Hey guys, it's been almost a year (wow) and I was thinking I should repost this story I rewrote the first few chapters...not many changes I have a plan until like chapter 8-9 from there on i shall see, but i've had this in my computer for a long time and with the SH Month 2017 coming up i thought i should get back to writing some more so here i am.

Please R&R


Sasuke POV

Maybe he was right, maybe I was out of my mind, somewhere along those lines I realized it at that time too, that's why I was so close to leaving, I got up but my eyes never moved from the back of your head. Suddenly you got up as well and decided it was time for you to go too. Even then I knew your name, I heard people saying it now and then but I didn't know you, you didn't know me. For some time then I was always trying my best, I was going out of my way to see you, of course never up close, not close enough to hear what you were saying but close enough to see your smile. Sometimes I could see you looking at me, at least it looked like that to me, our eyes would meet for a second and you'd smile, maybe that's what got my attention in the first place. A drunken and genuine smile from a stranger, but I'll tell you about that later. As I was saying you were onto your feet and walking towards me, well the door, with each step you took closer my mouth became drier and the urge to order another drink over came me, so instead of going out the door I walked in front. That's when we passed by, so close, that was the closest I ever got to you, our shoulders did not touch but I saw you shaking, your smile was absent, I watched you from the corner of my eye and my eyes lingered on you a moment too long. I noticed the small frown, the way you bit your lip, the way your legs were slightly trembling, I wanted to take your hand and watch you closer I wanted to notice every single detail, of course I didn't.

My first impression of you was that you were intimidating and radiant, but being so close to you made me see all the insecurities, the low self-esteem, you were so small and paranoid looking over your shoulder because you felt someone looking at you. Our eyes met for a second before you turned back and with slender hands opened the door. I didn't like that expression, you looked hurt.

The café where all of this happened is 'Café Noir' (it means Black Café just in case you didn't know that) it's not very big, if you're not looking for it you might miss it, the 2 buildings near it are tall and grey colored while the Café is small and on the outside the walls are a soft brown, the windows are big but on the outside they are mirrors while from inside you see everything that's going on outside (I don't really know how to describe it better but you've been there, you know it). I like to go here because it's 15 minutes away from the park which is 5 minutes away from my apartment, also it's on the way to the Campus so that's a win-win. From the Café to the Campus where are most of the Universities in the city it takes around 12-16 minutes if you walk and 4-5 by car.

After a few days when I was walking through the park I saw you running my way, actually jogging. You noticed me, I'm still not sure why you did what you did…was it the smirk on my lips that scared you? Did you find is strange how we met so often? Well, either way you took a sudden turn to the left and were gone. It was fun watching your ponytail swing from left to right, I liked the way your hips moved and you had a very nice ass in those leggings. We both know I stopped and started at you until you were very small into the distance.

It didn't take long for us to meet again, this time it was in front of the Art University, you didn't seem to notice me, you were very focused on something in your notebook. I couldn't pass you by without saying 'Hi'. I stopped in my place a few steps in front of you and I was waiting for your respond that never came, you didn't even looked up from your notebook but you smiled and that was enough for me so I started walking again, this time I made sure my shoulder brushed yours. From your back, my front someone came running, wind waving in her long hair, eyes pointed at the back of your head, smile cheerful, this young woman was fast indeed. I just blinked and she already passed me, I looked over my shoulder to see her jump on your back and both of you crumble to the ground, she laughed you looked at me and a slight blush covered your cheek before you looked down sheltering your face with your long straight bangs. Ino, I should thank her, later on she was a great help.

As I said the Campus was a rather large part of the new town, most of the Universities were there, some small shops and of course the dorms, you lived in an apartment close by. I will explain who goes to which University later, when more names come into the story.

I'm not someone that liked to talk about my…feelings? But I did tell my friend, my brother, about you. Naruto, he was rather shocked and excited when I started talking about a girl that I had an interest in, well all of that changed when I told him your name. The spark that was forever present in his eyes died , he looked sad, at that time I didn't understand but I didn't bother to ask either, somehow I am grateful. Maybe if I knew the story from the beginning, before anything happened I would have given you up.

The mood changed rather fast and Naruto started blabbering about Gaara, another of our friends from a different city, one year younger, that would finally move in Konoha next year to start University here. Somehow the conversation turned to ramen and lunch, so we decided to go out and eat. In the middle of the park there are a few food stands, one of them is a ramen one, which Naruto loves and I don't really mind. At the park, you were there, Naruto stiffened but I didn't see it, I didn't care at that moment I saw you and you alone, I find this strange now, you had my full attention without even trying. I walked up to you, you were on the swings.

Your beautiful lilac eyes started up at me for a moment before once again they fell to the ground and noticed the small movements of the grass. I just looked at the top of your head and smiled, if someone told me I'd be so close to you I would have smirked and walked away thinking to myself 'freak' but there I was. You seemed so out of reach yet you were so close. I wanted to say something but Naruto cut me off with one of his loud and careless shouts.


You looked up at him with fear and I just wanted to do something very childish, pull your hair, I couldn't help but chuckle at my grade-school thoughts. But you didn't look at me and that bothered me, of course, I grabbed your hand and forced you to come near. But the swing came to me and then backed away, came to me and backed away. I just watched it for a few moments.


Your beautiful eyes were wide but you smiled at me I'm sure I grinned at you because your face turned red in matters of seconds, the swing was moving closer to me then further, you were again eyeing the ground…I wondered if there was something I was missing out, I meant to ask, to talk to you…a lot, but Naruto just came and started to drag me away while shouting an apology to you. I was confused, I was further away from you each moment.

I sighed in frustration, Naruto always was positive and let me do whatever I wanted, but this time he was a huge obstacle and I wanted to smash his head to the floor and go back to the blushing girl. You didn't even know my name…

For almost a week I didn't see you, but when I did you were with him, a tall male, someone I vaguely knew, someone I didn't like, someone who's name I can't remember. You were laughing at him, your hand on his arm he was looking at you. I know we weren't even friends but just that gesture of you showing your perfect white teeth to another male made me feel so betrayed. This male was someone that didn't fit in a picture with you. Shino! I think, I remember later on Kiba brought him to my house once, I don't recall the reason…he's not someone I'd usually see you with, you didn't match, he was too…anyway you just looked off next to him. I was so annoyed I almost walked over to you and push his arm away, of course, I didn't, I would have scared you off. So I just watched you and him for a couple of minutes to see the way you interact with him. No matter what you were doing, how hard you smiled at him the two of you were different.

Your hair was long held in a high ponytail your bangs were framing your face, a loose purple shirt was shoved messily inside your shorts and looked way to big on you and dark purple sneakers while he had sun glasses on a hoodie and long jeans, different styles, different worlds, seasons, centuries, stories. He had nothing to do with your story, not from my point of view, I was getting madder by the moment and with each second your hand stayed on his I felt this great pain.

I was just about to leave when I heard a conversation between a girl and her mother, both of them were walking, strolling though the park. 'Mommy, look look a couple!' 'Misa! It's not nice to point' her mother blushed and started walking faster after she noticed me looking. Really I tried to leave, I did but I was glued to the ground. I sighed and sat on the bench my back at you. The laughing stopped and I looked over my shoulder, he was leaving while you were waving and going in the opposite direction, towards me.

Our eyes met and you seemed…annoyed? Maybe I was wrong about you, maybe you weren't small and paranoid, maybe my first impression of you was accurate.


You stopped in front of my hands on your hips looking natural, my eyes moved from your toes to your head a few times before I got up. Well, you were quiet short your head reaching just my chest, you looked in my eyes for a second before turning your head to the left watching some kids play, it bought a smile on your face.


This time you seemed more confident and again your watchful eyes were on me.


I just whispered my name and waited for you to understand, of course you did. A hand traveled to your eyes and covered them, you looked tired, but the smile was still in place.

"Sasuke…We met awfully often lately"

"Aha" I just nodded and my phone rang, wonderful I wanted to crash it to pieces but decided to just let it ring. Your hand moved and you gave me a perplexed look and the same slim hand gesticulated to me to answer, I didn't. A thin brow rose before you started giggling. Your head fell to the right giving me the opportunity to see your slender neck, my eyes traveled to your ear then eyes, nose, mouth, the corner of your lips twitched.


"I am"

Once again your brow rose, we were awkward, but it felt nice, a sigh escaped my lips and my phone started to ring again. This time I looked at it and saw who was calling 'Sakura'. I noticed you were looking too and your eyes widened.

"You…know her?"

I just nodded and you seemed puzzled, confused, I still don't know why. For a moment I thought you hated Sakura, or that you were some kind of 'rivals' but looking at her name the sad smile and the insecurities in your eyes returned.

"We have a lot of common…friends"

I just looked at you. You were so different a few seconds ago, you looked just like when you left the café when you saw Naruto. I sighed and pressed 'answer'

"Sasuke, finally"

I couldn't talk to her not with you looking at me like this, so I didn't say anything but we both know Sakura, she's a talker so I'm pretty sure she didn't notice. Sakura, another person I'm supposed to say thanks to.

"—Naruto said that, but he's Naruto so is it true ?"

Your eyes were watching me, my every move I could see your eye twitch when I moved the phone from an ear to the other, I could see the fear on your face when you heard her voice, I remember we met a few days after this, just the two of us and I meant to ask you about what you feel for Sakura, but I forgot…in time I understood what was there. Going back on track Sakura stopped talking waiting for my response to whatever she asked…I still don't know what she said, I was too focused on you to hear her. I just hung up, your mouth slightly open in shock and once again you looked at the kids playing.

I didn't know what to say, what to do…but you started to walk away, should I have ran after you ? Because I didn't, I let you leave. In the next few days we met at least once a day but you never said anything and all I did was greet you, we were always around…'friends'. Spring was almost over and summer was coming fast, I had exams to focus on, you did too.

It was Wednesday when I had my last exam and Naruto and Kiba told me to go out and drink the stress away that weekend. We used to go to this club, K-9, since the senior year of high school, it was fine.

As I promised, I guess now would be the perfect time to say who goes where. We were in our first year in college, I was at police academy with Kiba while Naruto was at law school, you were at both Art and Foreign languages, English to be exact. You never had time, always here or there yet everyday you'd walk to clear your head or run to keep in shape. You were busier then Ino and Sakura and they were at Medicine and I'm sure everyone heard rumors about how hard that is. There will be more people in the story but there's no need to rush.

Anyway you were there at the club, you looked different from 'the you' I saw in the park and when I stalked you, it was just like in the café, you were so strange and I never tried to figure you out. I was just…attracted to you, I just wanted to watch you from afar, that was at the beginning, soon watching wasn't enough, I wanted to talk to you, to touch you, make you laugh. Even so I'm pretty sure somewhere along my stalking routine I put a label on you, a big fat 'MINE'.

You were just with Sakura, both of you wearing dresses, too short for my taste, too tight for it to be comfortable to breathe, heels too high, I'm sure it hurts to walk on them. I saw the discomfort on your face, I watched you and I never saw you dressed like that…Sakura? Yes I expected that from her.


Naruto's voice rang in the room even above the ridiculous loud music, you stiffened just for a moment, I saw it. Your eyes met mine and once again you seemed annoyed, I smirked at you and you actually rolled your eyes.

"Oh right, Sasuke-kun, this is one of my friends Hi—"


I finished it for her, Sakura's eyes were wide open. But she didn't look angry like she usually does when I talk with girls she was just surprised but her eyes softened and her question was pure curiosity.

"How did you know?"

Whatever Sakura felt for you, the petite girl from our group, was anything but bad, and Hinata, your eyes were on Sakura a lot, I saw you stare at her, checking her, almost like you were scared she might disappear and each time when you realized what you were doing your gaze would drop and you'd be looking at your feet like they were your worst enemy. It was funny.

"We've been bumping into each other a lot lately"

I finally answered Sakura's question.

"That's wonderful!"

Sakura said cheerful and took your hand and gave it a light squeeze. All of us sat at a table, Sakura introduced you to Kiba and the night started to go normal, Naruto and Kiba were fighting about something I didn't care about, while Sakura was ordering some more drinks.


I said and you looked at me so…strange. Your eyes showed you were mad but you were smiling so beautiful I'm still not sure if you were annoyed with me or whatever. Nothing special happened that night actually, that's probably because Sakura was always talking to you and Naruto with Kiba were pulling me now and then in their fight, but it was relaxing.

As I said K-9 is a club we used to go to, the owner, Kakashi, is a rather strange person, he always has a mask covering his face (in high school whenever we played truth or dare the main dare was 'Take Kakashi's mask off' none succeeded) also he was kind of lazy and most of the time reading porn. The club looks small from outside but when you come in it is large.

In the back there are sofas and a few tables, to the left the bar. In the middle there is a big open space for dancing, to the right are the bathrooms and a door that goes to a smaller dark alley. It is quite popular.

Hinata's POV

For some time now I could see you looking at me…just looking, from time to time. Our eyes would meet and I'd smile, this person, you were such a mystery to me. I didn't know your name, but I already felt like I knew you. Last time we met I caught you staring at me in the café. I saw you also when I was running, I panicked so I took another route. I felt your eyes on me, Sasuke…and I'm not going to lie… I loved it. Would you watch me run again…sometime? Maybe that's not fair to ask, but things are always easier said on paper than face to face.

Anyway…Next time we met it was in front of my Art Collage, I saw you from a few meters away…you didn't see me so I acted like I was reading something and I was also praying hard for you not to notice the notebook was upside-down , we passed by and you stopped and said 'Hi' I smiled at you…not sure if you saw it or not, but the fact that you started to walk again told me you did. Our shoulders brushed and honestly I wanted to stop and talk to you. A few seconds later Ino came running to me, we both fell to the ground she was laughing but I noticed you were watching. God, I felt so embarrassed I wished the ground would suck me in.

Ino noticed my gaze and gasped. She knew you…didn't she ?Ino never said it herself…I was just assuming. I found out fromIno that Gaara and his older sister Temari would be coming to Konoha in a bit, both of them were my friends since I lived in Suna for some time, I guess you could call them 'childhood friends' for a moment I felt hurt, Ino knew that they were coming yet neither of them said anything to me.

Shino, my best friend and I were supposed to meet at the central park and go to watch a movie or something…he ditched me. This kept happening more often. I was sad…I missed spending time with him. The time when for the first time I saw you close at the café I was waiting for him as well…for 2 hours. It's been 30 minutes now only. But it was Shino…he was never late. It's either he's on time or he's not coming at all, still I waited. I closed my eyes and listened to people walking by, talking, kids playing. It was a lovely sound. To be honest I was cold…it was only the middle of spring and the wind was still strong. It was way too soon for a skirt.

But could you blame me? It looked…nice. I liked it. I opened my eyes and watched the clouds move in the sky, it was wonderful. Temari used to do this a lot, she told me the person she has a 'thing' for does it and she picked it up. I was on one of the swings, I was moving slowly. It was peaceful, for a moment I almost forgot about the fact that my best friend ditched me…again. I decided it was time to leave but something in me didn't want to move. I was sure it was hope…that Shino might turn up, right now I'm not so sure, maybe it was fate. A few more minutes passes and suddenly someone was shadowing me, so I looked up…and met your eyes. I felt like smiling, a dumb smile so I averted my eyes and set them on the ground. I counted to ten, waiting for you to say something but the first to talk wasn't you. It was Naruto, his friendly loud shout was disturbing to me, it didn't fit the picture.

When I looked up he was there indeed, blue eyes, tan skin, blonde hair and a huge grin. He was smiling at me, I felt like crying. Naruto was a dear friend of mine…but being around him was awkward for almost 4 years then. I'm not sure what expression I had on but I bet it wasn't nice, Naruto's happy eyes drifted away.

Suddenly I felt your hand grab mine, the swing moved towards you, and then back, for a moment we just looked at each other. 1…2…3 'Hi'


The same exact time, you said it exactly when I thought you would, the exact same way. I bet I was blushing so I once again found the ground interesting. I was waiting for you to say something but the warmness on my arm disappeared…Naruto was dragging you away while screaming an apology. I opened my mouth a bit and whispered a small 'hey' before getting up and leaving, I had been waiting enough.

Next time we met…I'm not sure you know we met. It was 2 days later. You were at the movies with this older male I didn't know. He looked slightly like you. I can't recall the movie…no, I wasn't watching it. I was looking at you. I felt fascinated by just looking, and a part of me hoped you felt the same when you were watching me a few weeks back. Whenever the light of the movie changed your face looked different.

White: it made your pale skin look translucent…ghostly, the light was reflecting into your onyx eyes. Your hair was in a small knot, you looked like a samurai from old times. I was a few rows behind and to the left…I actually wanted to get up, bend and touch it, I didn't, I'm clumsy you would have seen me.

Black: I couldn't see you very well, just the outline of your nose and lips. Is this how you look with the lights off? In the dark…your eyes were actually looking grayer. Eyes darker than yours, older met mine and I'm sure I blushed. Thank god it was black. I found out moments later that it was Itachi, the man near you, your brother. Didn't he tell you I was staring at you like a freak?

Red: Your eyes…I was looking only at them, well as much as I could. Devil. That was the first thing I thought about, the red light made your hair look pure black, face reddish and your eyes, there was a fight, the outline was black then some red again black it looked fascinating, this time I didn't even see your brother looking at me, I didn't mind him.

The movie was soon over. I have no idea where you went off to but I bumped into Itachi. He looked down on me, he was taller then you by a few inches and my head reached only his chest. His eyes looked me over. He was similar to you, just the tanner skin, the 2 wrinkles near his nose and longer hair in a pony…but similar. His smile was nice, not a grin like yours.

"Young miss"

He's voice was deeper, well I only heard you whisper 'hi'.

"Young sir"

He chuckled and rose a brow, maybe he wasn't expecting me to answer? Who knows…Itachi was , is and will always be a question mark to me. Going back on track he just bowed his head before whispering 'brother' and leaving. I was hoping for a name…after all I didn't even know your name yet.

He looked like you, acted similar…brothers. I smiled and moved on.

A few days later I met with Shino near the park, he didn't ditch me this time…well not really. We were supposed to hang out, drink some coffee or something but after talking for half an hour he had to leave. I decided to walk in the opposite direction. That's when I saw you, looking over your shoulder at me, all I could think was 'Stalker much?'

I walked right to you. You looked so laid back, both arms on the backrest, head bend a little so you could look up at me, one eye closed and smirk on place.


That's all you whispered before you got up. Damn you were so tall, I had to look away not to be intimidated by your height and I copied you with the small 'hi' then turned my eyes back to you, before long you whispered something else.


I don't know if you saw it but I was happy, your name! Finally. I covered my eyes in an attempt to hide my joy even so I couldn't help a smile.

I said your name 'Sasuke' and I wanted to say something else but I stopped for a moment just to feel your name on my lips.

"We met awfully often lately"

You nodded and your phone started to ring…you didn't answer. I send you more signals to answer but you just ignored it, I couldn't help but giggle. That's when you started to stare at me…my face.


"I am"

Your answer was so short and fast, you were so confusing…but I enjoyed it. Your phone rang again and this time you looked at it…'Sakura' my blood froze, you knew her and Naruto and Ino (I think…or did you meet her later?)

"You…know her?"

Those words escaped my mouth before I could even think. You nodded and I smiled…a broken smile. I loved Sakura but…I really wished you wouldn't have known her.

"We have a lot of common…friends"

I said this while you answered and placed the phone to your ear, I don't know if you listened to her but you were staring at me again and I did as well. You moved the phone from an ear to the other and I could hear Sakura's voice. She asked you something but you didn't say anything actually you hung up. I was shocked and once again you intimidated me so I looked away.

Neither of us said or did anything so I started to walk away…I thought you'd follow me and we'd take a walk. You didn't move…I was a little sad to be honest. I wanted to talk more, you were interesting.

We didn't meet for some time, it was the end of spring and the beginning of the summer and every student knows what that means…EXAMS! God I hate them. Anyway, I was attending 2 universities Art and English so I had more exams then any of you. Oh right the Universities are like this: Ino and Sakura- Medicine, you and Kiba- police, Naruto and Shikamaru-law, Shino-science, Neji (my cousin who is also in his 2th year) and TenTen (his girlfriend)-martial arts (sport), Gaara-design (Gaara didn't start yet but designer is what he was aiming for and of course he got in) and Temari- college for the firefighters (none saw this coming!) After my last exam Sakura invited me to go out with her. She also insisted on going to her house earlier and getting ready together. Big mistake…Sakura is a dear and I love her but…her way of dressing is not really…comfortable.

She gave me a deep red leather dress, strapless, short and tight. It has a zipper in the front, just pull that and it's no more. A pair of black 6 inch heels. Also my pink haired friend did my make-up, crimson eye shadow and lipstick and just the 'right' amount of eyeliner and mascara…She wasn't dressed in something a lot different. Her dress was pale pink tight and cut on the sides, she was showing way too much cleavage…anyway, we got to the club and people were dancing, drinking and sweating. Thank God we sat down because my feet were killing me, anyway all of a sudden 3 boys come in, I could see Naruto from miles away, blonde hair, blue eyes and neon orange t-shirt. You were right behind him.

I felt so…bad! I actually wanted to cry. YOU were there! Dressed like any normal person would and I was dressed in something less than a towel, actually I think I saw a hooker wearing something more decent. But you smirked and I could actually imagine all the jokes and images going in your brain…'Men' I rolled my eyes.

Sakura wanted to introduce me but you said my name faster. Until then you never said it…I never told you it, I just assumed you knew. Sakura seemed surprised, I watched her and I actually wanted to move but damn those heels!

"We've been bumping into each other a lot lately"

"That's wonderful!"

Sakura said cheerful and took my hand and have it a light squeeze. I felt bad…again. The next few minutes were blurry, I was introduced to the third male as well, Kiba. I heard you whisper 'Hi' while Sakura was ordering something to drink.

Only when I heard your voice did I snap out of my 'daydreaming' do you know what I was thinking about, what I wanted? I was praying to be back in that park. You on the bench me looking at the kids playing and not a word being said. But we were here with loud music I never liked or bothered to listen, it was just background noise, it smelled of marijuana and I'm pretty sure somewhere in the corner someone was throwing up. K-9 was…a small(?) club where even high schoolers came, that's when I realized that this world is so screwed, from the corner of my eye I could see a hooker flirting with a teenager, she was around 32 and he was 17. All of that was rather disturbing to me.

I looked back at you and smiled. Sakura started to talk to me, I didn't listen I couldn't. Not with you there looking at me, not with that smile on your face. I wanted to get away. Almost the whole night I found myself looking at Sakura from time to time wishing she would offer me an explanation to why you and the boys were there, but all I got from her were shallow words. I haven't been in the same room as her and Naruto for a really long time and it was awkward. All of a sudden I hated that place, the dress felt tighter the heels more uncomfortable so I decided to drown in alcohol. With each glass I became dizzier but so did you. When we left…Naruto had to drag you out. If the circumstances were different I would have laughed but I felt sad.

Ok so the first chapter is done, thank you for reading it really means a lot to me, if you would like please review. I'll try to upload as fast as I can, but I'm kinda lazy and when I don't have ideas I get really down, also when I have a writer's block that thing will hold on to me for so long, it's ridiculous.