Disclaimer:I dont own any of POT character.I wish I would but I know I'll never have them :(

A/N: I was so frustrated because there's no much ot6 fanfic.If there is,its incomplete and that's why I am so frustrated.So,I decided to write one myself.

Contain MPREG,yaoi,just a bit mature since I kind of unexperienced in mature contain /..Maybe a bit OOC..You have been warned

"Tadaima"Ryoma said as he walk in Atobe's mansion which he and his five boyfriends live in together for almost 1 year.He was now 15 years old while his boyfriends is 17 years old.

"Ryoma-sama,the others are waiting for you at the main living room"Hikari,Atobe's butler informed him while bowing.

"Arigatou,Hikari-san"Ryoma said and walk to the main living room.

His boyfriends was there chatting and stop abruptly when he appeared.He walk toward Fuji who was the closest and sit on his lap.Fuji instinctively wrap his arm around his waist.

"Where have you been,Ryo-chan?"Yukimura ask while Sanada stand up and walk away.Ryoma eyed him before looking back at Yukimura in front of him.

"Momo-sempai and Kikumaru-sempai took me to burger and a walk at the park"he lean against Fuji's chest while the smiling tensai kiss the top of his head.

"I thought you guys went for a practice"Tezuka said with his usual stoic expression.

"Nah.Dont have the mood to practice"Ryoma close his eyes.

"You should never let your guard down Ryoma"Tezuka's voice make Ryoma open his eyes.He turn lazily to him beside him and Fuji.

"You've been saying that to me a lot these days Mitsu.I've grown tired hearing it everyday"Ryoma sigh.

"Brat,lets play"suddenly Atobe said with Sanada beside him holding two rackets.Ryoma rolled his eyes.

"I'm tired Monkey King.You guys can play by yourself"he said trying to stand up from Fuji's lap but the tensai lift him up and tossed him up to his shoulder.

"Syuusuke!Put me down!"Ryoma yell.

The tensai didnt say anything.Instead he walk out to the court followed by the others.

"Put me down!Put me down!Put me down!"Ryoma struggle on Fuji's shoulder.

"Fuck this small body"he thought when his attemp failed.

"You'll play"Finally Fuji said as he put Ryoma down but still holding him on the shoulder.

"Yadda!I know I've said I love tennis too much but right now I'm FUCKING TIRED!"Ryoma burst crossing his arm.

Fuji's smile dissapeared and his eyes opened.The same with Yukimura.Both of them was scaring Ryoma with their glare.

"What's wrong with them?They never glare at me neither let other people glare at me"Ryoma thought shuddered.

"Dont be stuborn Ryoma.Here"Sanada pointed the racket toward him.Ryoma refuse to take it.

"Ryoma!"Tezuka also glare at him without even facing him.Now all of them was glaring at him.

"Fine!You guys wouldnt even care if I sick because of too tired"finally Ryoma said and snatched the racket from Sanada's hand harshly.

"Ryoma,behave!"Atobe said but Ryoma just rolled his eyes.

"What do you expect from me when I'm tired and forced to play tennis with five people?"he snarled and walk away to one side of the court.

"This is for you Ryoma"Yukimura said.

"Yeah yeah whatever.Who's going first?"Ryoma said into position.

"Me"Sanada said and take his position.

The match begin with Sanada to serve.

"Brat!Your form is off!Your play is off"Atobe yelled when Sanada take another point from Ryoma.Ryoma just glance at the other four and take his position without saying anything.

After playing Sanada,Fuji and Atobe in which Ryoma lost in all match,Ryoma was panting hard.His vision was blurry and his body felt too tired.

"Straighten up Ryoma"Tezuka said as he take the racket from Atobe.Ryoma glare at his lovers.

"Why..are you..guys doing this.. to me?"Ryoma said panting with his hands on his knees.

"This is for your benefit.You'll face players stronger than us next time"Sanada said stoically.Ryoma smile mockingly.

"For me?You guys was just killing me.Seriously.I came home tiredly after Momo-sempai and Kikumaru-sempai take me to a park far away from here and decided to run the way home.I was wishing that I could cuddle with you guys after a tiring day but you guys just make me suffer more!"he said mocking before throwing the racket toward Fuji which Fuji take easily.They was stunned.

"I dont want to play anymore.You guys can play each other.I want to sleep"Ryoma said and turn away toward the mansion.

"Ryoma"Fuji tried to reach him up but he raise his hands up.

"Nobody allowed to follow me.I'll sleep in my room tonight.I would like not to be disturbed"he put his hands to his short's pocket so that his trembling hand does not shown.He was so damn tired now.He walk away slowly biting his lower lips forcing not to fall down now and there.

"Are we too harsh on him?"Yukimura said watching the retreating small figure.

"We just want to make him stronger"Sanada put his hand on Yukimura's shoulder making the Child of God sigh.

"I personally think we've done too far today.He came home hoping to be with us but we-"Yukimura cant continue his words as tears rolled down his cheek.Atobe took him to his embrace.Tezuka was holding Fuji who was trembling too.

"Shhh Seii.He will be okay the next day.He must be too tired so his mood was affected.We do this for him too and for us all"Atobe said watching Ryoma's small body dissapeared by the door.

Back to Ryoma,

He curled his fingers tightly before pushing the door open with so much struggle.Once he inside and the door closed,his body fall on the floor.Hikari who was loyal staying by the door rush to him.

"Ryoma-sama,are you okay?Should I call the other?"he said as he pick up Ryoma's trembling body up from the floor.

"No.I'm just tired.Can you take me to my room?"Ryoma said and the butler followed his words.

"Hikari-san,I hope you didnt say anything about this to the other"Ryoma said when he was put on his bed by Hikari.

"Yes master"Hikari said and turn around to leave the room.

"Oh and can you tell Nakuna-san to bring my dinner here?And once again,dont tell the others about me"he said and Hikari once again nod before closing the door.

Ryoma take his sweat-soaked shirt off and throw it somewhere beside him.He look out the window beside his bed.

"What's wrong with you guys actually?You guys have been occupied with each other these days leaving me out.You guys would never let me get too tired before but now..You guys left the mansion separately but I know you guys met up somewhere together.What did I've done wrong?"he whispered to himself slowly.His tears rolled down.He might look tough in front of others but he is the opposite when he is alone.

He wipe his tears harshly.He stand up when he felt his body has rested for a while.He was still feeling like dead tired but he cant sleep covered in sweat.

"Where's Ryoma?"Atobe ask when they are at the dining table for dinner.

"Ryoma-sama said he will eat his dinner in his room"Nakuna answered.

"Why?"This time Tezuka ask.

"He said he's lazy to came down and he has homeworks to do"Nakuna answered again before went back to the kitchen.

"That brat.I'm going to get him"Atobe said as he stand up but Fuji hold his wrist.

"Let him alone for now Kei.He might still sulking about earlier.We'll talk to him tomorrow"Fuji said.

"Furthermore,he said he would appreciate it if we didnt disturb him"Sanada butt in making Atobe sigh and sit back.The start eating dinner in silence.

"Hikari,can you get Ryoma?We are going to late to school if he didnt came down at instant"Atobe said and Hikari just nod before went upstairs where Ryoma's room is located.

After a while,Hikari ran downstair in panic.

"Masters,you have to come quickly"he said halfway the stairs.The lovers look at each other before rush upstairs.

When they burst in into Ryoma's room,the boy was still on his bed sweating furiously.He was shifting uncomfortable letting out a pained sigh.Yukimura went up the bed and tried to wake him up.

"Ryoma"he gently shake Ryoma's body but the boy didnt even budge.He accidentally touched Ryoma's hand and he quickly pull his hand back with his eyes widened.

"Seiichi,what's wrong?"Sanada ask as the expression came on Yukimura's usually calm face.Yukimura didnt answer him as he put his hand on Ryoma's forehead.His eyes widened more.

"God.He's burning.We have to go to the hospital now.And I mean NOW!"he furiously yelled as he tried to pick Ryoma up but failed as he was trembling so much.Tezuka went to him and pick Ryoma bridal style while Atobe was yelling to prepare for car.

Fuji went to Yukimura and help him to came down the bed.Everyone was in panic because Ryoma never ever fall sick.And I mean NEVER!

When they arrived at the hospital,Ryoma was quickly checked because the hospital was belong to Atobe's family.

"Is it our fault?We push him to his limit yesterday"Yukimura sobs in Sanada's arm.Fuji was in the same condition sitting on the floor with his head on his knees and sobs can be heard.Atobe was walking back and forth while Tezuka lean against the wall with his eyes closed.Sanada pat Yukimura's back comforting him.The stoic males cant keep their stoic expression when it come to their lovers.

Tezuka's phone rang but nobody even turn to it except the owner.

"Moshi moshi?"


"Ah,Ryuuzaki sensei.Me,Fuji and Echizen will not be in school today.Something happen"


"Echizen fall sick but tell the other not to worry.We can handle this.I will tell the details later.He was still under check"


"Thank you sensei.I'll see you tomorrow"Tezuka said and end the call.He went back to his previous position.

"Why does it takes too long?!"Atobe said frustrated but silence answer him as everyone was worry.

Suddenly the door opened and a doctor came out.The five male rushed to him surprising him.

"Whoa whoa..Easy there"he said surprised.He clear his throat when he saw the expression of the boys.

"Well,you guys dont have to worry.He just have a high fever.His body was strained too much.His body lost too much water"he said and the five boys sigh in relief.

"Can we see him?"Sanada ask and the doctor nod.

"Sure.Just make sure he get enough rest.He need to stay here for three days until his fever cool down"he said and walk away after the boys thank him.

Then,they enter the room where Ryoma was located.The small boy was staring outside the window.He turn when he hear the door opened.He look away again when he saw who have entered.

"Ryo-chan,how are you?"Fuji was the first to speak after a moment of silent.

"Are you guys happy now that I'm laying sick here?"Ryoma said sarcastically.Yukimura walk toward him and take his hand.

"Ryo-chan,how can we be happy when our lover was sick?We're sorry that we were too harsh yesterday.We didnt think you would fall sick"he said softly.He pat Ryoma's head lovingly.

"Che.I already told you guys that I'm tired but you guys still force me to play"Ryoma pout didnt even look at them.Tezuka sigh and walk toward him.

"Ryoma,we did it for you"he said"and us"he thought.Ryoma just keep quiet.

"Ryoma,can you turn to us please?Do you hate us that much?"Atobe said standing at the end of the bed.Ryoma stay still.

"Ouch,I'm hurt.Ryo-chan did not love us anymore"Fuji pretend to clutch his chest.

"I didnt say that!"Ryoma said turning to them in bright red.Once he did,Yukimura and Tezuka sit by his side on the bed preventing him to turn away again.He pout looking at his lap which become so lookable at the meantime.

Sanada walk to the bed and lift Ryoma's face by his chin.

"Dont you know you are so adorable right now Ryo-chan?If you are not sick,I might have pounced on you right now"the stoic fuku-buchou of Rikkaidai smirk making Ryoma blush even deeper in red.He pout after a while.

"Liar.Its been a while since you guys cuddle with me.You guys were always busy or you guys prefer to play tennis instead"he frown.

"Aww.So,Ryo-baby miss us that much eh"Yukimura teased as he wrap his hand around Ryoma and pull him to his chest.Ryoma blushAgain.

"But did you really run with Momo and Eiji yesterday?"Fuji ask suddenly.

"I lied"Ryoma said wrapping his hand around Yukimura.

"So what did you do that your body was strained too much?You never get tired that much when you played us before"Tezuka said ruffling Ryoma's hair who was resting comfortably against Yukimura's chest.

"Just things"Ryoma mummured before he look up at Yukimura.

"Seii,aren't you feeling hot?My fever must be burning your skin"he said and the Child of God smile.He loosened his hold around Ryoma when another pair of hand take Ryoma.Ryoma turn to his buchou.

"I'm always here to take my turn if Seiichi already feeling hot"Tezuka said and Ryoma wrap his arms around Tezuka.

"We'll make up for the times you've spent without we cuddling you"Atobe said smirking and Ryoma smirk back.

"There were too much you guys have to make up"he said earning a laugh from the others.

Thanks for reading

Please do review so that I know what's wrong with my work and I'll try to fix it.Forgive my mistakes (typos and grammar mistake) English is not my first language

P/s:Did anyone here watch Junjou Romantica?Its a yaoi anime tho.I didnt realize I enjoyed Yaoi that much until I watch it.Seriously,even normal couple can't be as romantic as them.I love Romantica couple tho.But Egoist and Terrorist couple is sweet too