Welcome back everyone. Enjoy and review.
12:35 PM
The next day was a pleasant day. Instead of going to Bifrost Gardens, Basil and Venus had gone to the former's home to swim in his pool. As Basil scratched his neck while he sat by the poolside, he thought about how everything started with a prank at the start of the school year. He wondered what Lee Ping had been up to after the prank… Whatever it was, it was probably more interesting than what he had went through. Quentin was rather mundane but on the other hand the bat-creature was not… Which reminded him… Where was that thing?
He then looked to Venus getting out of the pool. Her hair was soaking wet, water was running down her body… What had he been thinking about? He had been completely distracted by Venus… His Venus, his Aphrodite, his Hathor, his Venusa, his… His Goddess of Love!
Then what did that make him? He was Basil Preston Hagen. Until he was able to figure out the answer to what he was to Venus'… Everything he thought of her as, just being Basil Preston Hagen would have to do.
As Venus sat next to him, she asked: "What are you thinking about?"
"Oh, nothing in particular." Basil wrapped an arm around Venus, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Just enjoying the day, things are going great."
"Are you expecting things to go badly?"
"Not really but the bat-creature is still out there, Quentin might want revenge, I just want to take it easy before the excitement happens."
"Enjoy the peace while we can?"
Basil nodded and kissed her cheek. "It is nice to do and I have a feeling things are going to be getting hectic at A. Nigma."
Venus initially was smiling after Basil kissing her cheek. Upon hearing he felt things were going to get hectic at his school, he look of happiness turned to one of worry. "What makes you say that?"
Basil gave a short but truthful answer. "Just a gut feeling."
The End