AN: A lot of things has happened to me in the last years or so which has made writing really hard. To get back into the swing of things I wrote this little drabble.

A quick note, for this story I've adjusted the age of Nymphadora Tonks though she doesn't appear in this story.

Part 1

"What's with the long face, mini?" A frown marred James Potter's face as he crouched in front of his sulking son. Harry James Potter was the perfect replica of his father, from the untamable dark bird's nest adorning their heads, down to the sun-kissed skin. The only difference was Harry's brilliant green, Lily's eyes. James ruffled the young boys hair, causing him to scowl harder. As he let his eyes travel across their backyard, taking in all their party guests when he spotted another sulking little boy. What happened immediately clicked. "Did you and Teddy have a fight?"

"Teddy's a meanie!" The five-year-old complained as he curled up into a ball at the edge of the small porch.

An indulgent smile spread across the older man's face. "Well we can't have that! Especially not at your own birthday party. What did Teddy do to upset you so much?" From the corner of his eye he spotted a worried Lily; with a shake of his head he let her know that he didn't need backup just yet.

"He wants Padfoot!"

James blinked in surprise. "What?"

Harry's scowl deepened. "He wants Padfoot to be his second Daddy, but Padfoot is my god daddy!"

"And Padfoot becoming his second daddy will, what?" Deep lines appeared on his forehead as he tried to reason out Harry's thought process. "Will make Sirius no longer your godfather…?"

Harry's eyes filled with tears as he stared up at his father. James wanted to laugh but that look on his son's face had him swallow it.

"Oh Bambi," James move to sit on the porch, his knees protesting from being in such an uncomfortable position, and pulled Harry into a side hug. The little boy hid his face in his father's side. "Even if Sirius and Mr. Lupin did get into a relationship, Sirius wouldn't stop being your godfather. It doesn't work that way."

Harry squirmed out of his father's hold and climbed onto his lap. "Really?" Unshed tears clung to those emerald eyes making them even more vibrant.

"Really, Prongslet."James ran a hand through his son's thick hair causing it to stand up in a natural ways. "Besides if they did get married you and Teddy would be step-God Brothers."

He let out a chuckle as Harry's face brightened at the idea of being Brothers with his best friend and scrambled off his father's lap; running off into the groups of fellow party guests.

Well this was sure to be interesting.


To be Continued
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