A/N: Hope you enjoy and all rights to respectful owners :) Any questions feel free to PM me.

After lunch Harry and the rest of the Slytherin second years headed down to the Dungeons for potions.
"So let me get this straight!" Harry said as they arrived at the classroom door. "That ponce let a bunch of Pixies lose in class?"
"Yep that is the short version." Draco said.
"Okay and why did the old fool thought it would be a good idea to hire that moron?" Daphne asked.
"It is him what do you think." Pansy said.
"That is true but it is obvious he a total fraud. For starters his books have obvious date overlaps. Because there is no way he has a time turner to cover them dates and distances as well. Oh and lets not get started on, letting Pixes lose in a classroom. Of second years with no briefing on how to deal with them." Daphne said.
The other Slytherin second years nodded in agreement.
"You filthy snake don't say that about him!" Granger screamed coming into view and over hearing them with Weasley.
"Oh look the beaver has a crush." Pansy teased causing the rest of the Slytherin second years to laugh
"Silence you filthy Snakes!" Weasley snapped.
"Or what Weasel maybe you should be silent. Or mommy will come take you out of school." Harry mocked.
"If you put another toe out of line." Draco said imitating the howler.
"Well at least my mother didn't abandoned me." Weasley said.
Harry just smirked. "You think I care about the filthy Mudblood professor Evans." Harry said coldly.
"How dare you!" Shrieked Granger
"Don't know why that touched a never Granger." Theo said.
"I'm just like her the most gifted person of my generation that is why!" Spat Granger.
This caused more laughing. "Granger I don't know if it slipped your mind but most of us beat you in our exams last term." Blaise said in an amused tone.
"Well that because your all inbred cheating Purebloods." She shirked.
None of them noticed Snape slipping out his Dungeon. "Weasley! Granger! 10 points each from Gryffindor and a nights detention. My word Weasley you really need to watch your toes." Snape said and Weasley flushed red but said nothing. The Slytherins however laughed harshly. After this Snape ordered them all into the Dungeons. Harry paired with Daphne at the front of the room.
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Snape set them to working on the sleeping draft. Tho it only took all of five minuets, for Longbottom to make his cauldron explode. Showering himself with a noxious concoction, and needing Finnegan the other pyrotechnic to take him to the hospital wing. This lost Gryffindor another 10 points. Tho the rest of the double period passed relatively quietly. Harry and Daphne both produced a potion that Snape deemed excellent. But when the bell rang and everybody was leaving the classroom Harry hung back. It was not tell the last person left the Dungeon tell Harry spoke.
"Yes Harry?"
"That prophecy the old fool mentioned last night. Do you know its contents?"
"I am not unfortunately. Last night was the first I learned of this myself. Tho I am assuming you would like to pay a quick visit to Malfoy manor?"
"You would be correct sir."
"Very well follow me." Snape said, Harry grabbed his bag and followed.
They arrived it Snape office and Harry left his bag on Snape's desk.
"Be quick less the old fool think to notice your gone."
Harry nodded and vanished into the floo.
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"Hello?" Harry called out.
"Through here." Harry called back.
Lucius came into view. "Harry what do I owe this pleasure?"
"I request the Dark Lords presence if he is here." Harry said.
Saying no more Lucius just nodded and led Harry to the Dark Lords office.
Harry knocked on the door. "Enter." Came the cool voice of Lord Voldemort.
Harry entered. "Harry my young friend what do I owe the pleasure of your visit do sit."
Harry bowed. "Thank you my Lord and the pleasure is all mine." Harry said taking a seat in front of him.
"My Lord I bring information that is to sensitive for a letter."
"Continue." Was all Voldemort said in his calm tone.
"In turns out I was right to banish James and Lilly from the Potter line they are alive."
"How did this come to pass?" Voldemort asked still calm.
"They had two people sacrifice them selves pretending to be them the night you tried to make the world a better place. They where willingly going to let me die just so little William could be trained to defeat you." Harry said.
"Who is this William?"
"Oh just their child. Apparently there was a prophecy made that foretold him to be the one to kill you. But they faked one to include me. This was the one Severus over heard in part and brought to you. Tho they tried to use the Potter name I quickly shut that down tho. Harry retold the story of the previous night. But they are now going by a filthy Mudblood name of Evans."
"It is what they deserve and they will be erased from History. Tho this information on a prophecy troubles me, I need to find out its contents. I need you to write to the hall of prophecy to see if their is a prophecy that in connected to you. If there is they will write back. If not they will ignore your letter and it will remain confidential. I trust you Harry so even if this Prophecy shows you could defeat me, I don't think you would."
"My Lord of course I would not."
"As I suspected of you." Voldemort said. "Now if there is one connected to you, that you can claim. Come here as soon as you can get away, and get Lucius to escort you.
"Of course my Lord."
"Very good now tell me has someone got the dairy yet?"
"Of course my Lord I had help from Daphne. But I only told her it will cause certain events to occur, as well as a certain person asked me to do this. It would of taken much longer if I did not have access to one of her private family elves." Harry explained.
"You have done well not to reveal anything that was not necessary. Tho the charming Miss Greengrass can be trusted with this information, by what I heared she can shield her mind very well. I take it if all goes to plan you would like her to share in any reward I choose to bestow to you."
"Yes my Lord."
"Loyalty to your own its a worthy trait and I shall grant this request."
"Thank you my Lord."
"Your thanks is not needed it is I who should be thanking you for doing this risky task. Now do tell me which poor soul has the pleasure of my dairy?"
"Oh the Weasley girl. I feel it does multiple things, discredits her fathers scum protection act even further, makes one of Dumbledore biggest supporting families get discredited and will hopefully force the old man out the school."
Voldemort smiled "A good choice Harry a very good choice."
"Thank you my Lord."
"You are quiet welcome. Now I think you should get back before you are missed. I am sure I shall see you soon."
Harry said a farewell, bowed and left the room heading back to school.

A/N: So slightly shorter chapter again but hope you enjoyed it :)