A/N: Hello lovely readers, I'd like to introduce you to the renewed chapter 4! I hope you like it! I haven't been writing a lot lately, but now I had sometime and some inspiration, so I thought: Why not! I promised you guys a longer chapter, so here it is. Enjoy!

Regina turned around, facing the window and streams of sunlight landed on her skin. She stretched her arms, her legs, every single finger. She arched her back before she opened her eyes and when she did, she had to blink twice, thinking that the room would change if she did so. It didn't. She didn't recognize the room, and it was right then, that her heart was beating in her chest. She felt someone lying cuddled up against her, she felt a hot breath tickling the back of her neck. She first looked at the pale arm which held her against the other person.

Fuck. That was the only thing that went through the brunettes mind. Where the fuck am I and who's lying next to me? The woman took a deep breath. She tried to remember what happened last night, yet she didn't succeed. She still felt her heart beat in her throat and she decided she was brave enough to turn around.

First she couldn't believe her eyes. It was a beautiful blonde who was lying next to her, snoring a little. She stroked the golden locks out of the girl's face and couldn't believe what she saw.

"Miss Swan!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, "How the f…. What am I doing in bed with you?!" And it was in that exact moment that Regina noticed they were botnaked as well.

No no no, this can't be happening!

The blonde almost fell out of the bed when her teacher started screaming at her. She looked at her pretty startled, not knowing what to say or to do, while the beautiful brunette in front of her was trying to hide from Emma's stare.

"Regina, Don'...", Emma started, but was interrupted instantly by the brunette.

"Don't you dare call me by my name, It's Miss Mils for you and nothing else", Regina was furious, if not confused. She actually didn't want to know the truth, she didn't want to know what exactly had happened between the two of them. This wasn't supposed to happen, this… thing, it's inappropriate and absolutely forbidden.

"Close your eyes and turn around", the brunette ordered the blonde.

Emma looked confused: "What? Why?"

Regina sighed irritated: "Because you don't get to see me naked, Miss Swan, now do as I told you."

"Like I didn't already", Emma murmured, but she did as she was told. She turned around and closed her eyes while the other woman started to search for her clothing and put on piece by piece. She saw some purple coloured hickeys in the mirror where she was standing in front of and as lucky as she was, you could see them if she wasn't wearing a scarf.

"Do I need to remind you that this never happened?" Regina said, when Emma turned around to face her, she got a death glare. The blonde shrugged and whispered no.

And with that said, the brunette left.

The weekend passed on too quickly for Regina's liking. She still couldn't remember what happened that Friday night and if she thought about it, her body reminded her of a night full of passion, even though she couldn't remember a single thing. On Monday morning, she got herself ready for school, applying her make-up and trying to cover up her hickeys. They had coloured darker than before and were much too visible for her liking, so she added a scarf to her outfit.

All done! she thought and then sighed, knowing she would have to face the blonde today.

Her morning had been pretty good: she didn't had to face Emma yet and nobody knew about their encounter. She almost forget it did, until she came into her classroom where no-one else as the blonde and her classmates were seated. She had to take a deep breath of air before she could relax, but when her eyes met with the blonde's, her body tensed and got all warm. Her body knew what her mind didn't seem to remember, and once again, it betrayed her.

Anyway, once again, she took a deep breath and started her lesson. Without thinking too much, she took off her scarf, exposing her neck to the class and she heard some murmuring on the background, yet she didn't let it disturb her.

"Miss?" a voice on the second row asked. Regina turned around, facing the boy whose name was August.


He shrugged: "Are you alright? I mean, you have a bruise in your neck."

Goddamnit curious kids. She scolded them in her head, and she felt her cheeks going red. She didn't have the time to react before someone else answered it.

"It's a hickey, you bastard, don't you see?!" Another voice yelled through the room.

Emma looked quite amused at the scene in front of her. Of course she knew it was a hickey and of course she had seen the brunette turning red.

"Is it, Miss?" Emma asked in a low voice.

"Alright, one more worth about the bruise and you'll be spending your evenings in detention for the rest of the year", she said in a harsh tone, looking at the guy who had said it was a hickey, who whispered something to Emma who sat next to him. She laughed, but didn't say anything in return.

The bell rang and all the students were getting up.

"Miss Swan, Can I have a moment please?" Regina asked and again, she felt her heart beating in her throat.

When everyone else had left the room, she looked at the girl.

"You like it to get me embarrassed, don't you?"

The blonde shrugged: "Actually, I do. You didn't seem to mind the other night."

"I don't even remember what happened, you took advantage of me being drunk."

She doesn't remember? Emma's mouth went dry.

"What? You don't remember?"

"I don't, and I would like you to shut up about it and act like it never happened."

Emma walked towards her teacher until their faces were only inches from each other.

"So you're telling me to act like I don't know what you like? Like I don't know the places that make you whimper?" She said while she came closer and let her tongue dart of the hickey. A soft moan escaped unwillingly the brunette's mouth.

"I thought so." And with those words, Emma left he startled brunette behind in her classroom.