It's a quiet night in Blüdhaven, there are no cars rushing down the dark streets, and the loud, smelly buses had retired for the night. The midnight critters had long since gone to their homes, not wanting to risk going out on this quiet, still, suspicious night. And that's just what it was; suspicious. Blüdhaven was just too still, just too quiet. It was the kind of quiet that made the back of your neck prickle, the kind of quiet that made you want to scream just to hear some sort of sound in the dark night.
Dick Grayson, fully dressed in his Nightwing gear, jumped and flipped and swung on his grappling hook, darting across dark rooftops, searching for any sign of crime. But he found none.
Coming to a stop, perched on the edge of a tall, grey building, Nightwing realized that the only time he had seen any sign of life tonight was a late-night worker rushing into his house, and that had been 3 hours ago. It was like the city and all life in it was holding it's breath, waiting for something terrible to happen.
And it felt so wrong. So wrong that Nightwing had to take a couple deep breaths to steady himself because it was the exact same feeling, exact same scenario that he had been faced with before Jason's death.
Nightwing scanned the dark sky, the moon hidden from view by hazy clouds, or was it a new moon tonight? Nightwing could not remember.
He looked down into the dark streets of Blüdhaven, even jumping to a couple other buildings, trying to find a body, a machine, a criminal, something to explain the bad feelings...
And then Nightwing's earlier thought process finally caught up to him, like a boulder to the face and he stumbles, landing hard next to a puddle of murky water and the feeling of unease suddenly turns to dread because Jason.
And this was the exact same feeling he'd had before Jason died, before he was murdered.
Before any rational thought could process in his head, Nightwing was running, running, running. At a speed that would put Wally West to shame. And he was on his motorcycle, speeding towards one of Red Hood's 'secret' safe-houses that only Nightwing was aware of. Besides Jason himself of course. But then again, he's not even sure that Jason knows Nightwing is aware of the safe-house.
Nightwing isn't exactly sure why the unsettling silence of his city made him sick to his stomach with worry over Jason, who was in Gotham. (He thinks) But Nightwing is 97% sure that Bruce has something to do with it, and yet again before he thinks his hand his slamming on the button that controls the communicator in his ear from his motorcycle.
We haven't talked in so long...
"What?" Came a Bruce's angry voice in Nightwing's ear. And then the surpresed anger Dick had been keeping at bay bubbles to the surface.
"What the hell did you do to Jason?" Dick yells, because suddenly he isn't Nightwing anymore. He's Dick Grayson who is worried sick about his younger brother.
"What?" Bruce's voice barks again, but this time laced with something close to confusion.
"Don't mess with me Bruce." Nightwing warns, his voice dripping with venom.
"Dick..." Bruce's voice is hesitant, "What's going on? Did Jason hurt you? Is he with you?"
"Answer the Damm question."
"I don't know how to answer that Dick." Bruce replies, and suddenly his voice is tired.
"Just." Dick sighs, he really didn't want to fight, "did you two fight recently?"
"A couple hours ago, why?" Dick tenses, and that cold feeling of dread is intensifying.
"Nothing, just, sorry to bother you, Bruce."
"Dick, tell me what the hell is going on or so help me-"
"I see any sign of you or Batman around Jason for the next week I will personally make sure you can't fight for a fucking year, you got me?"
"Dick, I don't know what's going on but-"
"You got me?!"
"Fine, I won't go around him. But that doesn't mean I'm not keeping tabs."
Nightwing cuts the call.