So I know it has been a bit life just got in the way but I am finally back. This one is pretty short but I am working on the next one which will be long. So that should hopefully be up pretty soon. I hope you all enjoy and please review and send in ideas you want to see. I will update soon. I only own the idea. Who all saw that Descendants 3 is happening, I am so excited it's just so far away. On with the chapter though. Sorry for any mistakes.

It was a chilly morning as Mel slowly made her way to her boyfriend room. It was the winter break and she was staying with Ben. Evie went to her sisters Snow Whites house while Carlos was staying at the Ruggers and Jay with Aladdin. This was the first time they were not together and it was taking some adjustment time for them all. The sun had not even made its morning presents known yet and Mel was cold walking the short distance from her room to Ben's. At first, she was not sure how she felt staying here without all of her siblings but Belle and Adam both had been so kind to her and welcomes not only her but the others once they got to know the kids from the Isle. Plus Mel really liked them once she got to know them, she trusted them and that was more to say then most people Mel had known in her life.
The purple hair teen slowly opened her boyfriend bedroom door and walked in. He was still sleeping so she quietly walked over to his bed. He looked so calm and peaceful, so it surprised the teen thought when the young king grabbed her hand almost causing a little scream from her mouth.
"Is everything alright?"
"Yes, how did you know I was in here?"
"I heard you at the door. Now, what is wrong?"
"I woke up from a bad dream and could not fall back asleep."
"Well, what was your dream?"
"I don't know if I want to tell you."
"Talking about it might help but only if you want to." She was quiet for a moment trying to figure out how to tell her nightmare without sounding like a baby.
"You realized that you could do better than me and sent me back to the Isle so you could date a princess."
"Mal, listen to me that will never happen. You are the most amazing person and I'm so lucky to have you. I am the one that does not deserve you. I never realized how much I was missing in life tell you came into it. I will never send you back there and I will never leave you. Not unless you want to send me away and even then I would still fight for you every day for the rest of my life. I love you, Mel."
"Thank you, Ben, I love you too."
"Would you like to stay here with me?"
"I would like that very much." Ben pulled the blankets back and pulled his beautiful girlfriend into his arms wrapping her in his warmth. That is how the two teens fell asleep in one another's arms.


A few hours later Belle went to wake her son and then Mal. Only to finds the two teens sleeping and one another's arms and looking so peaceful. She smiled to herself as she slowly walked out and shut the door behind are running into her husband.
"You Is he awake?" Adam asked his wife.
"No, but I'm going to let them sleep."
"Them," he asked giving his wife a puzzled look.
"Look," she said opening the door slowly once more. He looked in and smile as she pulled the door closed and the walked down the hall.
"Should we be worried about them in the same bed?"
"I think at this moment we are ok. I don't think either is ready for more. This is all still new to them. My guess is she came to him because she could not sleep."
"I'm glad he is happy though, maybe he does know what he is doing after all," Adam told his wife.
"I do too," she said as they made their way to start the day letting the two teens sleep a little longer.

I hope you liked it and please don't forget to review and send in ideas.