Hachiman's POV



"Ughhh...it's already morning? Oh well, I have to get moving or I am going to be late."

Anyway... I went to the bathroom and after that dress up for school.

And then I come down from my room and head downstairs when I heard the sound of my little sister.

"Morning Onii-chan!"


I answered as I make my way to the kitchen to get breakfast.

After several minutes, Komachi and I finished eating our food and prepare to leave for school.

I readied my bike while she hops on it.

We went to her school first and then mine.

There was silence between us and only after halfway she starts a conversation.

"Hey, Onii-chan...Is everything okay? Have you made the decision yet?"

I have already told Komachi about Yesterday's event.

"No...not yet"

I replied nonchalantly.

"How's Yui and Yukino-san doing?"

"They...are probably fine, You don't need to worry about them."

"Ah..I see...you need to make a decision sooner or later though Onii-chan. So you better make up your mind fast okay?

"I know...I am just still trying to figure out my own feelings you know?"

"Alright...just make sure to hurry up okay? I would hate to see you lose both Yukino-san and Yuigahama-san because you took too long to answer and then I would have to take care of you for the rest of my life.

"That wouldn't be so bad."


"I-I-I mean of course!"

"That's better."

And then there's silence between us. After a while, we arrived at her school and after we part ways with her I went to school.

Yesterday's event is still fresh in my mind. It was normal at first, I am reading my light novels. And Yukinoshita drinking her tea while Yuigahama haven't arrived yet. And then she brings up a certain topic...


"So Hikigaya-kun...Do you happen to know who Orimoto kaori is?"

"Wha..I mean yes..but why are you bringing her up?"

"No...it's just that we heard some things from Nee-san and Komachi-san. And do you two happen to have some history together?"

"Well...yeah I suppose you can say that."

"I see..."

She took a deep breath and says.

"So Hikigaya-kun will you go out with me instead of her?"

"Wha..what? Are you serious?"

"Yes... I am serious."

"But why ask about Orimoto?"

"Ah...aren't you going to make up with her? You two have some history together right? And I thought I may lose my chance. Still, I can't believe that you had a girlfriend Hikigaya-kun."

"Ah...It's not like that...When I say "History" I didn't mean romantic and good ones. I meant to say that she flat out rejected me."

"Ah, I see... Well, that's more believable I suppose. Who in their right mind would date a garbage like you."

"Gee...thanks, Yukinoshita. But that also means you are wrong in the head as well."

"I suppose so. I was worrying over nothing. However, what's done is done. And what would be your answer?"

"I...well...I need some time to think about it. Is that okay with you?"

"Yes that would be fine but please don't take too long."

I was really nervous but now that I look closely... Yukinoshita was blushing hard. I suppose I am not the only one who's nervous. That's good.

And then suddenly Yuigahama arrives with a loud warcry


"Did something exciting happened while I was gone?"

Did she hear us? Probably yeah.

"No..nothing happened Yuigahama-san."

"Heh...Is that so? Then why are you two blushing?"

And then Yukinoshita face became serious. Only leaving my face the only one blushing.

"Surely you are imagining things Yuigahama-san."

"As for him, I suppose he is busy daydreaming about indecent things with me. I am glad you came Yuigahama-san. I was afraid for my chastity for a moment."

"Hahaha...That was like...really funny Yukinon."

"Gee thanks, Yukinoshita"

"You're welcome Hikipervy-kun."

Seriously? She just confessed to me and now are insulting me? What kind of maiden in love are you Woman? Oh wait...maiden in love? Maybe I really am daydreaming. Anyway I don't think it would work out with a normal girl but Yukinoshita is different from other girls and we have spend such a long time together. And I don't want to ruin my friendship with her. So I suppose I'll say yes? Probably.

After a while Club ends and I was going to go home until...

"Hey Hikki"

"Yes, Yuigahama?"

"Can you come with me for a bit? And Yukinon you don't have to wait for me."

"I see.. farewell Yuigahama-san and Hikigaya-Kun."

We went to the school gate. After a few minutes, she finally spoke.

"So Hikki... Did Yukinon confessed to you?"


I was a bit surprised by that. So she did hear us in the clubroom.

"Hey, Hikki...You do realize my feelings towards you right?"

"What you feel towards me is only pity and sympathy not love."

"No Hikki...It is love"

She says with a serious face that made me question if this is even the same airheaded Yuigahama.

"I-I see..."

"So now that you have finally understood...will you go out with me?"

"I'll have to think about it."

"Alright...Well think about it seriously okay? And don't worry too much Hikki... Even if...you don't choose me... I would still be your friend and I am sure Yukinon would say the same thing."

"Thanks, Yuigahama...for being my friend and falling in love with me."

"You're welcome Hikipervy-kun."

"Wow..you actually sounds a bit like Yukinoshita for a moment there. And please never do that again. We don't need another Yukinoshita."

"Hahaha..Well anyway, I have to go. Bye Hikki."

And now...Yuigahama as well...I suppose I should've seen this coming. She has been so kind to me even though I was a big jerk.

She went home and I went home as well.




"Hikigaya-kun...are you listening to me?"


Oh, it's just Shiromeguri-senpai.

"Is there anything you need Shiromeguri-senpai?"

"Oh no... I just wanted to say good morning"

"Ah, I see...Good morning as well Shiromeguri-senpai."

"Ah, Hikigaya-kun... Do you take this path often? I never see you take this path before though."

"Ah..no I was just thinking about some things. Do you take this path often Shiromeguri-senpai?"

"Yes, I do actually. Anyway, I have to go to school early for Student Council Stuff. See ya Hikigaya Kun!"

She says energetically while running and waving at me. Now that I think about it... She looks pretty cute. She has a cuteness that rivals both Komachi and Totsuka. She's one of the few people that I considered friends and feel comfortable with. I used to think that all girls are either a slut or a bitch but she and Yuigahama proves me wrong. She is a caring airhead like Yuigahama and yet has some traits of a responsible adult similar to that of Yukinoshita minus the insult part of course. She is actually quite an interesting character. One might even argue that if this was a Visual Novel. Shiromeguri-senpai would be the main Heroine. But sadly that is not the case here. Anyway I arrived at school and went to class. Class is pretty normal and Yuigahama is acting normal as well. Well that's a relieve. After school i went to the club. Or at least tried to. I was really nervous. After taking a deep breath and a sigh, I come in.


"Yahallo Hikki"

"Good afternoon Hikigaya-Kun"

I went to my seat and opened my light novel. There was silence between us until Yuigahama breaks the ice.

"So Yukinon...I have something to tell you."

"Is it about you confessing to Hikigaya-kun? AGAIN..If I may add."

"Wha...Yukinon! It's because he doesn't understand my feelings yet at the time so that one doesn't count. And how do you even know that I confess to him again anyway?"

"Oh...I was just guessing. I had suspicions that you overheard our confession and decided to jump in as well."

"I see...you sure are smart Yukinon."

And then she turns to me and says

"Hikki...I am not as smart as Yukinon but i am pretty cute and kind so I swear I will never insult you ever again even if you are kinda gross most of the time."

"Gee thanks, Yuigahama-san. You are too kind."

She grins at me without noticing my sarcasm. She really is an airhead. And what's with the self-proclaimed stuff anyway?

After that Yukinoshita turns to me.

"Hikigaya-kun...I may not be as kind and cute like a certain self-proclaimed person in here but i promise to treat you better from now on."

Wow..that actually sounds better than Yuigahama's. A Yukinoshita that wouldn't insult me all the time does actually sounded tempting. But is Yukinoshita even herself without her insult? Her insult has become a part of her so it may be weird. What am I even thinking about. Anyway I have to choose huh...Well this doesn't seem to affect us that much. I mean Yukinoshita and Yuigahama are still able to joke around even after both of them knew about the confession. So I suppose it's not going to be that bad. But the problem is that I don't love them.





"I am asking about the answer."

"Oh right...well about that...I think I need more time. I'll answer when i have decided."

"I see.."

No one came for any request and so we part ways and went home.

I decided to eat at Saize for a bit since i am a bit hungry and Komachi just texted me she is going to the mall with her friends. I am a bit worried about her though since those filthy middle schooler boys might make a move on her. It was quite quiet and relaxing until a certain Ex-Student Council President calls out to me.

"Hey Hikigaya-kun"


"Can I sit here?"


"It's rare to see you here Hikigaya-kun."

"Rare? I am a regular here Senpai. In fact, you could even say that this is like a second home to me. "

"Oh..I am also a regular here but I never saw you though."

"Ah..We must have come here with different time I suppose."

"Ah yeah..that might explain it."

"But it is a bit weird that you are a regular here. I mean girls don't normally like this kind of place you know?"

"Really? Why? This place got great food and relatively cheap price."

I can't believe what I heard...A girl actually liked Saize. Is this a dream?

"Wow..girls usually prefer cafes not family restaurant but it's refreshing to see a fellow Saize lover."

"And so? What are you doing here right now Hikigaya-kun? You have some problem you want to share with your senpai?"

She asks absentmindedly.

I am quite reluctant to share my problem though. Because it has nothing to do with Shiromeguri-senpai.

"Ah...no...it's nothing Senpai. It's just something minor. Not something worth mentioning over."

"Hey, that's not good you know...If you have some problems you should share it with others otherwise it's never going to get solved. It's never a bad thing to ask other people for help you know. Probably. Anyway, you have helped me and the student council in the past and I would like to return the favor. So what's the problem Hikigaya-kun?"

I suppose it couldn't hurt to tell her. I don't think she's the type to spread rumors about others. She reminds me of myself when I am with Komachi for some reason. Like a big sister looking out for her little brother. Well I suppose getting a sister like her wouldn't be so bad though. On the other hand if I ever had a big sister like Yukinoshita I think I am better off killing myself than suffer for the rest of my life. Anyway getting off track here.

"Well... Yukinoshita and Yuigahama Confessed to me and well the problem is that I don't actually love any of them. I've always just considered them as friends nothing more."

"Fufufu...I see. You sure are popular Hikigaya-kun. You managed to snatch two maiden's heart without even trying."

She actually looks evil when she said that.

"But nonetheless, You should tell them how you feel even if it cost you their friendship with you."

"...I know...but I don't think I am ready to lose them yet. I mean they told me that it would be fine and all but I can sense that it's not...They're just pretending that it's all going to be fine. But you're right Senpai. I'll tell them tomorrow. Thanks, Senpai."

"Don't mention it. Anyhow it's getting late and both of us need to go home right? Want me to walk you home?"

Wait...why am I being offered by a girl to be walked home? No..that won't do Hachiman. You have to show her your Gentleman Side.

"No, it's fine Senpai. I should walk you home instead. Is that okay?"

"Thanks, Hikigaya-kun. Yep let's go home together. Hey Hey Hoo!"

She sure is weird. But in a good way.

"You ready to go?"

"Yeah just need to finish my meal and we can go."

"So Hikigaya-kun. Do you have someone you liked?"

"No...At least not right now."

That was random.

"I see...and one more question. Do you happen to have any childhood friend?"

What's with all this question?

"No... I don't recall having one. Although I remember a certain girl with braids and brown hair color. And...wait now that i think about it. I can't remember her full name. I used to call her Meg though."

Wow... I think this is actually the first time I tried to remember my childhood. All this memories are really surprising. I always thought that the past is the past and there's no point in bringing it up again but I suppose I was wrong. Anyway I remember a girl in my childhood. She has brown hair with braids. And a grey-ish colored eye. Wait...it can't be...

"Are you perhaps my childhood friend?"

"Ding ding ding. That is correct. Did it seriously took you this long to notice?"


That is pretty hard to believe but it makes sense though...My childhood memory confirms this so I suppose I'll trust her on this one.

"What's wrong?"

"No..I am just a bit surprised."

Just the fact that I have a childhood friend is already something surprising to me. But because it was Shiromeguri out of all people was really surprising.

"Ah...that so."

"I mean it was a really long time ago though right? No wonder I didn't remember. And if my memory serves me right. You moved right?"

"Yeah...I mean it's not that I wanted to though. It's just my parents work you know?"

"Hmm...That explains it. Anyway, you knew about this already didn't you? So why didn't you tell me earlier? Actually, you don't have to answer that question...I already knew the answer."

"Well, not that early though. I have just started to remember about you when I and Isshiki were asking for the Service club's help. I thought the Hikigaya name was familiar but I wasn't so sure. That's why I ask you earlier for confirmation."

"Then what if...you were wrong?"

"Then things will get weird between us and our friendship could never be rekindled ever again. but that didn't happen so don't mind the small details kay?"

Wow... this girl sure is carefree.


"Hey, Hikigaya-kun. Why do you seem to be different these days? You don't seem to be like before."

"Hmm...really? I suppose yeah. I feel more relaxed now. I suppose it's because of Yuigahama and Yukinoshita. But that doesn't mean i feel like that towards everyone. I suppose I am not that much of a pessimistic jerk towards people I kinda feel close to"

"Fufufu... So you considered me close huh?"

"N-n-no.. it's not like that...I mean you seem friendly and you didn't seem to particularly hate me you know?"

"Hmm..okay thanks."

Whew...just barely dodged that.

"And for your second question Hikigaya-kun. It's okay for you to be friends with me again. Because I don't really mind rumors and all. Actually, can we hang out again and by that, i mean afterschool in Saize? I was getting lonely in there.

How did she even knew my question? Does she actually pretended to be an airhead and can actually read other people? She might actually be a manipulative person like Haruno. Or have I become too easy to read? Stop making me confused Woman!

"Uh...sure...I won't mind. And also are you actually pretending to be an airhead Shiromeguri Senpai?"

Wow...real smooth Hikigaya. Actually, why do I even say that aloud?

"Hahaha...yeah...I suppose you could say that. I mean I am not trying to hide it or anything. I am just used to act like that around people."

She laughs so hard that other people are staring at us.

After that, we talked about a lot of things. but eventually, we arrived at her house.

"Thanks for walking me home Hikigaya-kun."

"No problem Senpai."

"Oh yeah..you can call me Meguri if you want. We are childhood friends anyway."

"I see... ok then. Good night...Meguri."

"Good night Hachiman."

My face is actually really red from that. She certainly is manipulative but definitely not like Haruno.

After that, I went home.

Let's do a little recap.

So..today I have found my long-lost Childhood friend. That I even forgot. Which is actually The Former Student Council president Shiromeguri. What is this plot development? I feel like I am in a Romantic comedy type story. Oh well.. I'll just have to hope it goes well. And I'll also have to reject both Yukinoshita's and Yuigahama's confession. Please have mercy and don't fuck this up RomCom God.

The next day I went to school as usual. Class went by without anything eventful. And then the moment that I was scared of, came. Club time.

I sigh before entering the club room.

I open the door and make my way to my seat.

"Good afternoon Hikigaya-kun."

"Yahallo Hikki."


"Don't you have anything better than that to say to someone?"

"Whatever...anyway...about the confession..."

Everyone's eye suddenly pointed towards me with anticipation.

"Yes? What about it?"

"Wha..what? Tell us Hikki!"

"Well...I'll have to reject both of you."

"I...see...that's unfortunate. But I can still accept it. Do you actually have someone you like Hikigaya-kun?"

When she asks that...for some reason Meguri comes to mind. Wait...it can't be right... I mean...Let's rethink this for a bit. My feelings of interest for her might just be because of our history together...and not love. Or is it...? Anyway, this is too early. Let's just see how this turns out first...no point in rushing it.

"No... I don't have one at the moment... but I'll let you know as soon as that unfortunate woman exists."

Author's Note: Hello I am Daiva. Thank you for reading my first fanfic. Anyway, i was going to post this on earlier but I was waiting for my request to add new characters for Oregairu to be accepted. But I was getting tired of waiting so I'll add her character tag later I suppose. Anyway please review and suggest things as well. That would help me out a lot.


Signing out.