7 years ago….

The dim brightness that the sun illuminated struggled to fight through the dense grey clouds that blanketed the city. It was a futile battle, however, as the smell of rain hung upon the air. Sesshomaru knew it was only a matter of time before the downpour broke through and spilled over onto the streets below.

Golden eyes retreated to glance at the clock above his office doors. Sesshomaru noted the hands were nearing noon, drawing ever closer to the end of his brief reprieve from work.

In recent years it appeared that the spanse of days and months happened to proceed swiftly without much notable events occuring. He was finding trouble in recalling much in the last decade as it all seemed so insignificant.

Thinking back, Sesshomaru's whole existence had been focused on only one consuming objective. The pursuit of power. He had relentlessly trained for centuries, pushing his body past all limits and narrowly surviving a handful of near-fatal injuries. But in the end he had triumphed. When he finally honed his skills he sought out those whose strengths were unparalleled. Or rather, those whose strengths had been unparalleled before the moment he cut them all down. For nearly a millennium Sesshomaru had reigned as the almighty Lord of the West, second to none.

And when the time came when the world shifted it's views and changed wealth into the new symbol of power, Sesshomaru strived to be the richest of them all. He was unmatched, achieving all that he had sought to accomplish so long ago, finally fulfilling his lifelong pursuit.

Yet somehow he felt...unsettled. There was unrest gnawing at the depths of his soul that he could not placate. Words from long ago that had been so insignificant at the time seemed to resonate these days more acutely, 'You will end your quest with the knowledge you achieved ultimate conquest...but your heart will never know peace. That is your fate my son should you choose this path'.

His father's voice echoed through his mind as he thought about their conversation from a time long past. Something dull and hollow festered within Sesshomaru as he sat in silence gazing towards the world outside in contemplation. Perhaps the desolation of his soul had been his payment, the price in exchange for all that he had accomplished.

The cost should have been inconsequential for someone such as he but in these lone moments Sesshomaru could not help but wonder what he had truly sacrificed.

A soft tap at the door immediately brought Sesshomaru out of his musings. Golden eyes narrowed upon the tall mahogany doors, knowing the person who intruded his solitude was his 12 O' Clock appointment.

A sigh escaped his lips as he stood from his desk. With the recent termination of his secretary, Sesshomaru was left answering his own doors as of late. Taking measured strides, he let his youkai roam; trying to take in some information of the new intern he was to hire at the request of his R&D director, Bankotsu Sanada. Mr. Sanada was not one to ask favors but he had been persistent in his request for a new trainee, specifically one by the name of Kagome Nakamura. It piqued his curiosity to say the least, enough so that he had agreed to complete the hire paperwork with her himself.

As he neared forward, the delicate scent of floral trailed through the air and hit his senses. The aroma was fresh and subtly sweet, reminding Sesshomaru of an early morning spring when the dew still sat upon the ground. He could not help but imagine a field of peonies. It was refreshing yet intoxicating and Sesshomaru found himself intrigued that the source belonged to a human. It was rare for humans to smell like anything other than sweat or grotesquely cheap sprays. Whoever this was, she at least had an agreeable smell.

Sesshomaru moved his hand to open the doorknob, moving the heavy door to glance upon the human with the decidedly pleasant scent. He was unaware of the ramifications that would follow him due to this encounter.

Startled blue eyes widened as the door was suddenly pulled open. Sesshomaru's own golden counterparts gave pause as he surveyed the woman before him. She was young, no more than twenty if he were to guess. Her face was unblemished, flawlessly contoured with a natural soft glow enhancing her porcelain skin. Soft lips were perfectly pouted, their rose-colored hue tempting as they begged for attention. Black tresses framed the woman's face effortlessly and it seemed to run down just past her shoulders.

But what caught Sesshomaru's attention thoroughly was the unique color of her eyes. They were a deep blue, a shade rare and beautiful, just like sapphires. Their dark hue seemed to drown him into a warm abyss and he felt himself unable to look away. Her eyes were reaching into his, searching for that foreign place within him, a guarded place he dare not expose and yet he saw the second she saw through it.

A warm smile made its way to her face, a gesture that seemed to highlight her eyes if that were at all possible.

In that moment Sesshomaru never would have guessed that he would be forever lost within those sapphire depths.

Present Day

"Kagome". The words left his mouth before Sesshomaru had a notion to stop them.

After years of anguish and torment, never knowing what truly happened to his lost love, Sesshomaru felt a momentary relief sweep through him at Kagome's unexpected appearance.

She was alive and well, finally putting to rest his fears otherwise.

But that relief quickly passed as his gaze swept over her figure. She had been lovely when she was younger, full of life and virtue but the woman before him was absolutely breathtaking. There was an air of sultry maturity to her that she did not possess before. Her dress and makeup added to the illusion of a temptress but she held her head high. Proud. Everything about the Kagome that stood before him demanded attention and respect.

He watched as her breath quickened when his eyes reached hers but she stood her ground, refusing to look away. Those same sapphire eyes that rendered him speechless so long ago and glowed with such adoration towards him now looked upon him with wariness and unease.

Sesshomaru's disdain for this woman developed throughout the years as the probability that she left him purposefully grew more likely. But despite his bitterness towards Kagome, seeing her eyes convey none of the warmth he had once longed for was a painful sting Sesshomaru had not been prepared for. After much time apart, the woman before him still held power over the almighty Sesshomaru Takahashi's heart. It was pitiful.

When Kagome moved forward, a small reflection caught by the light drew Sesshomaru's gaze to her hand. A simple but elegant diamond ring rested upon Kagome's left hand. She seemed to notice his new focus and followed his line of sight, looking down to see what had him so engrossed. His ears caught the hastened strum of her heartbeat as it moved faster, realization crossing her beautiful features.

The nervousness ebbed its way into her scent and he noticed her usual aroma of peonies was laced with another more spicier smell. The sharp smell of cinnamon and spruce coated her natural essence. But the scent was familiar, one that he had known for centuries.

A chaotic storm brewed deep within his heart as he started to piece together the puzzle that was Kagome.

Golden eyes met blue in a silent question that was answered when her gaze faltered.

"You are the Higurashi heir, Inuyasha's intended". Sesshomaru's voice did not leave any room for question because he knew his words were the truth.

Kagome did not give a response since they both knew nothing could be said in that moment to appease the gravity of that statement.

Hesitantly, he heard her finally speak, "I hope we can move on from what transpired in the past and learn to be cordial with one another, seeing as how we will be family soon. Inuyasha and I are both honored you attended this night's event. Now, if you will please excuse me I must get back before I am missed."

As Kagome moved to make her exit, Sesshomaru's words held her in place.

"Does he know?" It was a vague question but the two occupants of the room knew its meaning.

Sesshomaru watched as Kagome's eyes flickered with an unknown emotion. It was something he knew was significant but it was too fast for him to decipher. He decided to ponder it at a later time as he gazed upon her features, her lips parting to speak. "Inuyasha know's of our past. I did not disclose specifics but he has been told the truth of our previous relationship."

Her words were calculated, lacking much warmth but the bite of their deliverance still pained him.

Something he had buried when she left was clawing its way free. It was becoming strenuous to breathe, with each air intake he felt like a knife was stabbing relentlessly against his heart. He should not care that she had moved on. That she was engaged, with his half brother nonetheless. He should not be feeling so much pain when all he had been consumed with for years was his intense hatred towards this woman.

Sesshomaru had even imagined at times what he would say if he ever encountered her again. The spiteful monologue he would most assuredly recite to ensure she would feel even the smallest inkling of agony he felt the day she left.

Never could he have planned for this though.

He was a proud demon. An Inuyoukai of the highest caliber. And that was why the words that came from his lips should never have been spoken. "Was it all a lie...your name...your feelings...was it all a facade?". He sounded pathetic, even to his own ears, but he needed to know. Kagome came into his life so unexpectedly and brought him true bliss for the first time in his existence. But just as quickly she took it all away. She had left him broken and dejected and he never realized how ruined he truly was until this moment.

Sapphire eyes swirled in a storm of emotions and when Kagome locked her eyes into his golden irises he was reminded of the past. Right now, he was speaking to the Kagome he had fallen for 5 years ago once more.

Her voice was soft when she began, "There are things I have done that I cannot take back Sesshomaru, but loving you was never one of them. Those two years together will always be with me, I will never regret them. I can never apologize enough for what I have done to you but my path was made for me the moment my brother died." Kagome's voice choked at the end.

Sesshomaru did not know what came over him but seeing Kagome on the brink of tears made him reach out for her, wrapping her in the protective embrace of his arms. He felt her stiffen for a moment before her hands clenched into the back of his tuxedo, bringing him even closer as they embraced.

Time seemed to still and old feelings floated about as Sesshomaru felt the dull ache in his chest lessen. Kagome fit snuggly once more against him, as if she was never meant to be separated from him in the first place. For the first time since her disappearance, Sesshomaru felt whole.

All the years of torment he endured at her departure, those years of festering bitterness and resentment that weighed on his heart constantly; it all seemed to vanquish the instant he held her. This woman held so much control over him in those delicate little hands of hers, the capability of destroying him was left at her mercy.

Sesshomaru did not know how long they stayed that way, nor did he really care. But the sound of an antique clock bellowing the new hour broke the spell.

Kagome instantly pulled away and regained her composure. Her sapphire eyes returned to their stony gaze as she locked onto him. "If you will please excuse me, I must return to my fiance." She meant to dismiss him and leave but his hand grasped hers.

This woman that he loved and cherished would never be his again. She had left him on that fateful night that he proposed and found herself now engaged to his half-sibling. What transpired just now would never occur again. She made sure of that with her choice.

His hatred for this woman came back tenfold and he did nothing to conceal his anger towards her as the animosity dripped into his voice, " If there are any ulterior motives behind the merger I will make it a point to destroy you, Ms. Higurashi."

Kagome paused for a minute before a warm smile played across her face. It was the same genuine display she had given him all those years ago, the day he met her.

"I wouldn't expect anything less from you, Mr. Takahashi." And with that Kagome moved past him and vacated the room.