AN/ just to let you know, this was something I literally dreamed up, so please, don't flame me if it doesn't make any sense. Well, with that out of the way, on to the story/dream.

Goten woke up on his small cot at West City Juvenile Hall. He was sleeping there for a few weeks because Chi-Chi gave him two choices, live at the jail for a week of get the Frying Pan 100 times a day for a week for blowing up a grocery store because they wouldn't let him buy four cart loads of sweets, needless to say, he preferred jail. He got out of his cell and went up to one of the guards. They all knew that he was only sleeping there, and let him out for school, or to go to the park.

"Excuse me sir," The seven year old boy asked, "If Trunks comes by, please tell him that I went to the park." The guard smiled and nodded, letting Goten go. When Goten arrived at the park, he heard some people listening to the radio. As he played on the swing set he listened. Soon a weather forecast came on.

"It's hot enough outside today to bake cookies on the sidewalk people, luckily for us, it's going to cool down tomorrow." The weatherman said. Goten, who had been listening, decided to see if the weatherman's theory was correct. So he went over to a gas station and bought a tube of cut and bake sugar cookies. He then went over to the sidewalk and placed a piece of cookie on it. He waited a few minutes before declaring,

"The weatherman's wrong! Its not hot enough today." Just then Trunks came up.

"What ate you talking about Goten?" Asked the lavender haired demi saiyian.

"The person on the radio said that it was hot enough to bake cookies on the sidewalk today, but he was wrong." Goten pointed to the small chunk of cookie on the cement.

"Well, Goten, we don't need the pavement to cook cookies." Trunks said, a devilish smile on his face, "We can use ki blasts to cook them ourselves."

"Really Trunks? But we might destroy them if we do." Goten replied. Trunks face faults.

"Well Goten, they won't burn if we use really really low power blasts."

"Ok then, cool!" Goten said, now so excited that he was almost super saiyian. With that both of the boys made the tube of cookies into two globs of dough as they charged up small ki blasts to cook them with. Just before they ate them, two older boys came up and snatched to cookies out of the chibi's hands.

"Hey!" Trunks shouted, turning red with anger, "What's the big idea!?"

"Yeah, those are our cookies!" Goten added on.

"Well, twerps, they're OUR cookies now." The older boy smirked, as he was about to take a bite out of Goten's cookie. As the cookie was almost the older boy's mouth, Goten, being a half saiyian that's being denied food, charged at the boy with his cookie. Trunks did likewise. They hit their targets at nearly full speed right in the middle. Both boys dropped their cookies as well as their breakfast on the sidewalk. Goten and Trunks picked up their cookies and ate them. After that they went to play tag just outside of the city, on the other side of town that Goten's house was on. THE END