Keith sat on the couch, absentmindedly petting Quiznak. His future sister-in-law hummed in the kitchen, putting everyone's Chinese takeout into bowls. Shiro walked into the room and the cat jumped into his arms. "Quiznak doesn't like me." Keith told his brother, who put the cat down. "Nah, he just likes me better."

Allura shouted from the kitchen, taking a break from singing Rihanna songs to herself. "Keith, you got chicken and snowpeas, right?" Keith smiled. "Yeah, I did!" She might have been his brother's fiancée, but she was already an older sister to him. Keith got off the couch and sat down at the little kitchen table he and Shiro'd had since college. Allura scooped some cat food into a dish for Quiznak and sat down. She absentmindedly broke an eggroll in half and was about to put it in her mouth when Shiro spoke. "So Keith, you know Allura and I go to the gym together, right?" Keith nodded, Shiro was ripped but Allura was one strong-ass lady. "Well Allura's been taking a yoga class, and I've gone with her a few times." Keith was confused. "And?"

Shiro sighed. He was worried about Keith. "I think you should take a yoga class." Keith almost laughed. "Ha, no, no f**king way." Shiro knew this was going to happen. "It'll be good for your mental health, and we'll go with you!" Allura knew Shiro was going to bring this up, but she had no idea that he was going to be so straightforward. She nodded. "I have an extra mat you can use!" Keith adored Allura with all his heart, but there was no way he was using some fluffy floral yoga mat. If he even went, which he wouldn't. Obviously. "Keith, come on," Shiro was serious now. "You've been better," Keith interrupted him. "I've been worse too." "Well, yes, but this is going to be good for you. I've been worried. You'll feel better mentally and physically, you'll make friends. Maybe you'll even meet a guy..."

At this point Keith was willing to do anything to shut Shiro up. "Fine! Fine, fine. When are we going?" Allura looked at Shiro, and he looked back at her, smiling. They both wanted to help Keith. "Tomorrow, at three."

Keith looked down at his chicken and snowpeas. He had a feeling that he was going to regret this.