Harry Potter And The Greatest Death Eater

A/N: Please bear with me with this story as this is my first attempt at Harry Potter fanfiction. Also this is not a fic for Ron, Ginny or Hermione lovers, this will most definitely have bashing of those people. This a independent!Harry and Dark!Harry story. As for romance I'm not sure if there will be some but if there is there is no certain pairing but it could be anyone of Rita, Narcissa, Bellatrix, Tonks or Luna. Rated T for now but that may change later.

Disclaimer: Now we all know that I don't own Harry Potter

Spells "speech" thought

Chapter 1 The Aligning Stars

"Don't fear the enemy who attacks you, but the fake friend that hugs you"

Harry Potter was bored, very bored, so bored in fact that he was reading his divination book for fun. That, Harry reflected as he mindlessly turned the pages of Unfogging the future was a new low but as he flicked the pages on crystal gazing and palmistry something caught his eye it was a page that had the interesting title of How To Know If You're Being Cheated. As Harry looked through the chapter his eyebrows rose from normal level to about the level of his scar, all the things the book mentioned were things that were happening to him: lack of contact, Orion appearing in the eastern sky and an excessive amount of chores. These, Harry thought grimly were all things that had happened to him, the Dursleys had given Harry even more chores, he had spotted Orion in the eastern sky one evening and he hadn't heard from Ron and Hermione since term ended and to make matters worse he had been in the wrong place at the wrong time(again) and now had to face a Wizengamot hearing because he had saved his cousin from dementors with a patronus charm. Honestly, Harry thought, could life get any worse. He threw Unfogging The Future over to a corner of his room as Uncle Walrus walked in. Harry stifled a laugh, he liked to refer to them this way, Uncle Walrus and Cousin Whale. Walrus began to talk "Your aunt, Dudley and I are going out and leaving you here, you aren't to touch anything and I'm going to lock your door." "You do that then" Harry said dully, Vernon looked suspicious at Harry's lack of argument but didn't press the matter and with a final glare at Harry the walrus walked out and locked the door.

Harry was jerked from his silent reverie with a start. He had heard something, maybe they were burglars thought Harry and they could rob him and he could sue the Dursleys for not keeping him safe and he could finally be allowed to leave this place. Now was a time to be ready to use his wand because he was going to get expelled anyway and if it was Voldemort it wouldn't matter that he used underage magic. While he was thinking the intruders had reached the top of the stairs and Harry heard a whisper of "Alohomora" and he stood up ready to rush at the door when the intruders enter. Suddenly he heard a familiar voice "calm down Harry, we're not burglars" Harry relaxed as he heard the voice of his ex-defense against the dark arts teacher Remus Lupin. Professor Lupin pushed the door open and revealed to Harry a group of four or five people, noticing that Harry didn't recognise some of then he introduced them "So Harry, you'll know Mad-eye" he said pointing to a grizzled man with half his nose missing "that girl over there is Nymphadora Tonks" pointing to a girl with bubblegum pink hair, she nodded at him "Wotcher Harry, but make sure never to call me Nymphadora or I'll hex you." Slightly nervous Harry turned back to Lupin who was pointing at a tall black man "and that there is Kingsley Shacklebolt" the man shook Harry's hand. "So why are you all here?" Harry asked puzzled. "We're here to take you away on behalf of Dumbledore" answered Moody. Harry shrugged "as long as I get away from the Dursley's I don't care if I go and live under a bridge." "Then we best get going" said Lupin "Come over here boy" snapped Moody "I need to disillusion you" Harry walked over hesitantly and felt a shiver as Moody placed a disillusionment charm on him. "So how are we getting there?" Harry asked "by broom" answered Tonks. "What about my trunk and owl?" "To many questions" grumbled Moody "we'll levitate your stuff, now let's get going" Harry slipped onto his Firebolt, kicked off and soared into the night.

It was a cold flight and Harry was not unhappy when they landed in the middle of London but Harry really couldn't see where they were going, they had landed in the middle of a muggle street and everywhere to Harry seemed as muggle as Privet drive. "What are we-" Harry started to say before Moody answered him "here, read this strip of paper and memorise it" Harry looked down at the piece of paper and read it, it said: The Headquarters Of The Order Of The Phoenix Are Located At No. 12 Grimmauld Place Harry looked up from the scrap and began to say "What's the order of the-" but was cut off as he stared in amazement at Grimmauld Place, between numbers 11 and 13 a completely new house was forming but the muggles in No. 11 and No. 13 didn't seem to notice a thing. When the house finally became fully formed Moody led him, Tonks, Lupin and Kingsley into the house, despite the cool why it appeared the house on the inside seemed to be quite dusty and dirty and there were a lot of old grumpy looking paintings as he came to the first door he was stopped from following them in by a hug from Mrs Weasley "Hello Harry dear, why don't you head upstairs, you're with Ron right at the end of the corridor" Harry nodded and headed up to see his best friends and the people who were some of the keys to surviving the Dursleys. It was time for another magical year to begin.