AN: Firstly, I do not own Spiderman, nor the avengers.

Just a note to say that this story contains MAJOR SPOILERS for Spiderman Homecoming, which is amazing and I would really recommend.

I hope you enjoy the story...

How did I feel?

Honestly, more than a little overwhelmed. It was a rather surreal experience after all.

Around me laid destruction, a scene that you would only normally see in the movies and yet, here I was, sitting in the middle of it all with the knowledge that in the end, I caused this. The sand blowed lazily around, engulfed by great plumes of fire here and there, a stark contrast to the ever present darkness all around. A wreck lay in pieces in the middle, torn by the force of the great vulture himself, a man bird beast that was, I can now say officially, well and truly webbed.

Gotcha. Take that meanie. I childishly thought from my perch. I felt exhausted. Truly and utterly drained. My old suit was torn and tattered, the mask laid shrewd, somewhere in the wreckage but god knows where. Not to mention the fact that despite my success, I had taken more than one hit, and I really did, ache all over.

Mr Stark told me to stay away. The thought came to my head suddenly. But I didn't stay away. I disobeyed his direct orders. Blown it, I knew, already planning on how to recreate my old suit since this one was destroyed and I had no chance now of regaining my new one. I would certainly try to change those eyes in any case, Mr Stark was right about one thing – they really did look very stupid.

The silence, after all the activity, felt eerie and heavy, drawn down by the weight of all that had happened right here this night. Then, out from somewhere amongst it, a sharp flash illuminated the sky. Instantaneous, I jerked my hand up, covering my face as more flashes came. It didn't take long for the press to arrive. How Mr Stark puts up with them, I will never know. And then came the sudden realisation that changed everything.

I had no mask.

So I did the only thing I could do in the situation. I jerked up my hood from my jumper, for the first time grateful that I was wearing this suit rather than my new one, and then, I swung away. Did they get their picture? Was I quick enough? I didn't yet know. I just wanted to get out of there. I wanted to see Aunt May and sleep for about a hundred years.

Ow, was the first thing I thought the next morning, as I awoke to harsh sunlight. The light didn't hurt mind you, it seemed my body wasn't entirely healed yet. I waited there in bed, unwilling to face up to the reality that was the day ahead.

"Are you waking up or am I just going to wait here… all night" a voice echoed in a dull tone in the room. It was Mr Stark. I jerked upright immediately, ignoring my body's protests.

"I… how did… I mean, how long have you been in here," I stammered, trying to get out some words.

"Ages," Mr Stark said once more. I looked at him a little closer now, he was, in typically Stark style, eating a croissant carelessly, wearing his normal, not-a-suit-Stark-attire, and was currently waiting in my bedroom, for me to wake up. Doesn't he have better things to be doing right now than this?

"Mr Stark," I said, getting to my feet and trying to make myself look even a little more presentable. "What are you doing here?"

"Nice work last night." He said slowly, "You did well, and…" There was a long pause, "and you're right. I did underestimate you. For that I'm sorry."

"Wait, you're not mad? You told me not to get involved."

"Yeah well, you did the right thing." He took a large bite from his croissant, possibly to fill the awkward silence, maybe just because he was hungry. "Don't make me say that again." He finished a long while later, to my amused look. I waited for him to take the final bite. Then he licked his fingers, chucked the plastic bag into my waste bin and looked at me, like really looked at me.

"You have a problem now though." He said seriously. He slowly pulled out a Stark phone, all the time wishing to delay this part. Then, he showed me what was on it.

It was a picture, but a picture of me as Spiderman. My hand half covered up my face, but to me there was no doubt as to who that person was. It was Peter Parker. I took a deep heavy breath, turning away and gazing out the window.

I felt trapped – there was a reason I kept my identity a secret. Now everyone would be after me 24/7. I would become a celebrity, never able to get a minutes peace. Never being able to live like a normal teenage, or to swing through the skies lazily. Crimes and robbers would now know who to watch out for, and would avoid me like a plague. Worse still, they would gang up to get me. I made some pretty big enemies over the months since I became Spiderman. I would never be safe from them. My friends would never be safe, nor, worse of all, would Aunt May.

This was a disaster.

"How long have I got?" I asked Mr Stark heavily, dreading the answer.

"Your hand being in the way helps but Friday estimates less than 24 hours before the world knows your name." I fumbled around, eyeing a picture on my desk of my parents but not really seeing anything at all.

"I have a plan, but it is not all good news." Mr Stark said eventually. I turned round to face him for the first time since hearing the news. I didn't notice it before, but even he, the big man himself, looked tired and drawn

"I've planned this for a while. Just in case." He handed me a file impregnated with an ominous title. – 'Operation Parker.' I sat down on my bed once more, and opened it up slowly and deliberately.

It took a while to read through it all, and I hated every minute of it.

"You made my Aunt a new identity?" I asked eventually

"Yeah, everything she needs already available in Ohio, a new house, money, passports - she'd be safe there."

"And I'd become an avenger." I said, my long-time dream now becoming very unwanted. "I wouldn't be able to see her again."

"I wouldn't say ever again. There are ways to keep in touch, but essentially…." Mr Stark trailed off slowly, "You could move into the new avenger's base. There are things going on there right now. A signing of a new version of the accords for starters. Everyone will be there, we could keep you safe and you could train up."

I looked Mr Stark directly in the eyes, his brown ones meeting mine.

"If this really my only option." I half-heartedly agreed to his plans. "Aunt May is going to kill me."