Chapter 12
Waiting for Harry to return was getting painful. It was dark and he was still hurt, how Alice thought he would be okay running around in the woods when he doesn't even know what's out there is beyond me. I know better than to question her, out loud that is, and with how annoyed Edward was at me, it may be safer to not think them either.
"Jasper, why don't we go check and see if Harry went home?"
"You know what Rosalie I'm glad someone's finally making sense." Shooting one last glare at Alice we both run out of the house following the directions Harry had given to Emmett for bringing his car home from school. Thinking back on that maybe we should've told Harry about the wolves then instead of silently arguing about how close to the border he lived. The air around Harry's house was heavy and electric leaving a metallic taste in my mouth leaving me slightly unsettled. Being a vampire, I don't need to breathe but I've been with the Cullen's so long that pretending is second nature making the pressure on my chest uncomfortable.
"Rose, you feelin' this?"
"Yeah. Emmett said he didn't feel comfortable here but he parked the car near the end of the drive, I thought he was just worried about those mutts getting butthurt, you know how they are. I'm sure once they smell us near their precious border and notice us hanging around a human's house they're going to flip out, I don't understand how Carlisle can stand them."
"Mmm." Standing just outside Harry's house I couldn't help but smile thinking of all the things I will be able to learn about my mate just by poking around his house. Rosalie swiftly picked the lock and we walked into a Japanese style entryway, the stone flooring looking like a more polished version of the stone siding wrapped around the bottom half of the house. Stepping onto the dark hardwood floor we entered the living room, vaulted ceilings lined with heavy wooden beams of what appeared to be the same material the floors were made of. Cream walls and large windows completed the layout a steep staircase with intricate cast-iron railings curved out of view next to the entrance of the kitchen.
"This place is beautiful, it has to have been here quite a long time how come we've never seen it before? Esme would love to see this and Harry has amazing taste, obviously leaning toward comfort every one of these chairs and couches look like they could swallow that little cat right up under all those pillows and blankets. I wonder what the rest of the house looks like?" With that Rosalie rushed toward the kitchen and crowed in delight "OHHHH I can see Harry and Esme are going to be best friends, he's obviously spent the most time in this kitchen look at all these treats! Oh, this is one of those times I wish I could eat don't you feel the same? Your little mate looks to be quite the chef."
Walking into the kitchen I could see what she meant. Cushioned barstools lined up next to a large kitchen island scattered with books, pictures, and pieces of paper. Different cakes and cookies crowded the counter a large stack of washed dishes lay next to the sink. Looking into the large double door refrigerator I see its very well stocked carrying much more food then Harry could eat before it went bad.
"I thought Harry lived alone? I don't smell anyone but him in here."
"Esme cooks and she can't even eat, it's a therapy thing for some people." Nodding to Rose I continue wandering around finding a laundry room and a half bath. Heading toward the bottom of the stairs I start to feel that tingly feeling again, brushing it off I start heading up closely followed by Rosalie. Reaching the landing pictures start lining the walls going up the rest of the stairway.
"Jasper… those people are waving at me." All the pictures were moving some laughing or dancing some simply fidgeting as humans are known to do when trying to pose for a group picture. Most of the pictures were of Harry at different ages joined by a brunette girl and some red-headed boys, two of which were twins who looked entirely too comfortable touching my mate. A few framed pictures of what had to be Harry's parents and people I assume to be their friends. Reaching the top of the stairs there was a picture of Harry kneeling next to some strange little creature looking at Harry and crying and Harry awkwardly patted its shoulder.
"I'm going to need some books on his world because I have a feeling it would be rude to ask what that thing is and I'm sure that's going to go for a lot of things like these moving pictures." I continued to stare at the pictures of my beautiful mate on the walls watching him grow up, sadly noting that there were no pictures of him as a small child. I suddenly felt a spike in Rosalie's emotions, a mixture of shock embarrassment and amusement and I followed it into the room at the end of the hall entering what had to be Harry's bedroom. Smirking Rosalie simply gestured me over, frowning at the fact that she had pawed through what seemed to be Harry's MEAGER closet, something that must be fixed but then….oh. If I could blush I would because at the bottom of the drawer lay several silk stockings and negligee. Reaching forward I let a dainty lace garter dangle from my finger. "Do you…. Think that these are," Clearing my throat I looked to Rosalie trying to ignore her amusement. Luckily before I had to continue my phone rang.
When my phone started to ring I waited for the customary three rings before answering, "Carlisle Cullen, how may I help you?"
"Oh, Hello Mr. Cullen. My name is Emily Young I'm mates with Sam Uley the head of the Quileute tribe. I just thought you would like to know we have Jaspers mate Harry here and he's okay."
"Thank you for contacting us, Ms. Young. Do you know when we can come and get him?"
"Tomorrow he has to talk to the village elders. He's caused a bit of a ruckus being a different type of shifter they will want him to explain how he became one. Also, the fact that he's mated to one of you some of the tribesmen are saying that's some kind of violation of the treaty, everything will be fine though he has friends here… We saw the wounds on his back…You healed him up, right?"
"Yes, I did, if any of your tribe is willing and in need of medical help I am more than willing to offer my assistance as well. Please bring Harry back safely, we mean no harm to him or the treaty and with what we know of his past… let's just say he needs a mate more than anyone and forcing him to do something even if you think its what's best for him will hurt him and I honestly don't know how he's still standing after everything he's been through. He deserves peace and happiness more than most in my opinion."
"Thank you, he is a very sweet boy and he already sore he meant no harm. I'm sure everything will turn out fine. I promise I will bring him back to you tomorrow. I'll call when we leave for the meeting and when we head toward the border ok? Tell his mate Jasper not to worry I'll take care of him."
Hanging up the phone both Carlisle and Emily sighed, Emily worrying about how Harry and the Elders will react and Carlisle at the look on Jaspers face. Esme had drawn Rosalie and Alice into a conversation about Harry's house and what to buy leaving just he and Jasper standing in his study the fury plain in his eyes.
Note: I'm sorry I'm trash for the late update I'll try and do better