So, here it is, the last piece of this story!

But before you read on:

Serpena, Calm Serene, lilmichie, Erilyn Rose, DarkStormyNight, porcelain-starfish, Simpson-Girl, Firefly's Locket, Girl-named-Belle, BodyChocolate, luvs2party, Demosa, EmeraldMalfoyAnimeWitch, and partyanimal1314 thank you fro reviewing!!!

Calm Serene: 1+2: Yeah something like a special bond, maybe just simple love, ah, I'm not

sure, she just felt it.

3. Yep.

4. What do you think is up with her?

5. Don't think so. He'll enjoy eternity with Gwendolyn now :)

6. Maybe…

7. Something similar. The dark mark is supposed to get every emotion out of

you, or at least the positive emotions.

So, what price shall it have. Any suggestions?

And I'm going to write a note about Damon's love life in the sequel.

lilmichie: Well, we have this proverb in Germany word for word translated 'Silent waters are

deep'. I couldn't find a good translation in my dictionary and so I don't know what

is the proverb in English for it. But I hope you get the meaning.

porcelain-starfish: I understand you. I too was confused that I started to like Lucius in my



We were strangers

Starting out on a journey

Never dreaming

What we'd have to go through

Now here we are

And I'm suddenly standing

At the beginning with you

No one told me

I was going to find you


What you did to my heart

When I lost hope

You were there to remind me

This is the start

Life is a road

And I want to keep going

Love is a river

I wanna keep flowing

Life is the road

Now and forever

Wonderful journey

I'll be there

When the world stops turning

I'll be there

When the storm is through

In the end I wanna be standing

At the beginning with you

"At the beginning" – Richard Marx and Donna Lewis (Anastasia Soundtrack)

It was past midnight and still, Draco Malfoy was still wide-awake. He remembered that a year ago he had also been awake at this time, nervous as any man could have been before his wedding. He had never guessed what was going to happen AFTER the wedding.

The last year had held more than he had ever bargained for. He sighed and turned around, facing the empty side of the bed. His hand reached out to touch the pillow.


"Mhm?" He looked up and smiled slightly. There she was standing in the doorway, clad in a short, crimson silky nightgown, which barely reached her knees.

"How are the two?"

"Don't worry, your mother and Thora were more than happy to take care of them for a day." Draco pulled the covers away from him and arose from the bed, slowly walking over to the door. Once he stood in front of her he placed his hands on her waist and pulled her close to him.

"So…this means we have our wedding anniversary to ourselves? Just the two of us? No babies? No crying, no feeding, no diapers?" Backing away a bit form him she narrowed her eyes at him and looked sternly at him.

"Don't get me wrong, I love Nat and Fee with all my heart, but I will enjoy a day on which I have you for myself." He bent down and let his lips touch hers gently. Yes, he loved his children. It had probably been the biggest surprise of all when Hermione had fainted and unconsciously given birth to a small, beautiful girl. She had the same black hair as her mother as well as her dark eyes.

The worst part had been to find a name for her. They had finally found some fitting ones, since they were looking for both, meaning and sound. So now, their daughter had the name Felicitas Beatrice Evangeline, which meant luck, happy and good message.

But Nathan had now also three names. Hermione had told Draco what had happened at Riddle's house as soon as she had woken up. And finally Draco had been able to make his peace with his father. So now Nathan also carried the names Salvator and Lucius.

"And what do you have in mind for this day, Mr. Malfoy?" Hermione asked while she leaned closer into his embrace, her arms hidden behind her back. He raised his eyebrow suggestively and licked his lips before he answered.

"First of all, I'm going to carry you over to the bed, then, I will kiss you, your lips, your neck, your shoulders… my hands will travel down to your legs, moving up under that ridiculous nightgown and up along you inner thighs. I guess I will kiss your nipples, which will be more than hard by then, through the silk. Biting them gently. At first the right one, and then the left one. Sucking at them, trying to maybe get some milk out of them, if Nat and Fee left me something." At this Hermione had to chuckle, but she also was getting more and more aroused by his whispering. His voice was so seductive and sensual…

"And then?" She whispered when she bit her lower lip slowly. Draco leaned closer to her and kissed her shoulder before he whispered into her ear.

"My finger will go deep inside of you, as deep as I can push it. Then I will pull it out, slowly, and enter you again, with two fingers, and I'm going to go faster, and deeper, just to pull out again. And then, I will enter a third finger into you. I will move them inside you, while I listen to you moaning my name, begging me for more. And I will give you more; I will let my lips run over your nightgown, down. Down until I can feel you pulsating under my lips. My head will vanish under the silk, because my tongue will start to part your sweet lips. My tongue will push past your lips and put the right pressure onto that small, waiting nub. I will start to lick you, while my fingers are moving out of your. And then, I will let my tongue wander farther, towards the place that had just been captured by my fingers mere seconds ago.

And while my tongue will move farther, so will my fingers. I want to enter you from behind with them. Making you wild. You won't know if it where my tongue or my fingers that made you come…"

Hermione moaned loudly when Draco licked her ear. He nibbled at her earlobe and brought his hands behind her back. There, he felt that she had something in her hands. He took the object out of her hands and brought one hand back in front of her to look what it was.

" Chocolate sauce? What exactly where you planning, Mrs Malfoy?" He asked, his eyebrows raised. Hermione raised her eyebrows at him and licked her lip.

"Seconds ago it didn't seem as if your imagination had left you alone…" Draco groaned and lifted her up. He carried her over to the bed and laid her down gently.

He stood in front of the bed and looked at her. She was rested on her elbows, her hair flowing free over her back and onto the pillow. Her eyes were regarding him patiently, but still he could see the passion she tried to hide. Her lips were slightly open and she licked her lips when her breathing became heavier.

Her breasts rose and fell and Draco had to swallow down the moan that was building in his throat. Her left leg was stretched on the bed while the right one was angled, causing her nightgown to slip up her legs even farther. Draco kneed down on the bed and crawled over her until he was eye level with her. He bent his head down slowly; some strands of his blond hair fell into his eyes. His lips touched the skin of her neck. Slowly he inched closer to her ear.

"Happy birthday." He whispered and kissed her cheek in small tender touches of his lips before he found her waiting lips. He laid down on her and deepened the kiss, letting his tongue enter her mouth, running over her own in a slow, sensual motion. Hermione moaned into her husband's mouth and ran her hands over his bare back. Oh Merlin did it feel good…

Draco moved his hands down to her waist and ran his fingers over the silk, feeling Hermione's curves underneath. His fingers moved to her legs and he rubbed his hands on her thighs. He felt her shiver in anticipation of what was going to happen soon. His lips left hers and she whimpered in protest when Draco kissed her chin gently before he nibbled softly on her neck. The farther down his lips touched her the faster was her heartbeat.

Hermione tensed slightly when Draco's fingertips caressed the inside of her knees, tickling her ever so slightly. He placed his fingers completely on her skin and soon let his palms follow. No, he stroke with his hands over her inner thighs putting the slightest pressure on her legs.

His lips were just on the hem of her neckline, trying to pull it lower so he could taste as much of her skin as possible without pulling her nightgown off. After some time he accepted that it wasn't possible and instead he blew softly over her wet skin. Hermione sighed and moved her hands into his hair, trying to guide his head to her lips again. But Draco had other plans. He had promised her something, and he hadn't even fully started yet.

Hermione felt his hot breath over her breasts through the silk of her nightgown. She let out a small gasp when he sucked at her nipple through the silk. But he's gentle sucking was quiet a nice difference from Fee's and Nat's hungry sucking on them. But she wanted to feel Draco on her bare skin. Not through this disturbing fabric. She wanted to feel his tongue licking her, his lips when they closed around her hard nipples and his teeth when he ran them softly over her skin.

Draco decided that it was time for his hands to get some action done as well and brought his fingers higher and higher on her thighs. Hermione felt herself becoming wet the higher his fingers moved and her body ached for his touch. To say she wanted him would be an understatement. She needed him!

Draco felt her hands move over his back trying to press his body closer to hers when he slowly stroke his hand over the triangle of dark curls between her legs. He could already feel her want and need under his fingers and slowly pushed his finger into her. Hermione let a moan escape from deep of her throat and she moved her hips against his hand.

All the while Draco did just what he had told her before. His finger went deep and deeper into her body until Draco couldn't go any further. He pulled his finger out slowly feeling Hermione's juice covering it and moaned at her breasts before he put the finger into her again, this time accompanied by a second one. And he pushed them into her faster and deeper than he had the first time.

Hermione groaned his name when he entered a third finger inside of her and moved them around causing her to buck her hips against him even more.

He could hear her moaning more often at his actions. His lips parted from her nipple and she felt his breath moving down, over her belly, down, down…

His lips lingered just an inch above her nightgown until he reached the hem of it and moved his head underneath it, causing the silk to slide up to her hips.

Hermione's eyes shut close when Draco's tongue darted out of his mouth and between her lips, while his fingers where still moving fast and deep inside of her. Draco groaned at the taste of her and the vibrating caused Hermione to give another moan.

Draco lifted his head from her and looked up at her face. She had a look of pure bliss that was now covered with a confused expression. But her eyes where still closed. To leave it at this he brought his head down again and kissed the insides of her thighs while he removed his fingers from her. One part of him wanted to lick his fingers clean before he continued but the other part of him knew better. His lips covered her entrance and he started to lick her just on the surface before he darted his tongue into her with one thrust. He tried to reach every part of her inside with his tongue and Hermione did too for she lifted her hips even farther, trying to get his tongue deeper.

Draco used the lifting of her hips to bring his hand farther on her body. And before Hermione knew what he was doing, he pushed his index finger into her from behind. To say Hermione was shocked wouldn't be enough. Although he had told her he would do that before, she had never expected him to do this.

Draco pushed his finger halfway into her before he stopped and let her get used to the feeling. After some moments he pushed it down a bit farther and farther. When he was completely in he put a second finger to follow.

Hermione bit her lower lip, surprised that she actually enjoyed this. His tongue was pushing into her from the front and his fingers moved inside of her from behind.

It was bliss. It was pure bliss. She felt her climax coming. Or were it climaxes? She didn't know. All she knew was this feeling running through her body, starting from, yes, where was it starting? She wasn't sure, but one thing she was sure about.

"OH MY…DRAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" She fell back into the pillows and tried to catch her breath when Draco removed his fingers and his tongue from her. He kissed her silk covered belly and laid down next to her, watching her face to see any hints about what she was thinking.

When her breath had calmed down, Hermione turned around and kissed Draco longingly. Draco pulled her on top of him and stroke her back while the kiss became more and more passionate. Finally they parted for lack of oxygen and Draco reached for the bottle of chocolate. He opened it and let some of it flow onto his fingertip. Then he put the open bottle back on the nightstand and licked a bit from the sticky chocolate from his finger.

"Tastes good…" he said and was about to lick it off completely when Hermione took his finger into her mouth and licked and sucked the chocolate off of his finger. Draco became more aroused by this action, feeling her tongue around his finger, imaging how she would do this on another part of himself.

"And what were you planning with this?" He asked her while she still sucked on his finger although there was no chocolate left.

"I'd always wanted a chocolate covered Draco." She grinned and sat down on his body. His erection was pressing against her through the fabric of his boxers. She took the bottle in her hand and grinned down at him. Then she turned the bottle slowly, keeping it just some inches above his left nipple and let some of the chocolate drop down over it. Soon, his nipple was covered in the sticky dark brown sauce before she went to do the same with his other nipple. Draco raised his eyebrows at her when she looked over his upper part of his body, decided what she could do with the chocolate. Then she decided that his navel would be a perfect place to lick some chocolate out from. When she had filled his navel, she put the chocolate bottle back on the nightstand.

Slowly she crawled down from him and kneed down next to his body. She looked into his eyes when she bent down and started to lick the chocolate slowly from his nipples. With small kisses she made her way down to his navel. Draco moaned when he felt her tongue moving in his navel to get the chocolate out of it.

When she had succeeded she sat up again and licked her lips while her hands moved towards his boxers. She let her eyes rest on his own while she removed his boxers from his hard member. She bit her lower lip and grinned at him, when she reached again for the bottle on the nightstand.

Draco grabbed her hand before she could get the bottle and raised his eyebrows.

"What exactly are you planning NOW?" he asked. Hermione widened her grin and placed a quick kiss on his lips and grabbed the bottle. Draco gasped when he felt the chocolate covering him. Hermione put the bottle back on the nightstand and lowered her head. Draco couldn't believe this.

Hermione started to lick the chocolate off of him slowly, making him moan and biting down in his lip. Hermione closed her lips around him and started to lick and suck the chocolate off of him.

Draco moaned out loud when she sucked more forcefully at him.

Before she could go to far, Draco pulled her away from him and turned her on her back, pulling the silky nightgown away from her body. He kissed her passionately when he was on top of her, waiting to finally fill her.

Hermione opened her legs as far as possible. Draco didn't need any more invitations and thrust into her in one quick motion. He needed release; he knew he wouldn't last any longer. So, since he wanted Hermione to come together with him, he brought his finger between them and started to rub her. Hermione moaned just as loud as he did himself and it didn't take them long until they fell panting into each other's arms.

"I love you Mya." Draco whispered when he kissed her longingly, leaving no doubt that this was far from being the only time they loved each other on their wedding anniversary.




But not all people where that happy at this September night.

"They will pay! All of them will pay! How could they? They took everything away form me!" the dead body of Ginny's baby had finally been buried when they all had returned to Hogwarts safety. Madam Pomfrey had taken care of them and told them to rest for at least a week. Harry, Lavender and Ron had been real tired and exhausted while Ginny seemed to be in another world.

Dumbledore had looked oddly at her since they had returned, as if he knew something…

"But they know nothing! Absolutely nothing!!!!" Ginny murmured. "What do they know?! I lost it all. I lost my baby. And I lost Harry! How could he dare to break up with me? 'I need some time to come clear with all what happened!' pah! This idiot! And they did apologize to that bitch for how they had treated her! Treated her, she doesn't even how nice we have been!

But they'll pay. Sooner or later, all of them pay! I'll make sure of that!"




The next morning during breakfast, the teachers sat at the head table, watching some pictures, which had been taken in the last few days of the last school year.

"Ah, finally everything's back to normal! Voldemort's gone, and the students won't have to worry about their future anymore." Prof Sprout leaned back in her chair.

"Yeah, it's the perfect ending!" Prof McGonagall smiled at the picture of Hermione and Draco with their two children.

"No, Minerva, this is no end. This is far from being the end." Albus said and his gaze lifted from the pictures towards the Gryffindor table. There it rested on a seventh year girl with bright red hair.

"This is just the beginning."


So, now it's over.

One thing about this last chapter. Since PassionPolice237 asked me I thought, instead of e-mailing it everyone:

They hadn't known of the girl because the girl had been born just because of the 'tear of the dragon'. (remember, Salvator, made it 'flow' inside of her body? That caused the girl to be born.) There was originally only the boy.

But I have still some announcements to do, so read on:

1. The next story I write will be "Secret's of the past".

2. Then I'll write the Sequel. (Because, right now, I don't have a plot up for the sequel and I'm hoping that a lot of good ideas are rushing into my brain when I write on another story.)

So, I hope, you won't kill me now, and that you're going to read Secrets of the past as well and enjoy it just as much as Skin on Skin.

Well, that was it then.

Bye, Ciao, Salut, Tschüß, Servus, …


PS. : That doesn't mean that you can't give some reviews for the epilogue (hint, hint)

And if you want to get an E-mail for Secrets of the past tell me, for I will delete the Update addresses from SoS, since I don't want to send you an e-mail if you don't want one.