Hey everybody long time no see am I right! I know I've said this many times but I'm super sorry for the long hiatus as of late. Its just a whole struggle trying to edit important pieces of the chapter.

I have a feeling that some of my viewers have left me and that makes me sad, but its okay I don't blame them for the action they seek and crave.

As I said before the upcoming chapters will only feature a P.O.V from a certain character each chapter. Well you can go ahead and forget that I've even mentioned it.

I've come to the realization that my original plan for this story will be too time consuming and I'm hoping to knock out this story in about 20 chapters or less. That way I can give you the story that's yet to come, one that's even better that this.

Yeah so as I said the chapters will go back to original P.O.V format so you readers won't have to get mixed up. I'll keep Mimi's chapter since its gives development on her character. So without further ado let's hop into the story why don't we!

One more thing, I've actually grown accustomed to using the Japanese version of the Chose Children's name. So I've decided to switch the English names to Japanese.

The only names I'll keep are Tai's, Cody's, Izzy's, and Matt's (Although there is a reason for Tai, Izzy and Matt's name that will be explained later on)

Chapter Eleven



It was always a funny scene watching the brunette pace around an entire area when there was a certain problem that looked like there was no solution to it.

His fingernail beating bitten off as he walked around the entire living room, his jaw twitching as no thoughts came to mind, and his eyes staring blanking at his own feet as they moved without a purpose.

In fact, him moving around was the only thing that was keeping the rest of us off edge. Its been three hours since the battle between MetalSeadramon and our new mega: Rosemon.

After retreating into the underwater house, Gennai immediately took Izzy's crest from Mimi and after muttering something about "examining", he went straight for the library.

"So, do you think Gennai found something? Cause I sure as hell am lost about the whole thing!", Miyako sighs as she plays with the feather on Hawkmon's head.

It seemed like she wasn't particularly talking to anyone other than herself, but this causes all of us to stare directly at the door for the library, including Tai. We all keep our eyes glued on the grey entrance as some sort of wish, some sort of prayer, that Gennai was able to crack whatever it was that was going on.

Nothing though, nothing to indicate that that old man was coming out of the room no time soon. Scanning around the room, I notice two people are missing from my view: Sora and Mimi.

"Yo lil bro, you haven't happen to see Sora or Mimi around have you?", I ask as I playfully take my brother's hat and begin inspecting it.

"Give it back Matt!", he attempts to wrestle it away from me but fails. Soon though, his face begins to turn a shade of scarlet from the laughter of his female companion.

"Relax Takeru, I'm just messing around! Take your dumb old hat back", I smirk before throwing the hat in his direction.

"I'll have you know that this is the fashion nowadays. All girls don't love guys with long hair you know!", with that remark I just wave him off. Reaching into the kitchen, the atmosphere becomes tense as my eyes lock on the maroon one's of my dear old ex.

Come on Matt, don't make this any weirder than it has to be. Just get the information you want, and head on out. You can do this!

Opening my eyes, I can tell in her expression that she had the same idea as me.

"Oh hey Matt, we was just having a nice girl talk. You know, make-up and what type of underwear we should buy once this is all over", Mimi sticks out her tongue playfully. Once again, I can never underestimate this girl's penchant for making my brain go numb.

Looking to her left, I see Tanemon eating a bunch of left-over rice balls from this morning.

Must be trying to recover her strength. After all, she was the main one fighting today!

"So sorry to bother you girls, I must've taken that wrong turn when I was looking for the bathroom", I laugh while scratching the back of my head. Their expressions tell me that they can already see through me.

"You can cut the act Matt! You may be a blonde but your far from being stupid. If it's about today's events, I told you already, I have no idea how Izzy's crest ended up with me", the chestnut-colored girls pouts heavily. Damn, so much for trying to play it off.

"Okay you got me, but doesn't that seem a little weird to you?! None of us were able to digivolve past the champion level, but here you go not only able to get Palmon to the Ultimate level, but also gets her to ascend to the Mega level, a level only Agumon and Gabumon should be able to obtain. Not to mention when all was said and done, you just so happen to be holding onto another crest. Don't you find that a bit strange?", I try to rationalize.

I know I seem like the bad guy, but everyone's too afraid to ask a simple answer.

"Just what are you saying Matt?! That I stole the Crest of Knowledge or something!?", a pinch of anger and hurt starts to rise in Mimi's voice. Damn, I didn't want it to come like this.

"Mimi, I'm not saying that, it's just-"

"Yo you guys! Gennai wants everyone in the library ASAP. He says he might've figured out what's going on around here", Davis peeks his head in to tell us the information.

For a second none of us move, it's like we're frozen in place by the cold, dark atmosphere surrounding the small space.

Looking to her right, I just realized that Sora hasn't taken her eyes off me yet. To be honest, I totally forgot that she was even there. Catching the vibe around the room, the young goggle-head clears his throat before joining to meet up with everyone else in the gathering spot.

"You heard what he says, better get a move on!", Mimi exclaims harshly as she picks up her partner. As she begins walking, she makes it a fairly square point to push past me aggressively as she heads out.

Getting over that little situation, I soon come face-to-face with the person who's eyes have been glued to me this whole time. Her maroon eyes vs my icy blue eyes.

"We might as well go see what he want right?", I say tired of this pointless staring contest. Without a word, she instantly walks past me and motions for me to keep up.

Girls I swear! The only mystery you can't solve.


The atmosphere in the library feels almost...suffocating. The room gives off a combination of dread, anger and doubt. After Gennai told us all to come to the library, the digital human ended up disappearing between the rows of books, leaving us at the center.

Now that I'm looking around the room so intently, I notice that the room is about five times the actual size of the house itself. Even the digimons are amazed by how big the room really is.

"Everyone seems so on edge! Does it have something to do with what happened today?", my digimon speaks from on top my hat.

Grabbing him from my head, I cradle him in my arms and give him the biggest smile I can.

"Everything's gonna be okay Patamon. As long as we don't give up, we can do anything right?", it's then his turn to smile brightly. He then nods his head before crawling his way up to my shoulder. I can't help but hide the fact that I'm sensing something between the group.

The weird atmosphere is specifically coming from Matt and Mimi. Now that I think about it, they both did come in with straight faces. What did you do now big brother?

"Sorry to keep you all waiting! This what I was looking for", Gennai returns so suddenly. Opening his hand, he shows us a push-button which he then launches on the table behind us.

After a full moment of materializing, the entire map of the Digital World appears on the table. We all circle around the table, unsure of what we're looking at.

"That's nice Gennai, but why are you showing us this? We already know what the world look like", Davis states a little confused.

"True, you all have seen this before, but there's something that popped up as of late", Gennai points to a spot on the map. It's super convenient that the entire map is 3D, so looking at where he was pointing to wasn't really hard.

The exact spot shows a giant pillar like structure erupting from the ground. It takes us a minute to figure out what we're exactly looking at, but when we do finally crack it, we're all in complete shock.

"Don't tell me, is that a control spire? But that would mean-", Tai interrupts Joe.

"Ken, or should I say the Digimon Emperor, is back up to his own tricks again! Not bad actually, while we deal with Overlords, he rules over with his army of controlled digimon", the brunette leader scowls quietly.

"If that really is true, then the digivolution process is gonna be seriously halted until we destroy it. Not to mention that there might be a considerably ground force to stop our intrusion. Seems like they really laid out the perfect trap for us", a small smirk appears on Cody's face.

All this information is going by too fast! Everything is falling apart at our feet, and we can't do anything about it. The Digital World is literally breaking down around us and we can't even figure out what's the cause of this.

To add salt to it, all of our digimon companions are scattered throughout the world and the sovereigns are of no help right now.

Before I even have a chance to ponder on our next move, the sound of something vibrating strikes all of us. Taking out our phones, we're all bombarded to notifications popping up everywhere.

"What's going on? Everyone's phones are acting crazy", Gabumon acts as he rushes towards his partner.

"I thought you said the darkness surrounding the world interferes with technology Gennai", Gatomon questions slightly as she circles the table. As we all turn towards the digital human, he seems to be pondering on the situation himself.

Turning my attention back to my phone, I see the contact name "Mom" pop up on my phone. Answer the phone hesitantly, the sound of my mom's quaking voice immediately gets to me.

"Oh my god Takeru, where have you've been!? Are you okay? Your not hurt are you? What's going on?", my mother starts bombarding me with questions. I can't help but get emotional over the sound of her voice.

Touching my face slowly, I feel the wetness of my tears coming down my face. Even though she's still asking questions, I can't even form the words to even get out. Looking over to the others, I see that their expressions are the same as mine.

Each one of them is on the phone with their families.

"Hey mom! Yeah I'm alright. Sorry I couldn't get in contact with you, a lot's been going on", I respond back to her. I wipe away my tears and try to put on the neatest smile I ever could.

After a while of going over what happened to all our parents, some occasionally with burst of tears, there's only one person's family left uninformed about the recent events that took place over these few days.

Putting her phone on speaker, we're all staring directly at Mimi as she tries to explain to Ms. Izumi why Izzy haven't been answering his phone. She came up with a pretty good lie, but the sound of her voice cracking isn't helping the situation one bit.

"Hi Ms. Izumi, it's me Tai. I'm sorry that Izzy hasn't been able to reach you yet! The thing is we haven't had technology for the past few days, so it's been almost impossible for us. I would put him on the phone, but he's been so preoccupied with this project that he zoned out as of late", Tai claims as he takes the phone away from Mimi. I understand how he must feel. Tai's not one who enjoys lying to grown-ups, especially worried parents.

How does one tell a a parent that their son is fighting for his life and we don't even know how it happened?

"Mrs. Izumi? Mrs. Izumi, can you hear me?! Mrs. Izumi, your breaking up! Mrs-", Tai looks at the phone confusingly. Sighing heavily, he hangs up the device before returning it back to the rightful owner.

"What happened Tai?", Davis asks equally confused as well.

"The call just went bad. One minute it was fine, the next it went all static. Something must've interfered!", our brunette leader runs his finger through his hair in frustration. Well at least this situation wasn't a total lost.

The day we all left apparently, a massive snowstorm hit Japan and other massive nations. It got so bad that all the roads got blocked by the second day.

"Can this all be tied to the emergence of the Overlords Gennai? It can't be a coincidence!", Miyako asks worried.

The digital human for his part just shakes his head. "It's a high probability indeed, but it's something else on my mind. If communications between both worlds were restored momentarily, then the darkness surrounding this world must have faded a little. How did this end up being the case? There are many valuable factors that are connected to all this", Gennai rests his chin on his hand.

It seems like every time we're close to discovering the truth, something always gets in the way. Welcome to the Digital World, where you think things can go one way, but then it can make a complete 180.

Looking at one of the windows peering into the lake, I notice the change of color in the water. Looking at everyone, I can see that today's events have really drained everyone. Even the digimon are dozing off.

"Hey! I know what would cheer everyone up. Why don't we all finish decorating the house! We started it but never got around to it!", Daisuke exclaims enthusiastically.

"You know, he does have a point. This certainly would boost the morale of everyone around the house", Joe states as he fixes his glasses.

After a while of some redecorating, some shenanigans here and there, we've finally manage to make the house seem festive. The tree looks beautiful too, hell the whole house looks beautiful.

"I must say, we've done a spectacular job around this house!", Hawkmon flaps his wings as he lands in front of his partner.

"The place does look amazing! It almost makes the holiday mood really feel there. Don't you think B?", the pink digimon rubs her beak on Sora's foot as a response.

As everybody begins heading to their room for the night, we all can't help but take a stop at the infirmary.

Peeking inside, we see Mimi still tending to the comatose Izzy. This right here is one of the reasons why it won't feel like a true Christmas. All of us aren't together like we're suppose to be.

There has to be someway to fix all this.

Dark Gennai:

Being in this sarcophagus everyday trapped around incompetent fools really chips away at someone's mental stability. Not to mention that my power is declining rapidly the more I spend in the eternal torture.

I've never noticed until now, but it seems the more I use my power, the more energy the seal takes away.

My power slipped for a second, and some of the darkness surrounding this accursed world seemed to have disappeared. If it wasn't for my partner, then the DigiDestined would've had enough time to escape.

The main goal of this entire plan is to keep those stupid kids here until I can take their power.

"The DigiDestined have yet to be entombed! Care to explain the issue?", my voice booms through the room. In an instant, a shadow materializes in front of the steps leading to my sarcophagus.

"It seems as though we can't take those brats lightly anymore! If the path continues the way it is, we won't be strong enough to fight back", my partner growls through his hood.

"Seems like you idiots are in need of manpower", a unknown voice says from behind my partner. Looking behind him, I notice a boy standing there with a smug look on his face.

Before we know it, a sword is going past the left side of his neck while a gun is pointed at the right side of his skull.

"You got a lot of nerve showing your face around here... Ken Ichijouji!", Piedmon snarls as he grips the hilt of his sword. Scanning the room, he seems to notice all the Overlords staring down ready to tear him apart.

Even though he's surrounded, he has the appearance of an aloof little child. Looking deep into his eyes behind those glasses, his aura is one of tranquility.

Before Piedmon can realize, a certain digimon has him in the same position the clown has his partner in.

"Thank you Stingmon! Now I know we're all jumpy and on the edge, but I didn't come hear for a fight", the once former DigiDestined exclaims with a smile. After a moment of silence, I give the signal for them to back off our guest.

This is a very interesting situation to say the least.

"I was overlooking the battle this morning! Your lackey got one hell of a beating if I do say so myself", the evil genius let's out a chuckle before glaring at MetalSeadramon. "I'm here today to call a temporary truce! We both have a common enemy: The Digidestined"

"Is that really all you came to say! The DigiDestined are nothing but small fry waiting to be served. If anybody is gonna be the one to take them out, It's gonna be me!", Puppetmon exclaims as he jumps off of Etemon's shoulder.

"Right! How can I forget the great puppetmon! The one who got outwitted by an eight year old, then also got completely desecrated by his elder brother. My apologies indeed!", Ken casually shrugs off the little mega before returning his attention back to us.

Puppetmon looks about ready to attack, but a glare from my partner completely shuts him down.

"It'd be best to listen to what our guest have to say! It could turn out to be helpful to our cause", my partner exclaims.

"Now as I was saying, that evolution that Mimi pulled off was quite a grand one. If those brats continue to raise their poisonous digimon levels, then at this rate you'll end up getting wiped out before you can complete your grand scheme!", the former chosen raises up his glasses.

I would be lying if I said he didn't speak the truth! It wasn't my plan to raise the DigiDestined power levels, but things must be taken into accounting for. Not every plan is full-proof, but fortunately I've made contingency for mine.

Although this child can help me reach the goal I've been striving for. Now all I need is the moment to sway him to my side.

"So what do you propose? Some sort of team-up?!", I question him slightly.

"Simple, in the past two days since my "Resurrection", I've amassed an army of controlled digimon through the use of the control spires. I'm willing to lend you my army if you can cover the world with my precious items. In return though, all I ask is that you share the details of your plan", the D.E states confidently.

So that's his move! He wants us to play babysitter while he turns the world into his personal playground. He's smarter than I took him for.

"It seems like you played your cards correctly. In any case, I'm willing to accept your truce!", the Overlords begin shouting their protest at such a thought.

Before they can all pull out their weapons on our guest, I use what last little bit of energy to make them pipe down by shaking the whole castle.

Turning over to my partner, he gives a nod that indicates that he's on board with the idea.

"You heard your lords! As of today, we're partners so let's all try to get along now. To give my gratitude for this truce, I've assembled some precious digimon who could be of great value to us", six portals begin opening behind the Emperor.

From the pixelated portals, six pairs of glowing red eyes can be seen from it.

"This truce might've made, but remember this Ichijouji: When all said and done and the DigiDestined are annihilated, there can only be one victor of all this! So be prepared, cause once this is all over, I am going to kill you!", my eyes glow green to indicate how serious I am.

"Right back at you!", the D.E exclaims as he opens the castle doors.

Author Notes:

Like I said I'm so sorry for this long hiatus. It's just been a lot going on and my birthday was on the 6th so we was preparing for most of that time. Being that it's a new year I'm going to try my hardest to upload constantly especially since I want to move on to the sequel for this story and other stories.

Review and enjoy