~~Just a quick drabble. This can be read as a fight scene, but honestly its a big metaphor for sex. If thats not your thing then you can skip it. This is my first attempt on anything lemony. I had fun writing this. I hope you enjoy.

He thrust his blade further into her, forcing a moan to escape her parted, plump lips. His movements were erratic at this point; wildly plunging his weapon in and out of her body over and over again. He had lost all control, he was undone from the moment his blade had pierced her velvety skin. He was like an animal with bloodlust, continuing its attack on adrenaline alone; its actions frenzied, its goal seemingly unattainable.

He felt her muscles spasm around his blade as he continued his assault on her, varying the speed and depth of his attack. He pulled her body close to his as he plunged the blade deep into her, causing her body to shudder against him as a scream escaped her throat. Her lips quivered against the bare skin of his neck, as warm liquid pulled around the hilt of his blade. Her nails dug into his shoulder-blades at he slowly withdrew the blade from within her shaking body.

"Geralt..." she sighed, as her eyes rolled back into her head, her breathing coming in ragged gasps.

Perched above her, Geralt reached out with his bare hand and caressed her sweat covered brow. "Be still." He muttered, tucking her tousled red locks behind her ear. "Let sleep take you now." He sighed, pulling up blanket to cover her body. Evangeline nodded slightly and allowed a deep ragged breath to escape her lips before the darkness overtook her.