Authors Notes: Story begins roughly around this scene after Malcolm's death in season 1 episode 13. This is just an idea I got from a few things I've read, basically ignoring that Charlotte is a semi decent Goddess and depicting her as a cruel manipulative woman who wants revenge on God but takes her revenge out on the favourite son, knowing that it will affect God the most. Will most likely bring in the other Archangels -Michael, Raphael and Gabriel- sorry if any of the religious facts are wrong, I don't mean to be rude or anything as I respect all religions but I am not a religious person other than a fascination with angels and demons.

SUMMARY KIND OF: This is just an idea I got from a few things I've read, basically ignoring that Charlotte is a semi decent Goddess and depicting her as a cruel manipulative woman who wants revenge on God but takes her revenge out on the favourite son, knowing that it will affect God the most. Will most likely bring in the other Archangels -Michael, Raphael and Gabriel- sorry if any of the religious facts are wrong, I don't mean to be rude or anything as I respect all religions but I am not a religious person other than a fascination with angels and demons.

WARNINGS: Violence, Blood, Torture, Language, Possible mentions of Sex but no details or descriptions.



Several days had passed since the Gates of Hell shut. Chloe was confused at Lucifer's disappearance. Dan pretended not to care, but he did. Trixie remained hopeful that he would return, but she secretly cried herself to sleep because she missed the amusing man. Maze was pissed and exhausted. Amenadiel was trying to help get Lucifer out. Michael and Raphael returned to the silver city. Gabriel, however, remained on earth trying to think of a way to get his brother back to the world.

Years seemed to pass whilst Lucifer screamed in anger down in the ashy realm known as Hell, whereas it was only a few days -maybe even hours- on Earth. Lucifer prayed and begged to be free, but no one answered. He was far too weak to fly and try to open the Gate. He ended up curling into a ball, his wings protecting him as he slipped into a dreamless sleep of exhaustion.
When he woke he found eyes watching him. Quickly jumping to his feet, he glared at the demons before him, killing one as it went to touch his wings.
"How dare you try and touch my wings. I may have been gone for a while, but I am still in charge. Whether I like it or not, this is my realm, and whether you like it or not, I am in charge, I am the King of Hell and I demand the same respect that I have always had whilst in this horrible place."
"You've been gone too long. Do you really believe that you are still in charge?" Lucifer heard a raspy voice state,
"Show yourself," Lucifer growled as his eyes turned crimson. In front of the man was a tall, stocky demon, it looked vaguely human until it opened its mouth that was full of sharp shark like teeth. The demon pounced, engaging in a fight with the Devil.

"Father. Why? Why did you do that to Luci? He put Mother back in Hell, he did what you wanted from him, but you still locked him away. Father, I apologise for my words, but what you did was just horrible. Luci deserves so much more, you'll only break him more than he already is. You were wrong to close the Gates of Hell." Gabriel said from on his knees before God
"Gabriel! How dare you disrupt Father for such crude and humanly begging!" Michael practically shouted at his younger brother,
"Michael, calm down. I agree with Gabe, it was a cruel thing to do to Luci. Father, please open the Gates and allow him to return to the Earthly plane, he has a life, he has friends and Hell he seems to be falling for Miss Chloe Decker!" Raphael spoke as he too fell to his knees before his father like his younger brother. With a sigh, Michael followed their actions, surprising them all,
"Father, I admit, I agree with Gabriel and Raphael. Lucifer did not deserve to be tricked like that."
"My sons. I am glad you have reached the same conclusion, that is all I could wish for. I will open the Gates for Lucifer, he will arrive on the beach where this all started. Gabriel, I suggest you go as he shall not return without harm." Came their Father, God's cryptic words. With a nod of gratitude, the three Archangels left to Earth, waiting patiently on the sand for their brother.

"Dan have you heard from Lucifer?"
"No why would I hear from him?" He answered sarcastically before noticing the serious look on Chloe's face "What's happened?"
"I haven't heard from him at all. It's almost been a week and I'm worried. The last time we spoke he got really mad and then left and I haven't heard from him, this whole case was troubling him and I'm scared that something really bad has happened and I don't know what to do." The Detective rambled on nearing hysterics.
"Go talk to Maze or his brother," Dan replied and that's just what she did.

"Maze, where's Lucifer?" Trixie asked Maze who was babysitting her, much to the demons apparent displeasure -but everyone could tell that the demon liked the little girl, just like Lucifer secretly did. Maze's smile turned to a frown,
"He is back in Hell, his Father tricked him and as a result, Lucifer is stuck in a horrible place with injuries."
"That's not nice. Why does his dad not realise that Lucifer doesn't like that place and was happy here?" Maze smiled sadly at the perceptive child,
"I wish it was that simple Trixie, but he and his Father have been 'butting heads' as you humans would say, for a very long time." A silence fell upon the two only to be broken by Chloe who came rushing in,
"Maze! Do you know where Lucifer is? I'm really worried about him."
"I do know, but I doubt you would be able to help him."
"Where is he?"
"Mummy, he's been forced to go home by his daddy. Maze said that he was tricked into returning to Hell." Before anyone could say anything else, Chloe's phone rang.
"Decker," Chloe answered,
"Chloe, it's Dan. Lucifer's been found, he's in a critical condition at the hospital."
"On my way, thank you for calling Dan." Chloe said before hanging up and looking at Maze and Trixie, "Thank you for watching Trix today Maze. Lucifer's in the hospital."

The demon got some good hits on the already weak and injured ruler of Hell, when the Gates of Hell seemed to make the sound of a door being unlocked. Lucifer froze and watched as many little demons ran forward to be free, only the moment they crossed through the gate, they burned to a crisp and disappeared into nothing. Lucifer tried to fly to his freedom, but the demon managed to grab hold of his leg and throw him to the ground creating a large crater. Sending a punch to the shark teethed creature, Lucifer threw himself forward, propelling himself through the open gate. He heard it slam shut, he heard the sound of the ocean and screams of worry or joy he wasn't sure and he heard what sounded like Gabriel before he was plunged into darkness.

"Father, please free Luci from Hell. This isn't right." Amenadiel prayed not knowing that his older brothers had already begged nor was he aware that Lucifer was being freed.

"How long does it take to walk out of a gate?" Michael asked impatiently as he and his two brothers waited for Lucifer.
"Brother, be patient, we do not know what happened when Lucifer returned," Raphael stated in Lucifer's defence. Neither of them noticed Gabriel running across the beach to a group of people who were standing around something and in hysterics.
"Excuse me! I'm a healer -doctor, I can help. Please move!" Gabriel said as he tried to get to Lucifer through all the idiotic and panicked people,
"Oi idiots, move," Raphael shouted sternly (and very out of character) as he spotted his struggling brother and unconscious one. Before the three could move Lucifer and take him back to Lux, an ambulance had arrived and they were practically tossed to the side.
"Wait! We're his brothers!" Gabriel called out to the people putting his brother in the ambulance,
"There's enough room for one of you." Replied a male paramedic,
"I'll go," Michael said before Gabriel could speak and he hopped into the ambulance and watched as Gabe frowned before disappearing with Raphael.

Chloe raced into the hospital with Maze and Trixie behind her,
"Excuse me, can you tell me which room Lucifer Morningstar is in?" She asked the receptionist, showing the woman her badge,
"Yes, he is in room 212. You should know that he is currently unconscious and whilst the doctors have stabilised him, he is in a very bad and dangerous condition. Also, his brothers are with him at the moment, just so you don't get surprised by the amount of people in his room."
"Brothers? As in more than one?"
"Yes. There were three of them, a very tall and muscled blonde, a shorter but equally muscled dirty blonde man and a much shorter and slimmer black haired man with a child like face." The receptionist answered slightly confused by the Detectives own confusion.
One of the nurses came running to the reception in a panic,
"Did Mr Morningstar check himself out?"
"No why?"
"He's gone!"
"LAPD, let me take a look," Chloe stated as she was led to the room.
True to what the panicked nurse had said, the man was no longer connected to the many tubes and wires that were on the bed. Chloe looked around the room and concluded that someone must've gone out the window with him.
"I'll call it in," Chloe informed the nurse, just as she went to leave she spotted a white feather on the floor, confused, she picked it up.

"Michael, gently place him on the sofa!" Gabriel yelled as the older brother went to dump Lucifer on the sofa,
"Sorry." He said sounding unapologetic.
"Right, everyone shut up whilst I heal Luci, there is a lot of injuries and this will require all of my concentration." Gabriel stated as he went to start on his brother's wings which were bloody, broken, bent in odd ways and missing some feathers, "Oh Father, this is going to hurt. I am sorry Luci." Gabriel murmured as he placed his glowing hands on a section of bent and broken wings, adding a small but powerful amount of pressure, Gabriel snapped the wing back into place. Lucifer's eyes opened as he released a scream of agony, making his brothers cringe at the sound of pain in his voice.
"Luci, I'm sorry, but you know that the wings require more care when healing them," Gabriel said sounding sincere as he gestured for Michael and Raphael to hold the Devil down. Lucifer whimpered as Gabriel fixed the rest of his wings, releasing a cry every so often, Raphael stroked his brother's hair in a comforting way as Michael grasped his hand tightly.
"Almost done Luci, let me just heal your cuts." And with his glowing hand, Gabriel healed the cuts and bruises along Lucifer's slim body, although one particularly nasty cut was going to leave a scar along his side. Lucifer managed to succumb to the darkness once again as the pain pushed him over the edge.

When Lucifer woke up the next day, he found himself in his bed instead of on his sofa and Maze along with Chloe and Trixie in his living room. The three stood up the moment Lucifer painfully walked into the room, Chloe and Trixie hugged him (Chloe being more gentle than the child).
"What happened Lucifer? I've been trying to get in contact with you for a week! Then I get a call saying you're in the hospital, only to find you've somehow disappeared and ended up at your home! Do you have any idea how worried I was?"
"I apologise Chloe."
"What happened?" Lucifer paused,
"In all honesty Detective, I am not sure." Which wasn't exactly a lie, he could recall Hell and his brothers, he just didn't understand any of it, "Anyway, got a case?" Before Chloe could continue her worried mother act, her phone once again interrupted her.
"Yes, Lucifer. We have a new case. You can go, but you have to take it easy. Maze, would you look after Trixie? Please?"
"Fine Decker, I'll watch the brat." Although anyone could see the care Maze had for the child, "Lucifer, listen to her, be careful."
"Certainly." He said with his all too familiar smirk.

Authors Notes:
First of all... I AM SO SORRY FOR THE SLOW UPDATE! I've had a lot on my mind at the minute and I had a funeral to go to on Monday and I've just been a bit -okay a lot- depressed at the minute and I've felt really shit, like my friends have practically forgotten about me so ugh life's a bitch.

Secondly, I hope this chapter was good, I've had a huge writer's block for the final bit and I've slowly been adding stuff. I hope no one has a problem with the constant change of place, that was deliberate because I wanted to get everyone's thoughts in.

Thirdly, that's it, the story is done, fini, hecho, factum. So I hope you liked it and please feel free to DM or leave suggestions for other stories in the reviews could be a Supernatural fic, Lucifer fic, Chuck fic or a Harry Potter fic.

Also this just so happens to be over 2000 words which makes me very proud of myself as it's over my usual word count and is the longest chapter for this story... just saying.

Thank you for your reviews:
and iwantthenamebutitistaken


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Hope you enjoyed,
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