Author's Note: Hello my fans been a while hasn't is. I would like to warn peoples that this is a SEQUEL. If you have not read the first part I ask you go and do that now. And no matter how mush I wish it was true I own vary little in this. I own the story line and some OC's that will be in later chapters. everything else belongs to the owner of this wonderful anime and manga. This is BOYxBOY don't like don't read.

I think that covers everything. Oh wait, this story will not have a set day in which I will be updating it. Summer is vary hectic for me so I will post when I can.

The end of His Butler, My Love...

When Sebastian wrapped his arms around Ciel, the young demon just cuddled into his mate. He felt fingers run through his hair and started to make a purring sound.

Sebastian chuckled. "What a fitting reaction, considering what you are."

Ciel just looked at his mate. "Are you calling me a cat?"

"Yes I am. And what a beautiful cat you make."

"I am not a cat Sebastian. last time I checked I was a demon."

Sebastian just chuckled again. "My dear Ciel, I can tell you right now that you are both. Just take a look behind you."

Ciel turned to look at a mirror hanging on the wall. He gasped at what was staring back at him. His ears had moved to the top of his head and turned into cat ears that matched his hair. And sprouting from his lower back was a tail! It was long and the same color as his hair. The fur was not quite fluffy but it did not lay flat either. Ciel turned to look at Sebastian.

"I'm sure you could not be happier." Ciel scooted back over and buried his face in Sebastian's chest. he then felt strong arms wrap around him.

"I have to admit I do not mind this form, though it was the last thing I thought you would be."

"Then I guess you will want me in this form as often as possible?"

"Why of course, but as you get more control you get to choose when you enter your true form. As I'm sure you can guess, it is much too easy to change while doing this kind of activity."

Ciel chuckled, "Yes I did." Ciel then yawned and curled up into Sebastian.

"Get some sleep love. We have the rest of time to talk."

The last thing that Ciel heard before falling into a deep sleep where in his opinion the world's most beautiful words. "I love you my mate."

It had been almost a year since Claud had solved Ciel's problem. In that time, the earl had learned the truth of his parent's deaths. He was surprised and sadden to learn that it had been the queen who had been behind it all. Technically the contract had been fulfilled. But even though it had Sebastian even if he had wanted to could not take Ciel's soul. The young demon sat in his office looking over the paper work in front of him. He normally just read enough to tell what it was about but this was different. In the last month, more people seemed to notice something strange. The young Earl did not seem to age. Some just put it off as him being a late bloomer but the longer he stayed the more dangerous staying became. He looked over his will. He knew that he would have to 'die' sooner or later but he had been putting it off for now. As Ciel read over the document a smirk played over his lips.

"You may come in Sebastian. I don't know why you try and sneak around when you know I can sense you of all people." Ciel would never admit it but he had become softer when it came to Sebastian. He found the older demon making him blush every chance he got. But the earl only minded when they were in public.

The door opened and a tall figure walked in.

"I try to keep you on your toes. You never know what might attack. You are not the innocent mortal you were a year ago."

Ciel snorted, "Sebastien, I was anything but innocent. I had no mercy towards any of our targets. And it only became worse after the spider turned me. Don't tell me you forgot about that mansion full of kids I had you burn down."

A smirk grew over the raven demon's face. "No, I could never forget that. So, do you know when we will end this? I don't want your family name to be tarnished because you are now a fallen being." As he talked he walked over to his mate. He slipped his arms around the small boy, pulled him out of the chair then sat in the chair with Ciel in his lap.

Ciel laid his head on his mate's shoulder. "Almost, I'm trying to figure out what to give Soma. Lord Midford will run the company till Lizzy turns 18. Then it will go to her along with the manor. Finny, Bard, May-Rin and Tanaka can stay at the manor till Lizzy says otherwise. I can give Soma the town house. And the money stays with the company so I don't have to divvy that up. Now the only thing that we need to figure out is how we are to die. We need to do it in a way that doesn't need a body to prove death."

"I think I know a way. We could simply drive into the woods on our way to a town. On the way, a tier could brake making use stop. What people will find is torn clothes, wolf paw prints and blood. They will assume we were attacked while fixing the carriage. We would not need bodies and it would leave nothing to speculation."

"You do realize that those who know about you will not believe that foe a moment. They will come looking for use. I know Tanaka would want to know what is going on and I know we could trust him."

"I agree with telling him our plan but no one else. They don't really care about you. And the old butler does." Ciel nodded and looked back at the papers.

"We need to do this soon. I don't think we can say I'm just a late bloomer for much longer." Ciel leaned forward to finish the papers. When he was done, he put them in a big envelope and sealed it with the Phantomhive seal. "I think we can end this the day after next. I wish for you to invite Lizzy over tomorrow. I don't want to just leave things. I'll tell her goodbye but she won't know it's for the last time."

Sebastian hugged his young mate tighter. "I'm glad you two stayed friends. I know it would have hurt you if she did not approve."

"It would have but she has grown up a lot in the last year. I think she will make someone a fine wife one day." Ciel sighed and slid off Sebastian's lap. "Well I guess we should go talk to Tanaka."

~the next day~

Ciel sat in the garden waiting for Lizzy. as he waited he thought about his talk with Tanaka. The ex-butler had been very understanding. He had guessed that the two would pull something to this effect. The only thing he asked was that they would come back in secret to see the old man. Ciel and Sebastian had agreed.

Ciel looked up in time to see Lady Elizabeth walk towards the table. Ciel smiled and stood.

"Hello Lizzy, I'm glad you excepted my invitation." Ciel extended his arms to hug his cousin.

"I was glad too. I haven't seen you in a while." Ciel let her go and helped her sit then walked over and took his chair. "Though truth be told Ciel. I was about to ask if I could come over. I have some news that I think you might like. The youngest son of Lord Goetzke has asked my father if he may court me. My father said if I would like to then we may."

"Lizzy that is grate. I have met Benjamin many times. I think you will be very happy with him."

"My lord and lady," the two looked to see Sebastian with a tea cart. "Your tea is here. I have made a pot of Earl Gray with a hint of jasmine in it. To accompany it is a cheese cake with a mixed berry topping."

As he started to serve the two Lizzy rolled her eyes. "Sebastian, how many times must I tell you that you don't need to be formal when it's just the three of use. I know you have cute bet names for each other and I don't care if you use them. But at lease call me Lizzy. drop the title please."

Sebastian smirked, "Of course Lizzy. though I doubt your cousin would like it if I said any of the things I call him other than his name."

"Sebastian, don't you dare. If she doesn't want formalities then call me by my given name. nothing else."

A smirk still played across Sebastian's face. "If that is your wish Ciel."

Lizzy giggled at the two. "You two are perfect for each other you know. I think you two meeting is the only good thing that came after your parents died Ciel. I strongly believe you two would never had met if not for the tragedy."

Ciel smile saddened a little. "I'm sure your right Lizzy."

The three talked for a few hours before Lizzy had to go home. Ciel watched her carriage kick up dust as it raced down the drive. A single tear rolled down his face.

"I know you will miss her Ciel." The earl leaned into his love as strong arms wrapped around his shoulders. "But this is for the best. Everyone you care about could be in danger if they found out about you."

"I know Sebastian. but that doesn't change the fact that it is hard to say goodbye, ahh." Ciel was surprised as Sebastian picked him up bridle style and started to walk back into the house.

"I think it's time to get you to bed. We have a big day tomorrow." Sebastian carried the young demon to his bed room.

Author's Note: Thanks for reading I will post the next chapter ASAP. Till then please favorite and comment. I love constructive criticism but do not appreciate roasting. If you saying things just to be mean then I don't want to hear it.
