No matter how much I wish I still don't own RWBY or Harry Potter.

Chapter 11:

Harry walks into the bar locking the door behind himself. He knew he was the last to arrive having been watching the door. He sits next to Amber and looks around the table to his growing group of allies.

Ozpin and Glynda where there to represent the hunters under their flag. They had tried calling for some help from Atlas and the other kingdoms but they refused to send help because they disliked the new laws for faunus rights. They still had a fair number of hunters but most of them were needed to man the walls around the city only a handful would be in the city to help defend.

Adam after a heartfelt reunion with Blake had taken his seat with a few of his stronger members with him. He didn't know the location of the train that would be attacking Vale because the Faunus that had been helping set up the attack had gotten killed before he could call them back. He promised as much man support as he could but unless they could convince the council to release the White Fang members who had gotten arrested at the dock they only had a few Bullheads to defend with. Augusta had promised him to work on it but didn't think they had time before the attack.

Neo now de-aged into an 10 year old was the gem in team HHMM's eyes. The whole team loved having her around but she was never really far away from Amber and Harry when she could help it. She had given them some insight on what was coming but had been kept in the dark a lot by Torchwick, literally and information wise. Bastard liked to keep her in a locked room with no windows or lights.

Neville and Luna were sitting together with Augusta, they were representing their security force, but sadly the force was mostly useless against grimm, they would mostly help with the evacuation of the affected area. Once the attack began they would be able to tell a little bit more clearly where to clear out, they had warded bunkers all over the city just in case.

A lot of the more experienced hunters were not around due to already being on missions or stuck on the wall, and they couldn't move them because it would give the plan away so Beacon had asked the team leaders for support. Naturally team HHMM was there with their leaders at the front of the group. Teams JNPR and RWBY had also volunteered from first year while a few teams from second year had also volunteered. Sadly teams from year 3 and four were on assignment far from Vale and could not be reached on time.

Harry smiled at Amber and then decided it was time to start the meeting. ''Thank you all for coming, we know an attack by underground train is going to happen very soon thanks to an insider on Cinder's team. We also know that only Cinder and Torchwick are left everyone else on their side is either arrested, run away or in case of Emerald is passing as much information as she can so she can plead for a smaller sentence, knowing that they lost.

''Our groups will be stretched to the limit to stop this attack, the train will blow holes in the old subway system attracting grimm and will punch a hole under the city. We think the hole will happen near Junior's old club but sadly the plans were lost and we have a margin of error of a few miles to contend with.

''Neville I need your security force to be armed with heavy assault rifles it won't be enough to stop all the grimm but enough people shooting them should slow them down so people can be evacuated to the bunkers we will have nearby. I need you running patrol between your forces and use that big hammer of yours to take out anything they can't handle.

''Luna I know you wanted to stop fighting but I could really use your support, about an hour before the planned attack I need you on the wall with your doubles all under different glamours so we can free some more hunters to help in the city. The wall will be a little shorthanded but with your doubles shooting explosive arrows it shouldn't be a problem.

''Adam sadly we don't have time to free your people yet, the police force are giving us the roundabout and we can't really explain to them why we need them loose as we don't want word to get out about the attack, so I need your people that you can spare in the air in your bullheads providing air support to Neville's team and whatever people you are able to spare on the ground helping the evacuation. If you don't have enough weapons get with Neville to arm yourselves.

''Coco I need you and the other teams of second years to hide in this area.'' He pointed to the map an area a little north of Juniors bar. ''If the train makes it that far your main jobs will be containment, the bigger grimm will be your priority, the heavy assault rifles should be useful against the small ones. Reinforcements will only be a few minutes behind the train if it breaches in your sector.

''Jaune, Ruby you guys need to hide in this sector.'' He points a little south of the bar. ''Same objective as the second year teams. Once again reinforcements will only be a few minutes behind.''

''Remus and Sirius have decided to buy the land where Junior's bar used to be so it gives them plus Amber, Hermione and I the reason to be around in plain sight with the twins not far hiding to provide support when needed. My gut is telling me the breach will happen right in front of the property and if it does only my team will be there to contain, we will radio you guys in once we know for sure and you guys will need to rush towards our position.

''I need you all to memorize the locations of all our bunkers and the closest routes to them. Any civilians caught outside will need to be directed as fast as possible away from the breach towards them.

''Now everyone get some sleep, Cinder bitch is sending the train at 11am tomorrow morning. That means we have 1 hour before the train reaches whatever area it will breach and allows us a small window of time to clear out civilians. We can move openly starting at 11 because once started the train will not be able to be stopped. Amber keep on your guard and stay near Hermione and I as much as possible, you are their main target.''

The plan was sound and they had managed to evacuate a big chunk of civilians before the train breached allowing Neville's security force to set up choke points around the area. White Fang bullheads flying overhead had almost started a panic but Augusta had gotten on the radio telling people more or less what was happening and that people in the area around the bar should evacuate towards certain areas made for them.

A group of 12 hunters had already changed places with Luna's clones and had set up in key places to support the younger teams. Ozpin and Glynda had also gathering the other teachers and another group of 12 hunters.

Harry's gut was right, smack in the middle of the road in front of the old burnt out bar the breach happened. Cinder's plan didn't totally work and the two idiots actually landed right at Amber's feet but unconscious from the impact of the train hitting the road from underneath. Hermione tied them both in fire proof ropes and stuck them into a corner.

It started as a slow leak, a few beowulf and some bigger grimm, nothing that worried team HHMM, when the other teams arrived the leak at turned into a flood and an all out battle was occurring. With support from the senior hunters no one was seriously injured and only a handful of grimm managed to make it past their skirmish line. Hoping for easier targets they tried to flee into the city but ran smack into Neville's forces and air support. A few flying grimm at tried to come over the wall but they had the misfortune of trying to breach from the area guarded by the Lunas. Explosive arrows can punch holes in grimm it seems.

It was an amazing battle, students, teachers and senior hunters showing why they were the best. Semblances were used to the max and what most didn't realize is that the bunkers all had tv's and the people evacuated could see the battle. Never again would these people treat hunters with anything but the most respect. Never again would they turn them down for being too rowdy or violent.

Seeing humans and faunus working together against grimm would fuel many people to help change the way others acted. The councils of the other kingdoms tried to stop the live feed but they didn't realize that anyone with their internet was able to watch and did they.

Sometimes words are stronger than swords but more than anything the actions of today will stay in the minds of everyone forever. Very few casualties would happen but seeing a White Fang member crash his bullhead into a group of beowulf that were chasing a bunch of human children because he had run out of ammunition would reinforce the words spoken by equal rights people.

After an exhausting battle, that had seemed to last for hours and hours had only lasted about 40 minutes. 40 minutes for Glynda with help from Amber and Hermione to have enough room to seal the breach. In those 40 minutes hundreds upon hundreds of grimm would flow like water out of the new tunnel.

They later realized their mistake when they found the corpses of Cinder Fall and Torchwick having been mauled by a beowulf. Hermione blamed herself for their deaths but no one else really cared that much. Harry finally sat Hermione down and asked her what she would of done different. Telling her any other option would of let to their escape or eventual death anyway she just made it easier on everyone else.

Setting an attack like they did would have led to the death penalty anyway.

Teams HHMM, RWBY and JNPR would go on to graduate all with top marks, with Harry and Hermione's help they had achieved Ozpin's goal of having the best graduating class ever. Teams that had graduated the year before them, the ones that had helped in the attack on Vale had also been really strong having joined in being trained by Harry.

Cardin Winchester would not even finish his first semester before being expelled and then arrested. Harry had caught him red handed trying to rape Velvet the bunny faunus from before. He almost died when Harry defended her honor.

Their plan for Neo would work, with love from Harry and Hermione her mind had healed enough to grow with her new body. She would eventually lead her own team at Beacon and having been trained by so many different teams would go on and take over Glynda's job as combat instructor, never missing Sunday dinner at home with mom and dad. She would go on a marry a man ten years younger than her and raise her own with a few adopted additions.

Harry and Amber would marry after their graduation and Amber having decided to be a stay at home mom while Harry would lead the fight against the grimm. Always around when needed but also taking the hardest missions to keep his fellow hunters safe. They would have 4 children together 5 all together with Neo.

Hermione would fall hard and fast for Blake in their third year. After a rocky fourth year they would still be going strong after graduation. Blake would carry children with the Potter genes so the two would feel the joy of being mothers together.

Not surprising to anyone but themselves, Pyrrha ended up knocking Jaune behind the head and dragging him into their room when she got tired of throwing out hints that he failed to see. They would have only one child together because of a hard birth but would adopt 6 young girls to give their son siblings. Poor little guy hen pecked like his dad.

No matter how she tried to deny it Weiss would fall for Ruby and no matter how much her dad tried to stop them from getting married they would end up married. Augusta had taken a little trip to Atlas and had dealt with Jacques Schnee. Years later he would still cringe when asked about said discussion. He never brought up his complaints again.

Nora would get her wish and finally get Ren to admit his feeling for her but they decided to stay as brother and sister and just travel together. So they said you know together but not together together. When they finally settled down back in Vale the others finally got them to quit denying the truth and just admit that they have been married for like forever.

Yang would lead the adventurous life following Harry into his many mad adventures, eventually she would find her own Schnee. Winter and Yang at first no one saw that coming, Yang was like fire to Winters' Icy demeanor, Winter could just not help but fall for the blonde.

Thanks for reading.

If ever someone likes the idea enough to reboot it their own way, feel free but message me so I can read your stuff. Not enough Potter/Rwby out there.