Elizabeth dressed for bed in her white dress and took the pins from her hair to brush it out. She looked her reflection on the mirror and leaned closer so she could observe her features better. She did not conserve herself perticularly beautiful but she cared less about her appearance, well at least that was before she came to Pemberley. Everything here was in absolute perfection, from the furniture till the teacups, not to mention the flawless appearances of Georgianna, well and Darcy's. The move this man made, Elizabeth had concluded, was calculated in precision; his walk, the smiles he tried to hide, even the way his cravat was tied.

She wrapped herself around her shoulders and decided to go to the library, a book was the perfection diversion before sleep.

'Ohh' she said mortified. He looked up, obviously startled and the dog, who was near his feet looked up at her. 'Sorry to disturb you'

'Miss Bennet, what are you-' it was her intense look at his smoking pipe which made him stop from finishing his sentense. 'I am sorry, I did not expect anyone.'

'It is all right.' she said as she took a step closer. 'I came to find a book'

'Yes, of course' he replied. 'You can look at the self from your right. It is Georgianna's favourite corner'

She nodded and moved to where he instructed her. This way, Darcy seated at his desk, had a clear view of her form and was mostly aroused from the way the shawl from her shoulders, revealing a part of her skin. Admittedly, he could not understand his fascination with her, even from the earliest moments of their acquaintance, but that was the exact moment when Darcy realized that Miss Elizabeth Bennet was no indifferent to him.

It was Elizabeth's careless cought that made him return back to reality.A little while aftet, the dog proudly moved away from Darcy and approached Elizabeth.

'I beg you not to touch him' Mr Darcy warned. 'Maxwell is very agressive with strangers'

Elizabeth turned her head to look at his head and extended her fingers, which the dog sniffed and then lowered his head for her to touch. Elizabeth moved her body forward, so she could easily pet the dog's head and neck. 'Yes, he's very terrifying' she joked

Elizabeth then moved to the back of the shelf and the dog followed her and Darcy could no longer have view of her, which was a good thing because if he continued to stare at her like that, she would have noticed. He took out a piece of paper and started writing a letter to his cousin, Colonel Fitzwilliam until she heard a laugh. Her laugh and his heart skipped a bit. Could he in love with a woman she knew so little? To be honest, he found her eyes most bewitching especially when she was angry or teasing him. Elizabeth laughed again and called the dog's name.

Until she screamed, not loud enough to wake the household but loud enough for Darcy to be concerned. 'Maxwell' she shouted.

Darcy immediately moved to her side, it did not took him more than two seconds, when he saw the dog pulling Elizabeth's night gown, wanting to make her move. Elizabeth was holding her right hand with her left and standing as a statue.

'What happened?' Darcy asked concerned.

'He bite me' said she and looked at her injured hand. 'It is of no importance'

'Good God' he replied astonished and then turned his look to the dog and Darcy was about to kick him with his foot, until Elizabeth put her hand to his arm preventing him from doing so. Darcy could feel his boiling blood and could never imagine that such a touch could have a great affect.

'No, please. He just wanted to play'

'Please let me have a look' he kindly said and took her small hand into his big ones. He carefully examined the cut, which was not severe. 'I will call for the doctor'

'No, it is really nothing. Don't distress him at this late hour. You can call on him in the morning'

'But, this might get infected.'

Elizabeth moved to the sofa with his help. 'Some alcohol and linen will do'

Darcy runned out like a storm and no more than two minutes, he was back. 'Would you like me to-' She nodded. 'This might sting a little-'

Elizabeth screamed and immediately put a handkerchief into her mouth, preventing her loud screams to be heard and without realizing it she grapped Darcy's other hand. When it was finished, he carefully covered the wound with the linen and looked into her eyes. He could see the pain and the torture and he could also feel the warmth in his hand, the one she was holding. They stayed there for a minute, without making any movement or speaking.

'Thank you' she finally said.

The doctor came late in the morning and tented her hand, saying that she should not worry herself for it was a harmless wound and would heal quickly. Darcy did not come for breakfast nor in luncheon ,not that Elizabeth noticed, but she felt like there was something missing. She now had to anticipate for dinner, for she wore for the first time a new lilac dress and Georgianna commented that she looked quite lovely. She could not wait for Mr Darcy's remark, that is why she tried to look at her best and made her maid to fix her hair in the most fashionable way. There was no way he would not look at her.

He arrived punctually, the foyer clock tolled but what he did not expect, was her being already there, standing in the middle and staring at the yellow walls.

'Good evening, Miss Bennet'

She startled and a pink blush was now in her cheeks. 'I am sorry. I was lost in my thoughts' she paused 'An unfortunate habit of mine'

'May I ask what about?' he arched his brow and she smiled a little and after he realized she was not going to give him an answer he spoke again 'How is your hand?'

'Very well, thank you. Dr Jones is extremely good and very kind, I may also add'

He nodded and they did not spoke again until she turned again to look at the wall with her hands now folded. 'I spend too much time thinking, Mr Darcy, do you not think so?' He did not reply. 'A dangerous activity.'

'Quite' he finally said.

She then turned to look at him, anger forming in her eyes and Darcy began to worry, certainly he did not mean it as an offence, he only meant to tease her. Suddenly, she laughed. 'You are terrible.' she laughed again 'Deliberately provoking others might get you into trouble'

'Hmm' his lips twitched and the corners turned upward.

Elizabeth took a second to observe Darcy's tonight appearance and her look travelled from his boots till she finally met his eyes, who were looking at her most pleased. No, of course, he could not make apparent these sentiments and instead he had this stone cold expression as always. But, deep down he was most amused and pleased by her careless attempt to scan him.

'Is something the matter?' asked in all seriousness, like he was not aware.

'Ohh noo' she smiled a little 'I was just thinking how dashing you would look as a penguin'

'A penguin?'

She nodded. 'Perhaps it is the color of your coat that-'

'Do you suggesting that I waddle, Miss Bennet?' he asked as though he was displeased.

She laughed. 'Perhaps you do, in your old age'

His laugh was warm, if someone could ever describe a laugh as warm, but that was what she felt when she heard him.

Hello everyone. I hope you like where the story is going. I am trying very hard to be consistent, so bare with me. Also, I'd really appreaciate if you comment and tell me your thoughts, because it's the only way that I know if you're enjoying this, because I didn't have any feedback from you for the previous chapter and I'd like to know if it isn't all for nothing hehe Love you all.