[A/N]: Hi guys, this is my first fic, ever. It's not the best but this crossover's been wandering on my head and I got fond of this ship a lot (Diana P/Steve R). And cuz' the similarities bruh. Shia Labeouf visited me one night and said "Just do it!", so yeah, there's also that...

English isn't my first language so it's a bit lame.

I know both films take place in different wars, but I'm kinda constructing and still figuring out an idea on my mind to make both plots to happen in WWII.

Note: It's based on the MCU and DCEU.

Kudos and constructive criticism is welcome.

Warning: Contains spoilers!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.
Characters and script belong to Marvel Studios and DC Extended Universe.
This is made for pure fun.





"I used to want to save the world. But I knew very little then. It is a land of magic and wonder. Worth cherishing in every way. But the closer you get, the more you see the great darkness simmering within. And mankind? Mankind is another story altogether. What one does when we face with the truth is more difficult than you think. I learned this the hard way, a long long time ago. And now, I will never be the same." -Diana Prince.





Rise Of The Warriors


Chapter 1


Themyscira - 2200 BC

A young Diana ran blissfully through the streets of Themyscira. The limestone rusty buildings and households were mostly varnished in ferns and moss. Great waterfalls ranfrom the green rocky hills above. The amazon women promenaded around, doing their daily activities, like carving wooden furniture, tools and some other stuff, while they saluted the running child that crossed along their way, herself panting and giving them a smile.

Diana made her way to the training field, still running and ignoring the calls that her mentor was giving her to come back. But then she came to a halt and attentively observed the warrior amazons over the valley, carrying significant gear and arsenal for combat, most of them wearing breastplates, tiaras and godly bracelets and some more equipment resistant enough to stop any kind of power. Some were fighting with swords and shields, some others riding horses. But one specifically caught her attention. She was riding a white horse, and was halfway from the ground, struggling to gain balance but she let loose of the horse and somersaulted, landing on her feet. After that she grabbed the bow that carried on her back and a arrow, and aimed and perfectly fired a clay pot that was hanging on ropes and a wooden stick. This was Antiope, the best warrior amazon in the island and general of the amazon army, and also her aunt. Diana stood watching, giving punches in the air, imitating the warriors' movements under her; then a kick, then another punch and another.

Hippolyta, her mother, and queen of the Amazons, was supervising the fighters' progress and training, until she noticed Diana over the wall playing along, seeing her daughter's enthusiasm and fighting determination, Hippolyta couldn't help but smile and shake her head tenderly.

"Diana!" Her mentor who was looking for her sternly called, in a blue dress, finally finding Diana, seemingly tired by Diana's stubbornness. "Diana come back here!" The mentor called again. Diana then ran the opposite direction, or more like, ran away from her duties. Hippolyta watched as she escaped, but this time she sighed quietly, unsure if she agreed with her daughter's actions or not.

An amazon that was walking around told her to stop, but Diana simply ignored it and climbed some stairs, avoiding on stepping on an armadillo that was wandering around.

Diana ran faster and jumped over a wall; she was just about to land on the ground, until something hold onto her wrist tightly, stopping amid the air and looked up to see who it was.

"Hello mother..." Was the only thing she could say at the disapproving look Hippolyta gave her. Diana chuckled nervously.


After Hippolyta 'lectured' Diana, she brought her back to the town on her horse, Diana on the front and Hippolyta at the back, who was riding. Some amazons were right behind them, guarding them.

"Mom don't you think it's time to start my training?" Diana asked in her childish voice. "Antiope thinks I'm ready!"

"Is that so?" Hippolyta stopped and replied as she gave Antiope a challenging look, whom was standing and also riding a horse.

"I could begin showing her some things," Antiope replied back. "At least learn how to defend herself."

"Who from?" Hippolyta asked and moved forward again. She didn't want to discuss this right now. Hippolyta was concerned that her own sister was trying to encourage her daughter to train. Hyppolita didn't want Diana to be in danger, let alone be excited about it.

"In case there is an invasion." Antiope said, following suit.

"That's why I have the greatest warrior leading the army." Hippolyta motioned Antiope with her head, and put her look back on the road.

"I pray that it never comes a day where she has to fight. A scorpion has to learn to sting, a wolf to hunt-" Antiope was cut off.

"She is a child. The only one on the island. Let her be so." Hippolyta shook her head.

"But mother..." Diana pleaded.

"There will be no training." Hippolyta stated and moved forward, not saying any other word. She wasn't going to change her mind.

Antiope thought Hippolyta was making a mistake. She knew that a great menace was coming soon, and that Diana was the only one powerful enough of all of their kind to stop it. Hippolyta was being foolish. Antiope just watched them going farer.


After getting her duties done, Diana got ready for bed. The dim room was surrounded by lit torches that made it warm. The headboard of the bead with the form of a big pearl. Diana was envolved in silk sheets, her mother getting her prepared. But Diana had some other things in mind. She kept thinking about her future.

"What if I just carried a sword?" Diana said while Hippolyta covered her in her quilt.

"Fighting doesn't make you a hero, sweetheart." Hippolyta sweetly answered her daughter's question. She sighed. "Diana, you're the most precious thing to me. I wished you so much that I sculpted you with clay myself," She caressed Diana's forehead. "And begged Zeus to give you life."

"You've told me this story." Diana rolled her eyes.

"Which is why I'll tell you a new one," Hippolyta rose from the bed and walked to over to grab a book. "The story of my people and my battle days."

"Yes!" Diana said excitedly as her mother turned back with her to the bed.

"So that you'll understand why war isn't something to hope for." Hippolyta opened the book, showing a god-like illustration of a dark silhouette of a mountain, and began telling the story. "In the time of the ancient greeks, the most powerful warriors were the amazon women..."


A long time ago, when time was new, and history was still a dream, the gods ruled the Earth, and Zeus kinged among them. Zeus created beings over which the gods would rule. Beings born in his image, fair, good, strong and passionate. He called his creation "men", and mankind was good. But Zeus' son grew jealous of these creatures, and swore to corrupt his father's creation. It was Ares, the god of war. Ares poisoned men's hearts with jealousy and suspicion; he turned them against one another, and war ravaged the Earth. So the gods created the Amazons, to influence men's hearts with love and restore peace and for a brief time, there was peace. But it did not last. The Amazon queen lead a revolt that freed the Amazons from slavery. When Zeus let the gods in their defense, Ares killed them one by one, until Zeus himself remained. With the help of Odin, the god of wisdom, and a mystical stone, Zeus used the last of his power to stop Ares, striking such a blow the god of war was forced to retreat, and this stone remained in Earth. But Zeus knew that Ares one day would return to finish his mission. An endless war where mankind would finally destroy themselves and the amazons with them. So Zeus left a weapon. One powerful enough to kill a god. With his dying breath, Zeus created Themyscira hidden from the outside world, somewhere Ares could not find it. And all had been quiet ever since. But not for long.

After Diana asked her mother about this such weapon, Hippolyta, as she didn't want to tell Diana that she was the weapon, had no other choice but to show her a beautiful golden sword unique in its kind, the sword of Athena, initially designed for Diana, that was being saved in a tower, that Zeus supposedly had given them, powerful enough to kill a god, or as Diana would call it 'the godkiller'. And despite this, Hippolyta kept insisting and warning Diana that she had nothing to worry about, and that no one would wield it, not even the fiercest of them all. Hippolyta just wanted her to be safe. But Diana had different things in mind.

From time to time, she would sneak out on the nights and go training with her aunt Antiope. As the centuries passed, Diana grew stronger. And deep down she knew she was born to fight, to be someone, to help others, to bring peace to Earth as her mother told her. She promised she would become strong enough to be worthy of carrying the godkiller.

One evening, Diana was battling against Antiope sword to sword. This time her skills, movements and dodges got more precise, quicker and harder. She now wielded shield with her, but she still had more to train and learn. And so she did in the moment she didn't want to hurt Antiope, giving her a soft punch on the chest, and Antiope striking back, making Diana lose balance and fall to the ground.

"You keep doubting yourself." Antiope nagged her.

"No I don't." Diana replied as she rose from the ground wobbling.

"Yes you do." Antiope said while she circled her.

"I don't!" Diana madly picked up her sword and shot back, but failed and fell to the ground again.

"You're stronger than this!"

"Diana!" A voice called. Both warriors turned to see Hippolyta approaching them on her horse.

A pissed Hippolyta got off the horse and walked toward them. Diana lowered her head, expecting the worse.

"Are you hurt?" Hippolyta asked Diana.

"I'm fine mother I was just..."

"Training." Hippolyta looked to Antiope. "Seems like I'm no revered like I should be, hmm?" She reprimanded their disobedience. "And betrayed by my own sister..."

"No mother, it was me. I asked her to..." Diana explained.

Hippolyta wanted to hear no more. She ordered the amazons that accompanied the queen to take Diana to the palace. And soon Diana was being escorted out until the queen and Antiope were left alone.

"You left me no choice Hippolyta," Antiope started. "You disrespect your duty if you don't let her fight."

Hippolyta snorted. "You speak of a time that might never come. Ares might never return." She said in an insecure tone. "Maybe he died from his injuries."

"Ares is alive! You know it. It's just a matter of time when he returns."

But Hippolyta couldn't just admit it. She couldn't give up her daughter, her only daughter, to fight for everyone. But the stronger Diana got, the sooner Ares would find her, and she wasn't ready for that. The truth hurt.

But Antiope was right. It was the only way to truly protect Diana. Hippolyta closed her eyes and thought for a moment. Diana had to fulfill her destiny. She sighed.

The queen finally asked her sister, the best warrior, to train Diana harder than any amazon before. Ten times harder. Until she got better than Antiope herself. But with the condition that Diana mustn't know the truth about what she was, or how she came to be.

[A/N]: Zeus and Odin know each other. Pretty interesting business, huh? Maybe Thor and Diana will meet sometime. Who knows? Anything is possible here.

As it's obvious, Steve Trevor isn't going to make an appearance. Don't get me wrong, I really like this character, and I love his chemistry with Diana in the movie. I also adore StevexPeggy, gosh they're my faves. I just wanted to experiment with something new.

I got inspired by Warriors by Imagine Dragons.

Until next time!