I apologize for typos and such, I´ve fried my computer and I´m writing this on my mobile phone.

Reviews and suggestions are welcome :) And feel free to follow me on Tumblr too :)