Summery: Bella's mother and step-father are killed. She is turned into the very thing that killed them. Weeks of torture, Bella escapes and runs to her fathers. Teaming up with wolves to kill all vampire that cross their land, only to find out that she is the mate of a certain bronze haired vampire. Can Bella learn to love something she hates the most? Can she learn to love herself?

Pairing: Bella/Edward

Warning: None for this chapter

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or any of the characters. All belongs to Stephenie Meyers.


Chapter Three - Torture, Learning and Remembering.



From what I learned Victoria 'gift' as James put it; wasn't a gift at all, but a from a torture a vampire can place on another.


All vampires have it.

And Victoria like to use it.

I have no idea why she hates me so much, but every chance she got she'd find a new place to bite and make me scream in pain. What it because she likes to torture? Has she always been like this? Or is because James pays special attention to me?

Weeks past more or less in the same fashion, although Victoria's taunting and torture got more violent as I refused every time they would bring me a human to feed on, but the burn in my throat was taking its toll on me.

"Scream for me," Victoria taunted at me.

I would usually fight back with Victoria but now I don't have the energy.

"No." I whimpered as her nails dug into me.

"This is getting boring. You scream sooner or later."

She let go and pick up her latest victim.

A boy no more than six years old. He was to afraid to speak and silent cried into his teddy he was carrying.

"No, leave him alone." I growled out, trying to get up.

Victoria laughed, grabbing the boys teddy and throwing it into the fire that was burning in the cabin.

The boy started to cry.

It was getting harder and harder to resist what they offer to fed me, even if the smell was horrible. But I stood my ground.

"You'll feed on him or I'll make his death slow and painful. All you can is watch."

The little boys cried louder and I snapped.

I launched myself at her.

The boy fell over as I grabbed Victoria.

I heard aloud bang, but paid no attention as my hands grabbed Victoria's hair, using what strenght I had left I threw her across the room.

I turned to the boy preparing to run and get him to safety, but stop short when the familiar smell reach me. The little boys head was soaked with blood, he lay still. I couldn't hear a heart beat. I froze. Realising i killed him even if I didn't mean too.

"You may have not have feed from him but its you're fault he's dead." Victoria laughed.

I roar of anguish rage out of me, leaped across, flinging myself at her.

She landed on her back with me on top, she was still laughing.

I saw red and I suck my teeth into her neck.

Music sounded in my ear as Victoria howled in pain as my venom soared threw her.

I wanted to rip her apart and burn the piece.

I want her dead.

My nails cut into her as she tried to push me off.

Dead. Dead. I want her dead.

Never have I ever had these thoughts but the little boy dead behide me was the last straw.

In my angered state I didn't sense James come up behide me.

I roared furiously as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me away from Victoria.

I struggled in his arms trying to get to her.

James growled low in my ear, "I knew you were gona be fun to have around.

"You'll pay for that, Bitch." Victoria hissed at me, not hearing what he said.

And pay I did.

Instead of biting, Victoria used her strenght to rip me apart.

Sheer hot pain shot through, my whole being.

I thought I would surely die, but to my shock, my arm or finger, which ever was rip off would somehow glue itself back on. I had no idea how it was done, but I pefered when I was getting bitten, the pain I could take.

I noticed I wasn't healing as quickly as I did in the beginning. The pain lasted for days instead of hours.

I was getting pass the point of caring. I kept myself quite and to myself when the others were around which was most of the time. I was never aloud to be myself and never alone with James, thanks to Victoria. I was happy about that, Even though its Victoria that tortures me day in and day out, I would take her over James any day. Who knows what goes on in that head of his. The way he looks at me and smirks when I look at him, I don't wanna know.


"Why does Victoria hated me so much," I asked Laurent one day when James and Victoria left to hunt, "What did I do to her?"

Laurent laughed lightly before answering, "She's jealous."

Jealous? "Jealous of what?"


"Me? Why?"

"The way James acts around you. The way he touches you. Victoria, see's a desire in James that he has for you and really doesn't like it," he chuckles lightly, "Mates are very jealous with others."


"Yes, mates."

Seeing my confused look he explained further.

"Mates are the other half of another vampire," he said sitting down next to me as I tried not to flinch, "You can say soul mates like humans thinks. Although being vampire mate is much more deeper and powerful. Both are very possessive each other. Males are the more dominant of the two. Especially in the first year of mating. Anyone who comes between them usually doesn't live through it. Mates will die for each other. Vampires can walk this earth for hundred of years and never find there mates, but once they do, its something to treasure."

My head was reeling from this new information. I felt fear run through me at the though of begin a soul mate to one of these creature that I am now. How can something so violent and evil have a soul mate? Do we even have souls? Maybe some of us do. Is that why I can go without feeding on humans when they're bleeding all over me?

"If James is her mate, then why does he have a desire in me? I mean, if mates are loyal to each other, he shouldn't be desiring me. Should he?"

"Mmm...good question." Laurent looked thoughtfully, before shrugging his shoulders, he looked back at me, "Maybe they're not true mates. Maybe they see a likeness in one another that bonds them differently. Who knows?"

"How do you know when you find your mate?" I asked, hoping that I would never find mines. And if I did, I knew what it looked like or felt like I could run or something before I was bonded to them for the rest of this life.

"From what I understand, you get a warm feel within when you first see them, a tingling sensation I think. Then nothing else in the world matter, its just you and your mate. They also mark each other, by biting in the heat of the moment or when they're truly connected as one."


Laurent stepped outside, to take in the night sky, while he waited for the others to return, but was still close to the cabin where he could keep an eye on me.

I placed my hand in my pocket of my jacket. I felt something like a thin chain wrap around my fingers.

Pulling my hand out it was indeed a chain or neck less.

I brought it closer and it read: 'Special Daughter'.

I frowned, wondering why I had it.

All of a sudden I gasped as my head started to spin.

Thoughts of the past flashed through my head.

I remembered my mother and Step-father: we were going out to celebrate my birthday. I remember hating the thought of it. I remember the letter from Charlie. I remember the neck less. I remember saying I was going to life with Charlie until I graduated. I remember Renee getting upset. I remember us leaving the restaurant and meeting three strangers. I remember these strangers taking us to an abandon building. I remember screaming. I remember blood. I remember the look in my mothers eyes when these strangers killed her. I know who these strangers are.

A growl rose in my throat as the memories kept repeating themselves.

They made me think Renee and Phil were going to live only to lie and kill them.

These moster turned me into one of them for their own sicken pleasure.

That's it! No more being afraid! No more getting beaten!

A giggle of laughter brought me back to the present time.

Victoria and James were back.

I had to hold in the growl that wanted to get out. I wrapped arms around my legs so I wouldn't jump up and try to kill them for what they have done. They would rip me apart and watch while I glued myself together. Then they would start all over again. I would have to bid my time until I could get away from them.

I started planning my escape, but I had no idea how I was going to get away.

With James' gift, the chances were slim.

If I have to die before I am free, then so be it.


Sorry if this chapter is short, wanted to get it out there and speed the story up.

Sorry for any mistakes, wrong spelling or gramma

Any questions please PM me

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