So,,, its been a while. Sorry about that. But hey, I've gotten a lot of positive feedback, and it's really motivated me to keep going! It's kinda (read: majorly) unplanned, so if anybody has any ideas for this or anything, be sure to let me know! I'll try to incorporate it as best I can into the story!

Anyways, you guys have been waiting enough. Continue please! ^^

Chara was the angriest they've been in a long time. Angrier, even, then when Asriel had let them die for no reason. Angrier than when Sans kept killing Frisk so many times that their friend was definitely scared of anything even remotely skeletal-like.

When Frisk and Chara had been captured, they had been woken up separated. This, of course, caused Chara to freak out. They've been alone for years, until Frisk came along and ended that long chain of unending loneliness. And now they were alone again, alone in some weird room with some weird wall that was translucent and very hard to shatter.

The demon didn't know why Frisk hadn't gone back to their last SAVE yet. It's been hours since Chara had woken up; surely Frisk would be awake too? They know that their human friend hadn't died- otherwise the SAVE would've surely occurred and the two of them would be safe and sound, back at the-

"Chara could almost hit themself. Duh, their last SAVE point had been when that strange man had been following them. Frisk surely would've been terrified at the thought of going back to that moment. They needed to find them, to tell them a plan or something in order to escape that guy. But how to escape and see them?

As Chara was deep in thought, a man suddenly stood in front of their weird, see through room. They looked up and glared with as much anger as their blood red eyes could muster. Which, they could proudly say, was a lot of anger.

The human in front of them was tall, but not too tall. He was almost... average, if Chara had to describe him. But average in a strange way. It was almost scary, and Chara knew what scary was.

"Tch," Chara said underneath their breath as the man sat in a chair that sat in front of their room. They didn't let up on their glare as the man smiled disarmingly at them- in fact, they glared even harder.

"Hello. I have a few questions for-"

"Where is Frisk?" Chara demanded, standing up from the bed they were on and stalking to get as close to the glass(?) wall as they dared. The man smiled pleasantly.

"Frisk?" Chara bared their teeth at him, showing off their fangs as they crossed their arms in a show of frustration. Was this man slow or what?

"Yeah, about the same size as me, brown eyes, hair down to their neck? I know you guys have them here, and I want to see them," Chara huffed angrily.

"I see. Yes, your friend... Frisk is fine and safe- for now." Chara's eyes narrowed at that. "Now, we can settle this peacefully if you'd answer a few of our questions." The demon huffed, but nodded as a sign to continue. They were gonna go back to their SAVE point after they reveal their plan to Frisk (which they still needed to think of. Maybe a hostage situation? No, that'd just make them more eager to capture them.)

"Now, simple questions first. Name?"


"Chara Blank or Blank Chara?" Here they rolled their eyes skyward and fought back a feeling of violence that came when they felt any sort of sad emotion. Chara no longer had a last name, as their original birth givers were possiblt the worst humans they've ever had the displeasure of meeting, and their adopted parents- nope. Not thinking about that.

"Just Chara," they said through gritted teeth. The man frowned, but accepted this question and moved on.

"Alright, Chara. What are you?" Chara blinked, before immediately moving into a hostile stance, baring their teeth once again. The man tensed up, not in a scared way, but in a way that made him seem as if he was ready to fight back if Chara ever tried to harm him. Good luck with that, they thought darkly, but forced themself to relax into a less suspicious position.

"What's to say I'm not human?" they ask, carefully choosing their words.

"Red eyes, for one. You're not wearing any contacts, and you're too young to go into any surgery to change them-" Boy was he wrong there, Chara was surely at least twice this man's age, but there was no need to tell him that. "-so they must be natural. Another thing, your teeth are sharper than any human's have any right to be." Chara quickly pulled their lips over their previously bared teeth, and licked their tongue against them. Were they really that sharp?

"So, please answer the question." Chara's eyes narrowed. This man was dangerous.

"How about no?" they say, and move away from their position at the glass in order to sit back down on their thin mattress that they had woken up on. The man frowned.

"Please, Chara, just answer the question-"

"Why should I answer any of your questions, huh?" they growled out angrily. "You kidnapped me and my friend. I'm not letting out a single peep unless you let us meet up. So either let me see them or let us go!"

The man sighed, but stood up and left without too much fanfare after that. Char relaxed slightly, but turned to glare at the security camera that hung in the corner of the room.

"Didn't even get his name," they muttered, kicking the cot they were sitting on viciously.

So,,, yeah! It's not discontinued, just forgot about it is all. So, yeah! Happy reading, and thanks to everyone whose put up with me so far! Feel free to call me out on any mistakes in grammar, spelling, continuity, or plot.