Chapter 1: Jessie Talks to Lotso and His Gang

Andy's toys thought the Caterpillar Room was the most perfect place besides Andy's room to be played with. Ever since they hopped in the Sunnyside Daycare box, they thought it was going to be "playtime with Andy" all over again. They fell in love with Sunnyside ever since Andy's mom took them inside, and they met the toys in the Butterfly Room. When they first walked into the Caterpillar Room, they did not realize that it was going to be a room full of rowdy toddlers after recess… and rough play… and broken pieces. The toys really wanted to be transferred into the Butterfly Room, so they don't have to deal with that catastrophe again.

When 5:00 struck at Sunnyside, Andy's toys came to life, but in pain. Slinky noticed the green aliens stuck in his slink, and he groaned, "Oh.. I got a kink in my slink." Jessie was lying on a bin, and she groaned as she lifted her head. Seeing the green paint on her hair made her exclaim in disgust as she looked closely at it. Rex was panicking as he searched for his tail, "My tail! Where's my tail?!" Buzz was not feeling as well as he normally does; he sat up and groaned. He looked at his helmet and saw many paint stains, and he groaned in disgust.

Hamm had many puzzle pieces and many toys stuck in him, and he pushed them all out after taking out his cork. Surprising him, one of Mr. Potato Head's arms was in him, and he threw it to him saying, "Anyone need a hand?" Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head sat up, and she groaned. Many of their parts were in the wrong places and there were marks all over them, and Mr. Potato Head asked, "Where's my nose?" His nose was on Mrs. Potato Head's nose hole, and she tossed it to him saying, "Here it is." Mr. Potato Head grabbed it and tossed her arm to her saying, "Here's your arm. Honey, the mustache?" She looked up, and noticed his mustache stuck in her hat hole.

Buzz stood up, opened his helmet, and fixed his torso. He said, "I don't remember playtime being this hard." Rex found his tail, and pulled it out of a hole. He yanked it out, and said, "Andy never played with us like that." Jessie and Bullseye were next to each other, and Jessie said pulling a sticker off his nose, "We're just going to have to make the best of it." Mr. Potato Head said putting on his mustache, "But these are toddlers. They don't know how to play with us." The gang started to meet up in a circle, and Rex exclaimed, "They're too young!"

They all finally put themselves back together, and Buzz said, "I'm going to fix this. I'll go talk to Lotso and see if he can transfer us to the Butterfly Room." Jessie walked to him and said, "No, Buzz. I'll go. You look worse than me. All I have is this gunk in my hair, and you have to fix your wings and stuff." Buzz said, "Jessie, please, let me go. It's better for me to go than you. I don't want you to risk having anything bad happen to you." Jessie smirked and asked everyone, "Who thinks I should go?" They all raised their hands, surprisingly.

Buzz sighed and smiled. He said, "All right then." Rex asked, "But how are you going to get out of here?" That's when their eyes widened; Buzz said, "Check the doors!" Jessie jumped and wiggled the knob, but it was locked. She reported, "It's locked!" Slinky did the same for the other door, and he said, "Same here. Locked!" Buzz asked, "What about the windows?" Hamm looked closely at the lock on the window, and said, "No chance. This is a special lock, and you need a key for it." Mrs. Potato Head said, "We're trapped!" Buzz looked up and noticed an open translym, and said, "Wait! Did anyone notice the translym?" They all looked up, and Slinky asked, "Now, how are we going to get Jessie up there?"

Jessie said, "Just throw me up there!" Buzz held her arm and stopped her from jumping, and said, "No, you'll hurt yourself!" Jessie said, "Buzz, I'm doing this for all of you. I don't care if I hurt myself." She loved it when Buzz cared about her when things like this happened. He smiled and said, "Okay, but who's strong enough to throw you up there?" She looked around, and saw a trampoline. She said, "Ooh, I have a plan!"

Mr. Potato Head asked, "What's your plan?" Jessie ran over to the trampoline that was right next to the door, and she said, "Buzz is going to hold me and he'll jump on this really high. Once he gets high enough, he'll use his strength and throw me up. I'll land on the translym, and go from there." The idea of holding Jessie made Buzz's face light up. Slinky asked, "You think that's going to work?" Jessie said, "You bet I think that! Buzz is strong enough!" Buzz blushed when she winked at him, and he said, "Let's do it."

Jessie said, "Yee-haw! Come over here, Buzz!" They all watched Buzz run over there, and Jessie jump in his arms. His body tingled and he blushed hard when he held her. Jessie said smiling, "Start jumping!" He gave her a nod, and Buzz started jumping. For a little toy, Buzz could jump really high, and the others would laugh at him. Buzz was able jump higher than half of the door, and Jessie said, "Okay, Buzz, throw me up there!" On the next jump, Buzz threw Jessie up to the translym with a hard grunt. Jessie giggled on her way up, and she was able to grab onto the edge.

She pulled herself on top of it, and the others cheered when she reached the top. Jessie said, "Nice throw, Buzz! Now, I'm going to talk to Lotso." Buzz hopped off the trampoline, and Buzz said, "Be careful!" Jessie said calmly, "I'm always careful." They smiled at each other, and Jessie jumped off the translym into the hallway. Jessie looked around in the dark hallway, and saw a light coming from a room.

She smirked, and started tip-toeing to the light. Jessie heard voices, and quietly gasped. She ran to the door, and hid behind it. She was breathing heavily, and she listened to the voices. One voice asked, "Do you think we should've put those new toys in the Butterfly Room with us? I felt kind of bad putting them there because Lotso has to put the new toys into the Caterpillar Room so they can try to escape."

Jessie frowned in confusion, and another voice said, "I don't know. Once they try to convince him that they want to move to the Butterfly Room, it's going to go downhill for all of us. They might as well stay in the Caterpillar Room." Jessie whispered, "What?" The two toys talking walked right by Jessie, and hopped into the vending machine that was in the room. Jessie watched them climb all the way to the top of the machine, and she whispered, "Found you."

Jesse herself started climbing up the vending machine to see what they were doing up there, and when she reached the top, she heard more than two voices. She leaned against the wall, and got closer to their voices, but she made sure that no one saw her. It sounded like they were playing with a See-and-Say, and it sounded like they were bidding, too.

Jessie listened to them; she heard Ken say, "I'm not a girl's toy! I'm not! Why do you guys keep saying that?" Jessie silently giggled, and another toy said, "Well, you are captioned as a girl's toy. Plus, you're supposed to be Barbie's boyfriend." Ken said, "Look, Twitch! Barbie is different! I already love her!" The other toys started laughing loudly, and when Jessie took two steps back, she felt another toy touch her.

She gasped and saw Big Baby standing behind her. He cooed, and picked her up, and threw her in the middle of the See-and-Say. They all gasped, and Ken asked evilly, "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" They all put their hands on their hips, and Jessie said, "I saw you guys up here, and I thought Lotso was up here, and I need to talk to him." Ken asked, "Why do you need to talk to him?"

Jessie was about to stand up, but two toys held her down. She groaned angrily, "Hey! Let me go, you morons!" She tried to free herself, but they were too strong. Then, they all heard someone say, "Ken?" They all looked up and saw Lotso standing there with a disappointed look on his face. Ken and Jessie said in unison, "Lotso!" He asked, "What's going on here? Why are you guys holding her down?"

Ken said, "S-She was in…intruding our game! She has no right to be up here!" Lotso walked to them, and said, "Oh, she has every right to be up here. She can come up here whenever she wants. Let her go. NOW." The two toys freed Jessie, and Ken frowned angrily. Jessie said, "Lotso, I need to talk to you." Lotso smiled and said, "Of course!" Jessie requested, "My friends and I have realized that the children in the Caterpillar Room are too rambunctious for us, and we respectfully request to be transferred to the Butterfly Room with the more mature kids."

Lotso put his arm around Jessie, and said, "Okay, listen, cowgirl. The children in the Caterpillar Room need some toys to play with. The older kids keep growing up, and they don't need toys anymore. Those little toddlers need toys to play with so they aren't lonely." Jessie begged, "Please Lotso! They are breaking us, chewing us, everything! We would like to be treated fairly!"

Lotso frowned and said, "It's always fair here at Sunnyside! Do not tell me that I don't do a good job here! You and your friends are going to stay in the Caterpillar Room, or you're going to the dump!" Jessie frowned, and said, "No! We're going home!" Jessie tried to escape, but Big Baby stopped her. He was strong enough to hold her down again, and Lotso said, "I'm sorry, but you pushed the limits. We're going to reset you." Jessie cried, "No! You're going to do nothing!" Twitch opened the back of her blouse, and unscrewed her screws.

She cried, "Ow! Stop it! You are not going to reset me!" She tried to free herself, but it was impossible. The other toys just stared at her with evil smiles, and Lotso said, "Slide her switch from Play to Demo." Jessie cried, "Stop! No! No! NO!" Those were her final words until she turned into Demo Jessie, or evil Jessie.