A/N: Hello everybody, my name's Eragon and welcome to chapter 2 of Broken, my RWBY/Rosario Vampire crossover. I've been somewhat busy, but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop writing. I hope you guys like this chapter, this will be a pretty easy chapter before things pick up next chapter. Before we get to the chapter though, here's my reply to reviews.
Guest: I respect your opinions, we're all entitled to that. And believe me, you're still getting Rosario Vampire characters so don't worry. However, perhaps you should consider reading the chapter first before making assumptions of this story. Adam was reluctantly roped into looking for Akua with the 'police officers', who weren't even police in the first place. Also, while he might be somewhat underdeveloped in the show right now, that doesn't mean that any variation of him in someone's story will be. Finally, if you didn't want to read any story with Adam in it, and are going to be rather rude about it, why are you reading a story that has him as the main character in the first place? Like I said, you're entitled to your own opinion, but if you're going to be rude about please take it somewhere else.
Anyways, have fun with this chapter guys. I own nothing but my OCs, RWBY belongs to Roosterteeth and Monty Oum (RIP), while Rosario Vampire belongs to Shonen Jump Manga and Akihisa Ikeda. Everybody relax, take a chair and some popcorn, and sit back and enjoy!
Chapter 2
A broken soul, just like her own. From the moment she met Adam in the café she worked at Akua immediately found herself curious about the Bull Faunus. She could see it in his green eyes, the pain and suffering of someone who'd seen some pretty terrible things, maybe even done some horrible things. That haunted look wasn't all that far from hers, which is why she felt obligated to give him his coffee on the house earlier that morning and now had her dragging him around the city despite the fact that they had just been fighting not that long ago.
Having just hanged up from calling the strange bus driver and headmaster, the former assassin turned to her new friend and said, "Just let him know the situation, your stuff is going to be dropped off at the mansion in a few minutes."
"You've actually surprised me today, Ms. Shuzen," Adam said in a now pretty relaxed state as they walked along the streets of Tokyo, far from the now missing warehouse, "we've just met this morning, and already you've allowed me to have a coffee for free, killed the 'officers' I'd been dragged into helping, fought me and with me unintentionally destroyed an abandoned warehouse, and now you're not only giving a tour of the city but also making it easier to meet my rehab instructor and be closer to where he is."
"Aiya, did you think that all members (or former members) of Fairy Tale were heartless monsters?" the Jet Black Devil exasperated as she stepped in front of the Bull Faunus and started walking backwards down the sidewalk, "There's no such thing as pure good or evil, without darkness there's no light, and without light there's no darkness."
"You do have a point there Ms. Shuzen," Adam noted calmly, "it's not just black or white, mostly just shades of grey."
He then suddenly halted his progress on the street and asked, "If I may ask though, Ms. Shuzen, shouldn't you be calling Mr. Aono to inform him of why a bunch of stuff he doesn't recall owning is suddenly showing up in the dead of night?"
"...Dammit, you're right," Akua noted in agreement, her pink-red eyes going wide at the thought, "hold up, I'm going to call him now, he's probably sleeping right now,c also stop calling me Ms. Shuzen, just call me Akua, it's easier."
They stepped into a nearby alleyway and she pulled out her phone, which to her surprise he said, "I've never seen a scroll like that before."
"Let me guess, that's what a phone is called in Remnant," Akua replied, and after he quickly showed and explained his scroll to her she continued, "yep, pretty much a phone but not quite, just letting you know that Tsukune's probably going to get you one of these so you don't stand out to much in public."
With that she opened up the contacts on her cell and dialed the number she needed, and the number rang five times before it picked up.
"...Hello?" a voice came from the other end, slow and groggy but definitely Tsukune's, "Who's calling me at 11 at night?"
'Whoops, definitely should've paid attention to the time, she thought to herself before saying, "Hey Tsukune, it's Akua, get your ass up, I've got something I need to talk to you about."
"Oh, hi Akua," the younger vampire mumbled, and soon she could hear another voice in the background, to which Tsukune said, "It's your sister, Moka, that's who called me."
"Sorry, I wasn't interrupting anything was I?" Akua joked with a light blush, causing the other vampire to stammer.
"N-no, we were just sleeping," Tsukune replied sleepily, and then cleared his throat and asked, "So, you wanted to talk to me about something?"
"Yeah, did the Bus Driver already tell you about the rehab program?" the eldest Shuzen inquired kindly.
"Rehab - oh yes, he did," he replied as she could hear a shuffling of papers on the other end of the line, "yeah, I'm supposed to be helping to rehab a Bull Faunus from Remnant, Adam Taurus I believe his name was?"
"Yep, about that," Akua began to explain, "long story short I happened to stumble across your rehab student today, he's right next to me and right now we're in Tokyo."
"You found him?" Tsukune repeated, then after another mumbling from Akua's sister he said, "Hold on a second Akua, yes, she found Taurus and is with him right now."
The next mumble was rather loud enough for Akua to hear as her sister said, "So she's found a friend to keep her occupied from hounding me, then?"
"Hey, I heard that Moka!" Akua grumbled, her face now suddenly flush from the mention of old habits.
"You were supposed to hear that," Moka could now be heard clearly now, having apparently whisked the phone from her fiancé, "so why exactly did you call if you were just going to tell us that you found him?"
"Because, my dearest sister," Akua said, love for her sibling in her voice, "I've talked to the Bus Driver and we've agreed to have Adam's stuff brought to the house so he can stay there while the rehab is going on."
It was just at that point that Akua could hear the doorbell ringing in the background as Moka said, "Speaking of the devil, that might be his stuff now, we'll have it moved into a spare bedroom right now. Are we to assume that he'll be coming back with you tonight?"
"Yep, actually it shouldn't take to long for us to get there after we're done in Tokyo," Akua declared happily, with a tinge of worry in her voice now.
"Oh, and don't worry about Father," Moka said, calming Akua's nerves, "we'll sum up the situation for him, but tomorrow you'll have to explain to him about your new boyfriend."
"H-he's not my boyfriend!" Akua almost yelled with a new blush on her face, startling her companion, "We just met, Moka!"
"Well, you'll have to explain that to Issa," Tsukune said as the phone was given back to him, "anyways, be home soon, we'll see you guys tomorrow okay?"
"'Kay, we will, bye," Akua stated, only to start laughing as she suddenly heard the cheerful cry of her sister saying, "Itadakimasu!"
"Ow, ow ow ow, that still hurts, seriously shouldn't this count as cannibalism?!" Tsukune almost shouted into the phone, before sighing and hurriedly saying, "Okay, see you tomorrow, good night."
She hanged up the phone, still laughing at her sister's antics before saying, "Aiya, those two really need to get a room; anyways, your stuff just arrived and the tour's almost over."
"If I may ask, who exactly is this 'Issa' they mentioned?" Adam inquired, curiosity apparently peaked.
"Oh, Issa Shuzen?" Akua replied with a slight smile, "No one really, just my father and the current head of the Shuzen Clan, don't worry about him though, besides being slightly over-protective he's a good man, now let's go!"
Shuzen House
Mount Fuji, 100 km SW of Tokyo
The Next Morning
While it was too dark to entirely tell, Adam easily figured out that Shuzen House wasn't a mansion, and it certainly wasn't a simple house as the name suggested. He had woken up a few minutes before in the bedroom they'd given him the night before and began to wander around, but it didn't take long for him to find an enormous window to realize exactly what Shuzen House was. The 'house', or rather castle as it really was, was perched a good distance part way up the side of Mount Fuji (as Akua said it was called), and it was far bigger than any castle he'd previously seen. In fact, in terms of size it wasn't far off from being as big as Beacon Academy from what he remembered having been there. He continued to wander, and naturally within minutes was hopelessly lost. Adam couldn't find his way back to his room and no one else was in sight, at least until he literally ran into someone and nearly knocked her over.
"Ow, careful where you're going sir," the young woman started as she rubbed the shoulder Adam had bumped into.
"My apologies, ma'am," Adam said kindly as he glanced around, "I just arrived here yesterday and I'm hopelessly lost, would you mind helping me to the dining hall please?"
"Yeah, I was actually on my way there myself, follow me," the young woman replied sweetly as she started walking in the same direction she was going, and as he followed it gave Adam plenty of time to get a good look at what she looked like.
The young woman could've barely been in her twenties, wearing a set of casual pair of pink pyjamas with bat shaped patterns along it, which was nothing compared to the fact that she looked absolutely stunning in them. She had fair skin that made both her emerald green eyes and the black choker around her neck stand out. Finally, and definitely something that Adam noted would be one of many things to make her stand out in a crowd, she had long, knee-length silver hair, with a pale tinge of pink in the tips of her hair.
'I'm surprised that someone that could only be described as beautiful would even think to lead a complete stranger to the dining hall,' Adam thought to himself in respect for the kind woman, but then a new thought popped into his head, 'Wait a minute, her voice sounds familiar, but why?'
"Oh, where are my manners," the woman suddenly said, turning to him as they walked, "it must be strange being lead around such a big castle by a complete stranger, so who should introduce themselves first?"
"Might as well, seeing as you've been so helpful," the Bull Faunus stated, clearing his throat to introduce himself, "the name's Adam, Adam Taurus, I'm supposed to be here to go through rehab with Mr. Aono."
"So you're the Bull Faunus that's Tsukune's helping," the young woman declared much to his surprise, and noting his raised eyebrow she said, "well, hi Adam, I'm Moka Akashiya (just call me Moka), I'm Tsukune's fiancée."
'That's why she sounds familiar, she and Aono were on the phone with Akua last night,' Adam thought to himself in realization before aloud he said, "Well, it's nice to finally meet you Ms. Aka- I mean, Moka."
"Oh, it's okay, habit's like that are hard to break eh?" Moka asked rhetorically, and then chuckled and said, "Look, we're at the dining hall now, just walk in and grab a seat."
"Okay, thank you," Adam bowed politely before opening the doors to the enormous dining hall.
Just like the rest of Shuzen House, the dining hall was splendidly decorated, complete with a fancy dining table the length of a small football field. At the moment the table was bare, and while there were plenty of chairs to sit at only five seats taken, with each person occupying the seats catching Adam's attention one by one. The person that clearly caught his attention first was Akua herself, who at the time was playing chess with a young woman whose white dress contrasted against her long, light blonde hair and tan skin, bringing out her dark red eyes. There was another girl sitting with them, with emerald green eyes similar to Moka's and flaming orange hair tied back into bushy ponytails with big red bows similar to her dress. All of that observation, however, was turned over to the two men sitting at the very end of the table.
The first of the two, and certainly the younger one, couldn't have been any older than Moka herself. His short and well kept hair was dark brown, almost black, contrasting with the young man's fair skin. A glance at Adam from the young man revealed brown eyes, eyes filled with so much warmth and kindness that Adam couldn't help but feel welcome right then and there. The older man, on the other hand, if the young man wasn't there Adam would've probably ditched due to the severals chills running down his spine. The man had chin length black hair along with a small mustache and a small goatee standing out amongst his pale skin, and he wore an outfit that looked like it originated from 18th Century Europe, or so Adam had been told. The outfit, consisting of black dress pants and a jacket with gold lining, along with a scarlet handkerchief, looked so regal that there was no doubt to the Bull Faunus as to the identity of this man.
The elder vampire, which Adam was certain had to be the head of the household, looked over at him, resulting in several chills going down his spine due to the vampire's blood red eyes which lingered on him for some time.
Suddenly, the younger man cleared his throat and said, "Shuzen-sama, can you not scare him off please, he just arrived last night."
Shuzen, the man now confirmed to be the head of the household, nodded in agreement, and in a regal and somewhat commanding voice said, "Join us, Master Taurus, have a seat with us gentlemen."
Cautiously, Adam complied and walked towards the other end of the table where they sat, passing by Akua who momentarily paused what she was doing to wave. He waved back, and when he reached the two men he took the empty seat to the left of the elder vampire.
"I believe you're the one my soon to be son-in-law mentioned would be staying with us?" the head of the household asked politely, and when Adam nodded he declared, "Well, Master Taurus, I'm Issa Shuzen, the ruling head of the Shuzen family and master of Shuzen House, refer to me any way you choose just be polite about it."
"I-it's nice to meet you, Shuzen-sama," Adam managed to stutter his reply, all the while thinking, 'I get the feeling that he's not too fond of me, but I don't know why.'
"Gomen nasai, Shuzen-sama's pretty protective of his family, and he tends to react defensively when it comes to new people," the young man apologized while giving a calming look to the elder vampire, "It's nice to meet you Adam, my name's Tsukune, Tsukune Aono."
"Well, it's nice to meet you to, Aono-san," Adam stated, all sense of fear washed away almost immediately, "I don't mean to be impolite, but when I first heard your name I thought you'd be older."
Tsukune laughed, amused and with a hint of nervousness, and said, "I can assure you that I've only just turned twenty, in fact according to your file you're older than me, also no need to call me Aono-san, please, call me Tsukune."
'It looks like I made the right choice in taking this rehab program, if anybody could make someone become a better person with their personality alone it's definitely Tsukune Aono,' Adam thought to himself, but aloud he said, "So then, what's first for the rehab Tsukune?"
"Honestly, not sure yet, but I was mainly thinking of seeing how you fight," Tsukune said warmly in reply, "but first, breakfast has arrived, let's dig in, shall we?"
A/N: That was chapter 2 of Broken, now before I get into anything else I figure I should give translations for the Japanese words within the story.
Gomen nasai: Translates to "I'm sorry".
Sama: An honorific mainly directed towards someone of a higher rank or position than oneself.
San: A rather commonplace honorific, generally similar to saying "Mr.", "Miss", "Ms.", or "Mrs."
So, I promised to give a RWBY/Rosario Vampire story, and therefore you'll be getting exactly that. Now that we have the entirety of the Shuzen family (well, almost, and if you've read all of the manga you know what I mean), and I've already hinted at what's going to happen next chapter. I wonder who'll be sparring with Adam first (I'm letting you know it's obviously not going to be Akua, seeing as she already fought him). Don't worry though, they'll eventually spar again, but the fighting next chapter will be exciting, especially when you see who's first to fight him.
Anyways, just letting you guys know that next month, seeing as next month is March, I'll give you this quote as a hint to what story's next.
"Tell me, when the snow melts, what does it become?"
"That's easy, it becomes spring! No matter how cold it is now, spring will come again! Without fail. It's strange isn't it? But it's true."
If you guys loved this story and want to read more, please hit the favourite and follow buttons and don't forget to check out my other stories. Thanks for all the support guys, and God Speed!